The Daily News-Journal from Murfreesboro, Tennessee (2024)

Murfreesboro, Tenn. A 30 Torment's TV Listings; SATURDAY EVENlNft CROSSWORD By THOMAS JOSEPH ACROSS 43 Head of 1 Bloke France Mill MUSES JL IE iLl-iD 1 A vi SEDATE On "en eQ? eir 111 Lii Af SQMJA EOS URALS TILDE EROT ja1farLjo1k1r A Yesterday's answer 9 More fit 1 1 Penn and Connery 1 5 Annoyance 1 9 Youngsters 21 Precious 24 Dupe 25 Spring sign 26 Bright 27 Bonkers 29 Takes care of 30 Thrilled 31 Located 33 Non-studio movie 37 Baylor setting 39 Turner or Cole 5 Sparklers 44 Golfer's 9 Caribbean resort 10 Harvests 12 Drill 13 Kate's pal 14 Night music 16 Writer Levin 17 Lingo suffix 18 Waste site 20 Blitz 22 Inning units 23 Precise 25 Atlas section 28 Deep singers 32 Go wild 34 Yale player 35 Ones with power 36 "Piece of cake!" 38 African grazer 40 Sticky stuff 41 Mideast peninsula 42 Played parts choice DOWN 1 Actress Undsay 2 Threw 3 Cain's brother 4 Contradictory statement 5 Neutral shades 6 Slippery one 7 Getty Museum setting 8 Inner sense STUMPED? 1 ij a T7 mmLmlmw 32 35 35 iT wmm -L-hI For C1J Movtw pVlt Tha B.rdcaoa (i9y6. Comet) fid W-t A tons jhawa ER -Happy: New EflWrtam- 3:47 a coup i WeiSlX Year" (jit i'S) Cjijl ujBgd ICommJntord BulW6nBLd CD ffl jaaTu Saturday 4gftUYt(S)i CZ3 3 Wnnma Candtd Uartaf Law "No Waikef, Tuaa Ntwa X-Filaa "Agua MaMf Amazon Camera Rargac "tea Bo (S) 1 1. "FT Tb22" L-Jjt iWintwtfwhttBacfchSU; tonfS) Program fIJ 7J 3 Man 4 Baby M0Vi: tt Frotl 1tea) Boring Boxrig AllQf Dart. (S Uva) JE Sopranoa (S) Pnnctp iTl iKaaptna Waiting lAsTime Chell lAuatin City Urmta iSesatona at Wsat tu7 "yggjgy Show; Anencan Up for Go8 Goaa By (S) Mth(S) -3- l01 Croatian Nawa Italian Franco Icaland Quabac Koraan iRuaatan" GrathNawa CZI 11 Sanior PGA GoH: MasterCard Oiampnc Coliega Baskatball: 6a.

Tacri at N.C. St Sportactntar I World Cup Smog CZ1 tttj MOVIE; Tfmof it; Aiiafthodu (19961 fS) MOyiTlridiana Jooaa and tha Tamp of Doym (1964) MQVt: a4Tha Fan (196) R1 f-n QG Ho (MOViE: Butty the Vampire Slayar iXana: Warrior IStar Trafc Voyagw lUotownUva Comady)KnsnfSwanson. lPG-ty Prtncaa js) "Brtt an Eye (S) tJ OS Df-JwnaaKannady toToochl HouroiPowaf (S)g Cabman J. Jacoba" Eastman RonUce Rock AI Cg? ift Daathol a Salesman MOVIE; tt What Draama May Coma Beggar-Chooaa Ruda LatajinT" Woman lrkk Fllpptf Destination Stardom Littta Man MOVIE: Young Pioneart (1976) Paid Paid fTTTl QE Bl3 BrM Is) M0VIE: A Drawn a Wth Your Haarl Total Racait 2070 Ili a Showtime at the NYPO Bhie Matiea: Tha Annetta Funicollo Story (1995) Apollo (S) "Raphaels Memo" 1 CEJ BoJ Fresh Pf, tucket Stellar Goaptl Muaic Awada (S) Nawa (Sj Bail MOVIE: at Tha Gala tj Gospel Jubilee CCMVidao Vcto- Hckay Van Impe Marriage Hotyland oidTima Fiah TV Paid CD WCW Saturday Night MOVIE: Tha Qmck and tha Daad (199S, Westefh) MOVIE; tut Navar Say Navar Again (1983. Aantufe) CU EvfY Which M0V1E; tat Bronco Btlly (I960) (S) MQVIE: Any Which Way You Can (1980) Random Random" JL.

M. Wfifd 1M0V1E; UP' UP Aay (2000) Up, Up and Away Famoua Mu So Watrd Jaraty Zorro Sdhv jLj. gti MQV'E: AcmaHour Bullwin- Dudley Dragon Sailor M. AniQd Ruyt Rugrtta AmandT" Eddta Poufela Lucy Lucy Lucy and Daai Uvtma Happy-eMotycydarUcing Icoltega Baakatball: Ora. at Wash, a FOX Sporta Nawa FOX Sporta Nawa FOX Sporta Nawa CJJ NFL NHl Hockay.

Boston Brmna at Fionda Panthert. (Lwe) Snowmobita Racing NHL NBA Tannia 30 Nonatop Country iNonatop Country BigTtckat Nooatop Country "Aiai Oackson" Jammin' Country C3 5fl Zandy'aBridaCont Opry Opfy Country Koma Georga Jonta (S) Opry 0pry Country Noma CT 100 Graataat Woman Utt 100 Songs Bahind tha Muaic (S) Carina Dion Muaic Vidaoa (S) Hard Rock Uva (S) Cal 33 Madd SparVtT Out tha Boi Comicviaw LivaFromLA MOVIE: tVi I Spy Raturna (1994) C3 34 ChriatinaAguilara'tFavorrta Vidaoa (S) Road Graan Graan Cataority Catabrity Catoorit7 M'AS'H H'A'S-H ImxS'H M'A'S'H MarTiad, Marriad-. Toughman Wld. MOVIE: ttVt Breaking Point (1994) C3 Pfe- Myt MOVIE: ttt To Catch a Thiat (1955) MOVIE: at Out ot Sicfrt (1966) Prat. AnaJyat fjfi Surviving tha Gama MOVIE: ata Dia Hard (1988, Suspense) Bfuca Willis.

MOVIEnhrH Sudden Impact (1983) 39 Storm Warning! Wild Discovery Sciancaot Magic Juatica Filat Naw Oetectivea Wiid Diacovary 4j Animal AnimaJ WildMa Wildiife Championship Dog Shows Breed wadlifa Wtldiila Dog Shows Lovf Chf0niclM Biography: Curtis Live by Request Starring tha Eurythmica Top 10 Biography: Curtis 3 42 MOVIE: rntVi Cruel Doubt (1992, Drama) Bythe Danner. Cont'd Oh Baby Goidcn Any Day Now (S) MOVIE: Last Rites CI 43 Balloons Hut ory Undercover Wrath ot God Suicide Missions True Action History Undercover JTT1 fjj Auction Collect Home Decorat- Room Room Interiors Bed-Bath Home Decor at- Room Room C3 45 Critical incdnt Supermodels Supertwina Triplets, Quads, and Mora Supermodela Supertwins dill B8 Weird Weekends MOVIE: eh The Two Jakes (1950) Jack Nicholson. MOVIE: Caught (1996) Two-CZ3 MOVIE: Vi Within the Rock (1996) MOVIE: eft RoboCop 3 (1993) MOVIE: Within the Rock IS Celebrity Profile ln Your Draama True H'wood Wild On Wild On Search Search G3 gj De'ta (S) Grade Emergency oTagnet Adam-12 Griffith Leave Honeyrn-Sanford A-Team C3 so Ben Stein Ben Stein Presents Presents Pulp Presents South Premium Man MOVIE: tt'h Booty Can (1997) CSH S3 "9 MOVE: Daybreak (1993) MOVIE; ttt Clueteaa (1995) (S) mside tha Na (S) Norma Jean rT7T62 Hostages MOVIE: Rock tha Boat (1998) Positively True Adventures MOVIE: Lata Bloomers (1996) (S) 'NR1 This Sea Tlft Small Soldiers IGn(1989)(S)'R'X Darkman Ul: Pit Darkman Dia Hot Line Different Strokaa rTl 4 Where-ls MOVIE: Executive Power (1997) M0VIE: tft Switchback (1997) (S) 'R' MOVIE: ttt Nuts (1987) BarDra Stretsand. fT3Tl gg MOVIE: Swept From tha Sea (1997) MOVjiTaft Knock Off (1998) R' MOVIE: tt Twilight (1998) Paul Newman. End-'(TFji The River Wild (S) MOVIE: She's All That (1999) MOVIE: Pleasantvilla (1998) Tobey Magutre.

True Vengeance" "gjia" rsfT Gulliver's Travels MOVIE; Gulliver's Travels (1996) 'PG' Gaither Home. Swans CeCea Tha Muppet Movie ffl The Parent Trap MOVIE: Before and After (1996) (S) Halloween; Curaa-Michaaf MOVIE: Bound by Honor (1993) t4 i I Jflj T3 ri18 f- ml-J. "i 3 ifj -H 5T Lr- jzs a wmm mrn iJ I 1 1 Horoscope Saturday, Jan. 22 The year ahead can be a time vvhen ambitions can be fulfilled and your social needs gratified. This could bring about long term improvements in your basic lifestyle.

AQUARIUS (Jam 20-Feb. 19) Putting your heads together with two different friends might prove worthwhile today in helping you sort out an important decision with which you're confronted. Seek them out. PISCES (Feh. 20-March 20) You're apt to fare better today than you might tomorrow with any material concerns.

If you have an important financial arrangement to transact, try to do so now. ARIES (March 21-AprU 19) What you have going for you today is your excellent foresight, so if you act upon it properly, you should be able to lay out plans that will prove to be quite fortuitous. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Listen to your heart today when it comes to issues that involve (hose who are near and dear to you. Chances are your intuitive concerns will steer your actions correctly. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Hopes and wishes can only become realities when they are acted upon in a positive, productive manner.

If you apply yourself towards these ends, this could be a successful day. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Lady Luck could be instrumental in giving you an edge today, especially where finances are involved. If you sense her presence, reach for what you can. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Listen carefully today to suggestions or advice offered you today, because there is a strong possibility someone will provide you with a constructive slant on something important to you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22) Where you share a vested interest with another, there are some benefits to be made today. Your lead might come from a normally hidden source. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.

23) Several pleasant experiences could be in the offing for you today through involvements you have with associates on both a professional and social level. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov. 22) Opportunities for advancement involving your work or career could come about today through two different sources. One might come from a personal effort, the other from a second party. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

23-Dec. 21) Lady Luck tends to favor your endeavors today, particularly with your social affairs. The spirit of good fellowship is the catalyst for good fortune. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19) Don't let any grass grow under your feet today if you see a way to better your base position in life.

Something fortuitous could come to you through a remote engagement. 1-22 answers to today crossword call 1-900-454-73771 99c per minute, touch-tonerotary phones. (18 only.) A King Features service, NYC. Bridce Take care for success Sammo works as cabbie during vacation Nona a 4 I I 2 A I 71 Weat East 10 9 AT I 7 i i 8 a 10 I KQ JI7H an 4 io i i SovUi A I A II IS A 4 Vulnerable: Neither Dealer East g4, Wcat NartJi Eaai a DM. I Pui Paaa 4a I Paaa All paaa Opening lead: a 10 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE AT www.


Ht Vi (III JACK timHT9 PLAZA a By hill ip Alder Syndicated columnist If you were sitting South in today's deal, you would probably congratulate yourself on the excellent bidding. You did well to overcome East's preemptive opening. However, after winning trick one with dummy's diamond ace, you play off your two top trumps and learn that you must lose a spade trick. Twelve easy tricks have suddenly disappeared. In addition to the trump trick, you are also faced with a diamond loser, and there's the club finesse to consider.

How would you continue? As the advancer of South's takeout double, North cue-bid to show a suitable hand for game. In addition, he wanted South to suggest a major. South jumped to five spades both to show his extra strength and to try to indicate that he had two fast diamond losers. Getting the mes sage, North went on to six. Note that six spades is the right spot; six hearts must fail here.

After the diamond ace and two top trumps, it is time to switch to hearts. And when West shows up with four of them, you can discard your diamond loser. Now you can avoid relying on the club finesse as long as you ruff dummy's diamond loser. (This is wrong only if East started with eight diamonds, but then he probably would have opened four diamonds, not three.) You continue with a trump to dummy's queen, then you call for the last heart, discarding a club. If West ruffs, he must lead a club away from the king.

So, let's assume he discards. However, that only delays the evil moment. You exit with dummy's final trump, discarding another club from hand. West is ehdplayed for sure now. Check Advances Borrow $200 Payback $200 Car Titles 0 Interest For 30 days for first time customer.

-Q95-644G (Cr0 tt SrM4 St aad Vumpm Urn.) a 8:00 P.M. r'iiVJ rj Martial Law Sammo can't take it easy during his forced vacation and works as a cab driver while helping Terrell, Grace and Amy chase a jewel thief. (In Stereo) Effi (1:00) 7:00 P.M. rSTCl MOVIE "The Birdcage" (1996) Robin Williams, Gene Hackman. A son's engagement throws a kink into a gay couple's life.

(In Stereo) OS (3:00) CI9 GO Cops Police question a suspect who allegedly attacked his mother and brother when they turned off the TV. (In Stereo) (PA) 33 Ol MOVIE "Jack Frost" Michael Keaton. rraa ffl MOVIE "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1992) Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland. A high-school cheerleader wages war against the undead. (2:00) I rjs MOVIE "What Dreams May Come" Robin Williams.

rl Qa MOVIE "ADeam Is a Wish Your Heart Makes: The Annette Funicello Story" (1995) Eva LaRue, Annette Funicello. Based upon the life of the popular actress and entertainer. (2:00) Stellar Gospel Muaic Awards Hosted by CeCe Winans and Steve Harvey. Performances by Kirk Franklin and the Nu Nation, Dottie Peoples, Fred Hammond and Radical for Christ, John P. Kee and New Life Community Choir.

(Taped) (In Stereo) (2:00) G33 ffl MOVIE "Bronco Billy" Clint Eastwood. C21 rj3 College Basketball Oregon at Washington State. (Uve) (2:00) CS1 List "100 Greatest Songs of Rock Roir (R) (In Stereo) (1:00) eg MOVIE "To Catch a Thief Cary Grant. Fl gg MOVIE "Die Hard" Bruce Willis. tzzm Wild Discovery "An Animal's World; The African Elephant" The African elephant, the world's -largest living land animal, communicates using low-pitched sounds and pays homage to the bones of Its dead.

(1:00) Wildlife Emergency An eagle, seen falling from the sky, Is treated for a deep neck wound. (R) CEEJ' US Biography "Jamie Lee Curtis: Hollywood's Girl Next Door" Persona! Interviews help chronicle the rise of actress Jamie Lee Curtis, the daughter of Tony Curtis Janet -Leigh. (R) 2D (1:00) rrei 43 History Undercover The Spanish flu killed millions worldwide in 1918, devastating country after country with terrifying quickness. (R) S3 (1 :00) us Secret World of Supermodels Models discuss the pressures of the industry; fashion designers discuss their relationship with "name" models. (R) (1:00) crasi MOVIE "The Two Jakes" (1 990) Jack Nicholson, Harvey Keitei.

A private eye investigates a crime of passion. (2:30) In Your Dreams Singer Mark McGrath talks to an ambitious band; an aspiring reporter meets Jules Asner; Jon Lovitz helps a new comic. (R) (1:00) arm fJo Comedy Central Presents Comic Todd Barry performs. (R) dl MOVIE "Next of Kin" Patrick Swayze. arm ffl MOVIE "She's AH Thar Freddie Prinze Jr.

-fm MOVIE "Gulliver's Travels" (1 996) (Part 2 of 2) Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen. Gulliver encounters the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos. (2:00) rrm 55 MOVIE "Switchback" (1997) Dennis Quaid, Danny Glover. An FBI agent helps a Texas sheriff nab a serial killer. (In Stereo) 3 (2:00) 1 gg MOVIE "Knock Off" Jean-Claude Van Damme.

6:30 P.M. fH3 Comedy Central Presents Comic Lewis Black performs. (R) 6:45 P.M. C2) CD Boxing Boxing After Dark. Shane Mosley vs.

Willy Wise in a scheduled 10-round welterweight fight; Vernon Forrest vs. Vince Phillips in a scheduled 12-round welterweight bout. From Las Vegas. (In Sterao Live) 3D (2:00) rjs MOVIE "Pleasantville" Tobey Maguire. 9:00 P.M.

CEJ Walker, Texas Ranger Carlos' innocent nephew is forced to confess to the murder of a Dallas polico officer, or the youth's mother will be killed. (R) (In Stereo) 033 (1:00) tTTSTi fjg Xena: Warrior Princess Eli tries to overthrow the gods by battling Ares; Xena learns the identity of her' baby's father. (In Stereo) SC (1 :00) 16 Beggars and Choosers Politicians blame "The Mountainmen" TV show for a violent accident; Rob and Cecife visit a fertility doctor; Casey takes a big career step. (R) (In Stereo) BE (1:00) CZH EC MOVIE "Young Pioneers" (1976) Linda Purl, Roger Kern. A couple homestead in the Dakota wilderness.

(2:00) Ed MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" Clint Eastwood. ffm eS George Jones George Jones hosts and performs with country singers Terri Clark, Charley Pride and Ricky Van Shelton. (R) (In Stereo) IS (1:00) C3 Celine Dion: All the Way -A Decade of Music Celine Dion is Joined by Gloria Estefan and 'N Sync as she performs hits from Radio City Music Hall in New York. (R) (In Stereo) (1:00) G3 MOVIE "Out of Sight" Jonathan Daly. 751 HO Justice Files Though most female murderers kill people they know, some attack strangers in a pure frenzy.

(R) G3 Suicide Missions Coming to the aid of wounded soldiers is often the most dangerous Job on a battlefield, but one faced routinely by the military medical corps. (R) (1 :00) 0 Wild On Host Brooke Burke ventures to the wildest places in Rome to enjoy the night life and culture. (1 fftgi Ml South Park A popular film festival is slated to come to town; Kyle gets another visit from Mr. Hankey. (R) (SI 01 MOVIE "Darkman III: Die Darkman Die" Arnold Vosloo.

E3 BE MOVIE "Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers" (1995) Donald Pleasence, Mitch Ryan. The demonic slasher carves up more victims in Haddonfield. (In Stereo) 2E (1:30) 9:10 P.M. 3 HI Famous Jett Jackson The tabloids turn Jett's failure to make the football team into front page news. (R) 9:20 P.M.

CO 23 MOVIE "Never Say Never Again" Sean Connery. 9:30 P.M. Snowmobile Racing Snocross World Championship. From Deadwood, S.D. (Taped) (1 :00) Breed: All About ft German shepherds, originally bred to herd, have become versatile.

(R) Bfi MOVIE "Caught" (1996) Edward James Oimos, Maria Conchita Alonso. A drifter awakens desire in a merchant's neglected wife. Highlights tt IE MOVIE "Before and After" (1996) Meryl Streep, (Jam Neeson. Two parents seek the truth in a crime Involving their son. (In Stereo) 7:05 P.M.

E3 rm MOVIE "The Quick and the Dead" Sharon Stone. 7:30 P.M. rwi rj NBA Basketball Regional Coverage Indiana Pacers at Philadelphia 76ers or Portland Trail Blazers at Los Angeles Lakers. (In Stereo Uve) 3B (2:30) rj Candid Camera A video store that charges by the number of people watching the rental; a hotel room with an unusual minibar. (In Stereo) JC CB Cops A victim fights off his assailant using martial arts; police respond to an ugly domestic dispute.

(R) (in Stereo) (PA) 33 Wildlife Emergency An owl's wing is damaged; orphaned raccoons; a box turtle is hit by a car. (R) CTI rj3 Comedy Central Presents Comic Dave Attell performs. (R) P.M.- G3 eg MOVIE "Up, Up and Away" Michael J. Pagan, fcrnfl fj America's Most Wanted: America Fights Back Scheduled: In the information age, celebrities and others must guard their privacy against overzealous, high-tech scrutiny. (In Stereo) OE (1:00) Q33 College Basketball Georgia Tech at North Carolina State.

(Live) (2:00) G3 rjg MOVIE Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984) Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw. lndy squares off against bloodthirsty Indian cultists. (In Stereo) DO (2:30) (ft) Little Men Asia considers leaving Plumfield after her elderly aunt gives her a restaurant. (R) BE (1:00) 123 S3 Ryman Country Homecoming Performances by Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Glen Campbell, B.J. Thomas, Crystal Gayle and others.

(R) (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 2 OS (1:00) fffl rj Science of Magic White magicians may keep their secrets close to their vests, most tricks have their basis in rudimentary science. (R) (1 :00) OH National Championship Dog Shows Finals Twenty dogs in each breed compete for group honors and the grand champion title. From Cleveland. (R) (1:30) aTTHTl rj Live by Request Starring the Eurythmics The rock duo the Eurythmics performs songs from viewers' requests via telephone, fax and the Internet (R) (In Stereo) (2:00) CD Wrath of God: Disasters in America "Firestorms: Nature Out of Control" An 1 871 fire in Wisconsin that killed one third of its citizens; the deaths of 13 smoke Jumpers in 1949; 1991 Oakland Hills fires. (R) SB (1:00) CO S3 Supertwins Triplets, Quads, and More Following five women expecting multiple births and profiles of triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets in various stages of life.

(R) (2:00) rra rj7 MOVIE "RoboCop 3" (1993) Robert John Burke, Nancy Allen. RoboCop champions poor tenants faced with eviction. (2:00) '0 True Hollywood Story Child actor Jay North had anything but a carefree life while starring in the TV series "Dennis foe Menace," enduring mental and physical abuse. (R) (1 :00) CZ1 Pulp Comics With comic-actor Scott Thompson. (R) CZJ MOVIE "Clueless" Alicia Siiverstone.

Deadlines Partyline: Partyline items run on Sunday. These must be submitted in writing to the News Journal office, NOT to the home of Kathy Hoover. Deadline is each Tuesday at noon. However, Partyline items run on a space available basis. Because of space restrictions, only birthday parties for someone celebrating 80 years or more can be included in the column.

Beauty pageant stories must be submitted in writing and can only include information about local winners. There will be only one story in Partyline concerning any particular pageant and its winners. Contestants in pageants will not be listed, nor will their sponsors or requests for sponsors. Photos submitted to Party line cannot be returned. Birth announcements: Accepted up to two months after the child's birth.

Announcement cards are available at the front desk to be filled out and handed in. These run on Tuesdays on a space-available basis. Buying or Selling Colt Me! Diana Collier MOUon Dollar Saks Chib I Associates 100 Raal Ettata Sarvtcs 1302 Maple StnttW75 rrr CRAZY IN ALABAMA Ml 'FIGHT CLUB THREE KINGS BRINGING OUT THE DEAD 1 P0KEM0N DOGMA lull DOUBLE JEOPARDY .8:184:48.

The Daily News-Journal from Murfreesboro, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.