The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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12C THECHARLOTTE OBSERVER Thurs Feb 2 1978 The r7c guile Page IPeopite Edited By Betty Work Ryan Vs Hollywood A Loveless Story Got a problem? Something needs incesti gating? all Tell-It Line We tell It straight Our lines are open 24 hours dails and se accept collect calls from the Carolinas Tell-It Line 4 7 Got a problem? Something needs incesti gating? all Tell-It Line We tell It straight Our lines are open 24 hours dails and ste accept collect calls from the Carolinas I'm looking for a self-propelled bicycle for a young man crippled since birth Can you help me? DM Rock Hill I f' 1'I? 4 y'' A- i 4)- 1 11 4 I I 1 i 4 i t' fr ''y i )1 A lf 1 I 1 UPI PI1010 I Murray Dawson a marketing representative for General Engines Co in Sewell NJ has good news His company markets a battery-powered attachment that propels two- or three-wheel bicycles You can also buy a bike and attachment together The attachment costs from $117 to $208 Both bike and attachment run from $270 to $525 Dawson says he'll need more information to determine what model is best for your friend For example Dawson needs to know how much your friend can use his legs where he will ride and his age Call Dawson toll-free at (800) 257-7955 9 am to 4' pm weekdays Last year you printed information on how to send valentines to friends by way of Loveland Colo The postmaster there cancels the letter with a Loveland post mark and stamps a valentine verse on the envelope Would you run that information again? AO Spindale NC If you thought Ryan O'Neal would be in the "Love Story" sequel think again And you probably heard he would star in the remake of that 1931 classic "The Champ" He won't Ryan said he would be in both movies but backed out And if you think his name is mud in Hollywood right now you're right The official explanation from MGM on why Ryan dropped out of "The Champ" was "creative and artistic differences" But columnist Marilyn Beck says she knows differently The real fact of the matter studio sources told her is that Ryan insisted his 11-year-old son Griffin be signed for the old Jackie Cooper part No dice they said Meanwhile over at Paramount they're really in a pickle trying to find a new Oliver in time to start filming "Oliver's Story" on schedule later this month They're considering Peter Strauss John Herd and Keith Carradine but Ryan's definitely on the outs even though he has said "They couldn't make the movie without me" Oh yes we can says producer David Picker: "There's no way we are going to use Ryan O'Neal" A Paramount source adds: "We made O'Neal a star with the original 'Love Story' and rather than put up with him now we'll take another unknown and make him a star and hope he'll be able to handle stardom better" They're All Sweethearts President Carter's a real sweetie Rosalynn thinks so and so do the editors of Forum a "journal of human relations" published by Penthouse magazine The magazine put him right at the top of a Valentine's Day list of the nation's "10 Most Celebrated Lovers" Isn't that enough to make you blush? "The chief executive epitomizes the over that? For heaven's sake Markham only charges $55 for a silly old haircut Somewhere There's 1 Rhett Word from Hollywood is Jackie Bisset and Nick Nolte have the inside track to get the roles of Scar lett O'Hara and Ashley Wilkes in the "Gone with the Wind" sequel But Universal Studios is still search ing near and far for the new Rhett But ler If there's someone as irresistible as Clark Gable out there they're deter mined to find him Frankly my dear we doubt they will Etas: The Wortirs lien) The Christmas crowds at Madame Tussaud's wax museum picked Elvis Presley as history's biggest hero and Ugandan dictator Idi Amin as the biggest villain The popularity-unpopularity poll is taken each Christmas at the famous London tourist attraction Previous "winners" were Joan of Arc and Adolf Hitler Ironically the wax museum hasn't got a statue of either Elvis or Amin Elvis will be added this year There are no plans to include Amin Here There Erervithere Muhammad Ali is suing Playgirl magazine for $4 million because of an artist's picture that appeared in the Feb ruary issue The nude picture was entitled "Mystery Man" but Ali says it looks like him He says he feels ridiculed Comedian Carol Burnett says she has managed to stay popular on TV so long (nearly 20 years) by identifying with her audience "People are constantly coming up to me and saying 'You look just like my Aunt Phoebe'" There are very few rich people in Hollywood movie producer Bob Evans says Lots of folks look rich he says "but you'll find it hard to uncover anyone who's not mortgaged up to his neck" Elvis's Fiancee in Film film will play the part of the country-rock singer Eli Camp field Ed Parker a former Presley bodyguard also will appear in the movie Ginger Alden (center) fiancee of the late Elvis Presley has signed a contract to co-star in a movie titled "Living Legend" Earl Owens-by (left) president of EO Corp of Shelby which will produce the love of a husband for his wife" ex plained Forum editor Albert Freed man "They have been married over 31 years which isn't peanuts" We've gotten several calls so here it is again: Address and stamp your valentines to the people who'll receive them Put those envelopes in a larger en velope or box and mail to Henry Porter Postmaster ))))) )))) US Post Office Loveland 2)dio Colo 80537 Attention: )) Valentines When your valentines arrive in Loveland postal workers stamp the valen tine with this verse: "Dan Cupid is in hot pur- suit Of love that's everlasting klAi And since your heart is No Of course it's you he's 1 asking" Your valentines will be na and rock singer Elton John Why Split Hairs Orer Hollywood hairstylist Jim Markham counts Peter Lawford among his movie-star clients Or at least he did until recently "I'd cut his hair and he said angrily: 'You didn't cut it the same this time I don't like it It's a shame you can't put the hair you cut back on' Can you imagine getting lathered up Ex-football player Joe Namath was No 2 on the Valentine list followed by actors Burt Reynolds and Jack Nicholson former baseball player Joe Di-Maggio prizefighter Ken Norton actors Warren Beatty and Omar Sharif California Angels pitcher Frank Tana forwarded The verses changed every year since the service began in 1947 have become collector's items says Porter Incident ly there must be a lot of sweethearts in Charlotte Porter says last year was the second consecutive year he received more letters from Charlotte than any other city about 15000 Young At Art Thanks for all your calls and letters Though we can't acknowledge every request we do consider each and publish the most interesting or helpful Senior Forum His Plan Backfired '7''''': Via I- :4 it 4 -'-'f- 1 0P: li-! :4 it's'''' i -1' 4 6:::: ti 1' 0 CiiTli4110 4: 4: -i 1 44kel i--' 4 i :4 I -t -q: (--- -4 i'' 1' 44041 ''4: 411' --742k it' 4 '''''s :1 -431'': If' r' lt t- '5: '4 44 't-6 0 A': At fit: t4 ic -'1' 4 1444: 4 4I1 '411711444'-ir7 4 -20--es-44 INA :06 42 0004msAwmtm 444iksk't'4V-: 't45' '141'' 1: A i 4 I 1-- i t- 7't 'i'44 i-' 4: "4 i' 'fc''' iiVi9- ry 1'-: tr 77-7777: 4''' tipt --010- 1-1' :1 44o'ktMt'- I 4 41ti -4 t-r 1 k'' Or i sN 1 "I 1: -'144: '4e T' 'k7 t' t'l i i'''': foott--q: 4 rit1fr--1-N: vr 1' lietAim tr By PAUL HIGHTOWER When I retired I wanted my finances set up so my wife would be protected if I died first So I divided our assets and put them in three joint savings accounts All accounts were labeled "andor" so the survivor could Let all the money But my wife died first and I had the three accounts put in my name I had no trouble doing this But a month ago my wife's will was discovered She left all she owned to her sister This sister and her husband now are threatening to sue me for half the savings accounts saying the money is legally theirs What do you think? A I think it makes a good plot for a novel All sorts of legal angles are involved the date on your wife's will the authority of the bank to give you the money and the will's authenticity You could go to a bank officer with the problem but you might be smarter to talk to a lawyer first Wills are a blessing to retired people But they can really stir up mischief when a person secretly makes a will leaving assets to anybody he or she pleases Observer Photos By ALLEN CULPEPPER Billy Graham Students Show Their Stull -eeP7rP7-7" 0: "t74i': t1 16 4:7 1 I If youth is wasted on the young talent sure isn't These entries in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg junior high and high school art competition show that Sponsored by Washburn Graphics Inc and Knight Publishing Co the competition drew the best from painting to soft sculpture "Bum" (above) a photograph by Frank Williamson a senior at East Mecklenburg High won a blue ribbon John Shelton's "Lima Jean Settin Loose" (top left) is a meticulously done soft sculpture Shelton is a junior at Myers Park High "A Bridge in Snow" (left) by Jeri Allison a East Mecklenburg senior won the $100 Purchase Award from Washburn Graphics The art is on exhibit free through Feb 10 at NCNB Plaza 9 am to 5 pm Monday-Thursday and 9 am to 6 pm Friday and at Knight from 8 am to 8 pm daily 4fir 0k--77 0 i 0' ('' 4-: 4 1 f--c i '''o'Postst )41 i --11f 1 k1 41" '7''i' -i ii t' i' i i 0 4 l' '0 r' '''''''14f H- 'i1' II :1 li l' -c 4 I '34 tql rk '''t! 'i-: T': ''''i Nt :4 V4'' It'--- lit i l': 311- Don't Sian With Genesis I just started reading the Bible and find It hard to believe some things in Genesis Can you help me? A If you've never read the Bible you may have a hard time with Genesis Start somewhere else Genesis is important but it's better understood after reading other parts of the Bible Start with the gospel of John which will give you an understanding of Jesus Christ the center of the Bible When you understand the center you'll more easily understand the rest You didn't mention specific problems with Genesis but I imagine they have to do with supposed contradictions between Genesis and modern science This is a difficult subject to treat briefly You might want to get some Christian books about this subject I'm convinced there's no conflict between Genesis and science I know many scientists who are devout believers and have no problem accepting Genesis The opening chapters of Genesis weren't just written to satisfy our scientific curiosity They were written to teach us important truths They tell us we were created by God for a purpose but sin has broken our relationship with God This is why the New Testament is so important It tells us how we can come back to God through Jesus Christ Books Run Gamut From Crime To Comas Peanuts MONARCH OF DEADMAN BAY ()115 pages) PANTHER (IBS pages) SOURCE OF THE THUNDER (18) pages) Be Roger Cares New York Penguin $195 each Stan Brennan Paperbachs I Stan Brennan 4e Paperbachs BIGGS: THE WORLD'S MOST WANTED MAN By Cohn MacKenzie New York: Avon 790 pages SL95 On Aug 8 1963 19 men robbed about 87 million from England's Royal Mail Train Ronald Biggs who got 8442000 was the only gang member convicted and was sentenced to 30 years He escaped and has been running from Scotland Yard since The planning robbery escape and chase from London to Paris Panama Sydney Caracas and Rio de Janeiro are all in this fascinating account of what some call the "crime of the century" On Aug 8 1963 19 men robbed about 87 mil from England's Royal Mail Train Ronald Biggs who 8442000 was the only gang member convicted and sentenced to 30 years He escaped and has been rum from Scotland Yard since The planning robbery es( and chase from London to Paris Panama Caracas and Rio de Janeiro are all in this fascina account of what some call the "crime of the century' the list Or the nine shortest-running national television series? From one to 17 days There are nearly 400 lists on every subject imaginable In this entertaining collec tion Some is trivia but all is absolutely fun to read COMA By Robin Cook NOW York: Stoner 309 pages 8250 Cook a Boston ophthalmologist and clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School lends his expertise to this suspense novel but writes for the layman A medical student looks for explanations when so-called "minor surgery" patients don't wake up due to a traceless error in anesthesia The characterizations make it too easy to spot the villian but it's still a good fastpaced medical thriller COMA By Robin Cook New York: Signet 309 pages 8250 Cook a Boston ophthalmologist and clinical inst tor at Harvard Medical School lends his expertise to suspense novel but writes for the layman A medical dent looks for explanations when so-called "minor gery" patients don't wake up due to a traceless err( anesthesia The characterizations make it too east spot the villian but it's still a good fastpaced me( thriller Three novels about animal life and the environment based on fact adroitly blended with imagination Monarch follows a gigantic brown bear from birth to death on Kodiak Isand Alaska Panther is the story of a panther in the Florida Everglades and Source is the biography of a California condor as it attempts to survive natural and man-made hazards Caras writes so well about wildlife and the land you can read the three nov'els back-to-back without getting bored VOYAGE Es Sterling Hayden New York: Avon 694 pages $250 At the center of three strands of narrative is the maiden voyage of Neptune's Car a steel square-rigger Bound from Maine to San Francisco it attempts to rouud Cape Horn Its crew consists of shanghaied derelicts ana Its cargo a load of coal threatens to burst into flame Actor Ilayden had his master's sailing papers by the time he was 21 made the first of many global voyages by 24 His respect for the sea and ships and his understanding of beamen comes through in his first novel a rousing sea adventure STAN BRENNAN is on Observer assistant metropotitan editor THE GLORY BOYS By Gerald Seymour New York: Fawcett 302 pages WS IT LOCKS A 00OP PAY (74 I i 1 II i I I 1111 I 1 i I 1 1 TJ-t ti 1 il IT LOCKS LIKE -WHAT PO you MEAN A 00CP PAYJ A GOOP DAY I I 1 IT i 1 I a 1 -1-' i r--- I 1 LI 11 1 iC" 0C11 I I I i 11 'I I illi 1 -4 I II I '11? 51 to 1 36 give i I i I -i 1 I i 1 I 1 i 1 I 1 I) i 1 i 1 i15 RAINING IT'S fiT15 A GOOD I)AY WINNIT'S COLD! 1C'1E3E CRAC3f3Y I t) 1 -T- 3 4 r) 0 64 0 1 A tN 111 I IP 4 -4 110 Amok" I i THE BOOK OF LISTS By David Wanancninskv Irving Walla' and Amy Wallace Now York: Bantam S44 gages $250 THE BOOK OF LISTS By David Wagencbinskv Irving Wallace and Wallace Now York: Bantam 544 gages $250 The Irish Republican Army vs the British is the basis for another first-rate Seymour thriller An IRA agent teams with a Palestinian Arab to assassinate an Israeli nuclear scientist who's visiting London A professional British killer is assigned to track them down Seymour used the IRA-British background in Harry's Game (also available In Fawcett paperback) and writes equally well In this novel of political murder Want to know Clifford Irving's picks of the 10 best forgers of all time? He ranks himself ninth with his "autobiography" of Howard Hughes How about Orson Welles's choice of the 12 best movies of all time? Chaplin's "City Lights" Is first "Citizen Kane" didn't make Want to know Clifford Irving's picks of the 10 forgers of all time? He ranks himself ninth with "autobiography" of Howard Hughes How about 01 Welles's choice of the 12 best movies of all time? Cl lin's "City Lights" Is first "Citizen Kane" didn't it Al '14 4 06011 AIWAb41kalk04-11 dhooltiaaolii06-0400ass4alif6" Aikerre0401oweeatesehmeregbeeHeakereiesemehoi.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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