The Joe Costello Show: A Conversation with Jazz Great, Papa John DeFrancesco (2024)

Aug 7, 2020

I sat down with my dear friend, the great Hammond B3 organist,Papa John DeFrancesco.

When I first starting exploring the music scene in Phoenix, AZafter moving here in 2004, I came across this cool club calledBobby C's near downtown Phoenix.

On Sundays, they would serve the most amazing Southern food andthey had Papa John and band playing jazz that I hadn't heard sinceI left New York City. Papa John, if you haven't already guessed, isthe father of the great organist Joey DeFrancesco.

Papa John and I took to each other right away and he used to letme sit in and we became life long friends. When the drum chairopened up with his band, I got the call and we've been playingtogether ever since.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with this beautiful personand amazing jazz organist. He's a treasure and I'm honored to callhim a friend and mentor.

Connect with Papa John DeFrancesco:

Personal Facebook Page:

Facebook Fan Page:

Papa John's CDs:

"Desert Heat" -

"All in the Family" -

"Comin' Home" -

"Big Shot" -

"A Philadelphia Story" -

"Hip Cake Walk" -

"Walkin Uptown" -

"Jumpin'" -

"Doodlin" -

Podcast Music By: Andy Galore,Album: "Out and About", Song: "Chicken & Scotch" 2014

Andy's Links:

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Papa John: Right now, I'm praying.

Joe: Hey, everybody, welcome to the JoeCostello show. I'm really happy that you're here and you are givingme your ears and listening to the podcast. I have a very specialdear friend, special guest, amazing jazz musician, my dear friend,Papa John DeFrancesco. Welcome, Papa John. How are you doing,man?

Papa John: Yes, I'm doing good, I'm talking toyou.

Joe: So

Papa John: My

Joe: Nice

Papa John: Main

Joe: To see your

Papa John: Man.

Joe: Face there.

Papa John: Good to see you, Joe.

Joe: Yeah, man, so how are you doing?

Papa John: Then.

Joe: How are you doing?

Papa John: I'm doing good, Joe. Every day is abetter day. Man.

Joe: That's good, yeah.

Papa John: I got the say Angel me so she's

Joe: I

Papa John: Like.

Joe: Know, I know

Papa John: Putting up with my crap

Joe: You

Papa John: The.

Joe: And you're doing

Papa John: The.

Joe: Some swimming, right? You're stayingcool.

Papa John: Yeah, in the past, we had

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: A big bathtub

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Man,

Joe: Is it warm?

Papa John: The pool was like ninety seven maneighty nine the other day.

Joe: Oh, my gosh.

Papa John: I know you when you first go in, youcool off

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: And then you get warm.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: And then you come out and you'recool for about 30 seconds.

Joe: Welcome to Arizona.

Papa John: Is beautiful that.

Joe: Yeah, so, man, I'm really excited, I wantto give my own quick sort of history of you and I and and then andthen I want to kind of go back to where you started and how we bothactually had similar influences with our our fathers being

Papa John: I

Joe: Musicians

Papa John: Saw that

Joe: And stuff.

Papa John: In.

Joe: Yeah. Yeah. So for me, so I moved to Imoved to Arizona, Scottsdale, Arizona in two thousand four, didn'treally know what the scene was, did and didn't play much, didn't goout to do anything. And then all of a sudden I heard about thiscool place called Bobby C's

Papa John: Oh, my God, that was the place,man.

Joe: Yeah, and I walk in the door and it's justall Southern cooking and you're behind the B3 and you have allthese great musicians playing with you. And I just say, WOW!. And Ithink we started making it a Sunday ritual that we would go thereevery Sunday

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: And hang out.

Papa John: You

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Were there

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: With

Joe: And

Papa John: Their

Joe: Then

Papa John: Brother.

Joe: And everybody was nice enough to somepoint I got to sit in and then I got to got to sit in a little bitmore and

Papa John: We

Joe: Then

Papa John: To talk.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: And

Joe: We

Papa John: You

Joe: Had.

Papa John: Would never say you were a drummerwhen I found that out. Get your butt off your back.

Joe: I was keeping it on the down low, therewas a lot of

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: Great players there. I didn't want to, youknow,

Papa John: Your

Joe: I wanted

Papa John: Great

Joe: That

Papa John: Player,

Joe: Just

Papa John: Joe.

Joe: Thanks man. That means a lot coming fromyou, as you know.

Papa John: Now we play, I tell you what, Ienjoy working with the.

Joe: Well, thank

Papa John: You're

Joe: You.

Papa John: You're you're one of the very fewpeople you played music with that listen.

Joe: Well, thank

Papa John: You

Joe: You.

Papa John: Know that deal, you get up there andnobody is listening

Joe: Yeah, well,

Papa John: Everybody

Joe: I appreciate

Papa John: Playing in

Joe: It.

Papa John: A different place played a differentband

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: And.

Joe: Yeah, well,

Papa John: Well, let's

Joe: That

Papa John: Go, let's go,

Joe: I

Papa John: Let's

Joe: Appreciate

Papa John: Go.

Joe: That and yeah, and I feel the same waybecause literally I didn't know many people around town but you andyou and I've said this to you before and but I don't think it hassunk into your thick skull that you literally gave me like a chanceand a more opportunity

Papa John: Oh,

Joe: Than

Papa John: My God.

Joe: Most people have ever given me in mymusical career.

Papa John: Oh,

Joe: And that's

Papa John: My

Joe: The truth.

Papa John: God,

Joe: It's the truth.

Papa John: You're going to make me cry live

Joe: No,

Papa John: In.

Joe: No, no, it's the truth, I was nobody I wasin and after sitting in for a while and you would always let me sitin and then and then we started playing together, like,regularly.

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Right. And

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: That was cool. I was like, wow, I'mplaying with one of the jazz greats on the B3. And it means a lotto me. And my father

Papa John: Na

Joe: Was proud.

Papa John: Na

Joe: My parents

Papa John: Na,

Joe: Were

Papa John: Then

Joe: Proud.

Papa John: Your

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Dad was cool man

Joe: Yeah, it meant a lot. So

Papa John: We had a

Joe: Yeah, we had a blast.

Papa John: Mutual man like we got into somenice grooves.

Joe: Yeah, we did,

Papa John: Now,

Joe: Yeah, we

Papa John: Boy,

Joe: We had some nice gigs.

Papa John: Nice, nice gig,

Joe: Well,

Papa John: Good

Joe: Hopefully,

Papa John: Music. Yeah.

Joe: Hopefully there'll be more coming up oncethe world gets back to some sort of

Papa John: And.

Joe: Whatever. I don't know what it's going tobe, but. Right.

Papa John: God help us to get back,

Joe: All right,

Papa John: It

Joe: Cool.

Papa John: Always does by then I'll be onehundred and forty cases of that.

Joe: They long as you're here with us, that'scool. We

Papa John: Ah Man

Joe: Don't care, so.

Papa John: Beautiful Joe

Joe: So let's go back and tell me how thisstarted for you, because I know besides music, like I said, we wetalked about what what part of this you want to talk about. And ifit's all

Papa John: Would

Joe: Music

Papa John: Anyone?

Joe: Or you want to you want to talk aboutanything else. So tell me about your father or how this musicstarted for you.

Papa John: It's very similar, I guess, here,but I was I wanted to play man, and so he said I told him I wantedto play the saxophone. I was about six five. He said it's too bigfor you, so he started me out on clarinet. I started playingclarinet and then I heard this guy named Louis Armstrong. Trumpetplayer. I saw I play trumpet. He said I got 15 million saxophonesin there. You want to play trumpet? Though he got when I bought mea trumpet, I was about 10 years old i guess. He taught me how toplay. And. Next person I saw that kind of play school band inschool, and there is a lot of good friends I met when I was ajunior in high school and

Joe: And where was

Papa John: The next.

Joe: This, was this all Philadelphia?

Papa John: Niagara Falls, New

Joe: Oh,

Papa John: York.

Joe: That's right, I totally forgot Niagara

Papa John: And

Joe: Falls.

Papa John: A New York woman, we're

Joe: That's

Papa John: Both from

Joe: Right.

Papa John: New York

Joe: I know,

Papa John: State.

Joe: But I forgot that's where you startedout.

Papa John: Niagara Falls, New York, man, it wasa real beautiful city at one time. And I was always but I dugit, I love airplanes and cars

Joe: I know

Papa John: And

Joe: You like cars.

Papa John: Yeah, and music was right at the topthree. I love and you know, it was cool about the music my dadtaught me, but it would also take me to all these air showsbecause, you know, I, liked airplanes my mom about you coming Jen,Jenny my mom. Where, to look at airplanes and I go shopping orsomething. So but most of my my life is the music that you go outand you hear somebody and you go nuts. And then my next biggestthing was in 1959 when I saw Jimmy Smith

Joe: Where was that?

Papa John: That was in Buffalo, Kleinhans MusicHall, The Trio too, Donald Bailey and Kenny Burrell,

Joe: WOW!

Papa John: Stanley Turrentine came later. But Isaw, man those cats were dealing. Holy Cow!, that organ, ya know,it's spiritual side. And it just grabbed me, but

Joe: That was

Papa John: I

Joe: Fifty

Papa John: Didn't get.

Joe: Nine, you said.

Papa John: Yeah, and I didn't do nothing tillthe 60's with the organ, but I was playing trumpet the whole time.Big band singing, all that, you know the deal. Then, I got marriedand the kids started coming, so I was still playing. But not thefull-time I was like, well, not for three or four nights a week.Places were jumping then, you know.

Joe: And this was all still Niagara Falls.

Papa John: Niagara Falls, the left NiagaraFalls in 1967, went to Philly, went to Philly in '57.

Joe: What made you go there?

Papa John: I was I was my uncle has got to geta job at Boeing aircraft, and he asked me for Niagara Falls isstarting to go down and. It was on the ground, and so, yeah, Iworked on airplanes and cars, so, you know, it got that bad. I meta bunch of horn players down there. Right. I was in town for twomonths and I met a guy at work, Am I talking to much Joe?

Joe: No, this is what you're here to do. You'rehere to tell your story, I want to hear it in this. This is all atBoeing.

Papa John: Now and I wish you could play organman. Absolutely. I know you went downtown one time for a sessionand in Chester you can't get an organ player with him and said thiscats gotta go. If you go, you've got to come up here, man. And thenwe did a lot of road thing at that time. They had Cabaret's theyuse to call them Cabaret's I did a ton of those

Joe: So

Papa John: Other people, man.

Joe: So when did you start the organ?

Papa John: Nineteen sixty three, wait, sixtyfour

Joe: Sixty four.

Papa John: I come home from work day andmy wife had one, she got it for me.

Joe: Oh, wow. And this is still Niagara Fallsbecause you didn't go to Philly

Papa John: No.

Joe: Until 67.

Papa John: Yeah, it was still there. Shethought of all of this, too bar in organ called My house was neverthe same since man.

Joe: And are you completely self-taught?

Papa John: Yes, and the organ yeah, on my dad,I had a basic knowledge of me, but, you know, horn, not chordsyou're playing chords like, I was trying to transfer all that

Joe: Right.

Papa John: And it was tough, but.

Joe: Well, then the tough part, too, especiallyfor the B3 players, is the independence in the left hand rightplaying the base line and then being able to solo over it.

Papa John: Split your brain in half man. Andyou thinking and you do it too.

Joe: Explain to me how the organ ended up in, Iknow you said Laurene bought one, but was it because you saw likewere you listening people like Jimmy Smith?

Papa John: Oh,

Joe: Was that after

Papa John: Man.

Joe: You saw him? You were just bit by the bug.And that was

Papa John: Not

Joe: That. That was it.

Papa John: Every album that would come out, Iget from Jimmy and then I tell Jack McGuff and there was a lot ofburner's out there Ganpati. I mean there was a ton then, you know,Charles Earling and I met all these guys so now we're out doingsome serious. I learned so much.

Joe: So what was that first organ that was inthe house?

Papa John: Or the spin it.

Joe: He has no say couldn't have been a fullB3. I like Laurene.

Papa John: Now, it was a Spinet

Joe: Ok.

Papa John: And then I bought Leslie. But itstill wasn't a B man. And I found a B for sale, so I sold all mystuff, but B and then that's how I really learned how to play likeon this thing man [plays organ]

Joe: Exactly. So what was your first real gigon it? It was somewhere in Philadelphia with this when you metthese guys.

Papa John: On the organ?, on the B?, back inNiagara Falls, I had the organ in Niagara Falls, yeah. Once I gotto B3, I got out and started playing, I love a man, I was stilllearning. I mean, the coordination, the coordination is toughJoe

Joe: The coordination is tough, the hauling thething around is tough.

Papa John: Well, that's why I had to getsurgery on my back. No, that wasn't much but you're hauling thatson of a gun man,

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: You know, I bought vans. I bought myold van, used to be rented trailer, mostly with trailer till I cameout with vans and got a van. You know, it was it was funny, man.You go, well, I've got to move organ, the drummer said "I go get apack of cigarettes."

Joe: Exactly.

Papa John: I'll be right back because I get togo get a loaf of bread. I'll be right back.

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: But it was quite experience luggingthat monster.

Joe: Yeah, so did you bring so you had a B3 inNiagara Falls, did you bring that with you to Philly?

Papa John: Yes. Yeah,

Joe: And then

Papa John: That's.

Joe: Where is that where is that now?

Papa John: And at the Musical Museum.

Joe: That's the original one.

Papa John: Yes, the one that we played thatnight when we when we did the gig.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: At my first box man.

Joe: Oh, my gosh, I didn't even realizethat.

Papa John: Nineteen sixty six by.

Joe: Wow.

Papa John: That's

Joe: Yes,

Papa John: My

Joe: So

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: So everybody for everybody listening inhere in Phoenix, Arizona, there's the Musical Instrument Museum.It's called The MIM for short. Papa John's original B3 is there ondisplay. They probably move it in and out on display. Right.Sometimes they'll do it's not permanent.

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: They keep it there.

Papa John: There, but it was Joey's first organtoo ya know

Joe: That's

Papa John: That.

Joe: Really cool.

Papa John: Yeah, well, my fathers horns thereat one time now playing them, yeah, was that was the first to gothat the number one man we had redone. It was like. From being outon the road, being banged around, we had a guy redo it, that's theone man.

Joe: Well, I didn't know that, so that thatnight we did that concert there, that was your we literally play iton your very first B3 organ. Man,

Papa John: We're going, yeah,

Joe: Oh man,

Papa John: Man. Yeah.

Joe: I didn't know that. I just thought thatwas just one of them. I didn't know that was THEE one.

Papa John: That's the one I never got rid ofit, never.

Joe: Wow,

Papa John: Never,

Joe: That's incredible.

Papa John: I would not you know, I could havesold that, that's Daisy, we had a name and we know what the namewas, "Oh, boy."

Joe: Oh, boy,

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Nice.

Papa John: Come on, we had to go Ol Boy

Joe: That

Papa John: Mad,

Joe: Is

Papa John: Matt.

Joe: So funny, so in those days when youweren't playing out, that was, was it always inside the house theway yours is now in your house, like you're literally sittingbehind your B3 three now at your house?

Papa John: And I am. It was

Joe: Or.

Papa John: Either in the house or in thevan.

Joe: Ok.

Papa John: You know, one or the other, andmostly if if it was along, never had much time to take it out ofthe van, you know,

Joe: And

Papa John: It was

Joe: A lot,

Papa John: A go.

Joe: Right?

Papa John: Yeah, the only time I'd bring itdown would be maintenance. You replace tubes, do the wiring and itwas traveling.

Joe: Did you work on it yourself, because Iknow a lot of you B3 organ players, man, you know

Papa John: They're.

Joe: You know that instrument because you can'ttrust that anybody else in the room is going to know what's goingon.

Papa John: That's right,

Joe: Right, we've had

Papa John: The.

Joe: A member of Bobby C's, we had likesomething weird happen one day.

Papa John: And try to remember what?

Joe: And I remember you just you took off thefront lid and people were in there and not people,

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: But but you were kind of telling somebody,hey, just try this or whatever, and next thing you know, it'sworking again.

Papa John: That's from years and years andyears of that, putting that instrument through its bad. I mean,patience. I got a story we were playing upstairs, so we took theorgan upstairs. We were taking it up. So we put two by fours oneach side so we could slide it up

Joe: Oh,

Papa John: And

Joe: Like.

Papa John: A rope and the leg and the guys upfront in the back pushing and all of a sudden the rope broke. Isaid, what? So I run down, jump. It was like lined up with a dooroutside door, so I jumped out the door, jumped out the door. Iheard it coming down, breaking all there was

Joe: Oh,

Papa John: There was lights on the sides

Joe: Oh,

Papa John: Broke every one.

Joe: My God.

Papa John: Everyone came flying out almost outthe door on its back.

Joe: My gosh, that's like those those cartoons,that piano like it's like the Three Stooges move in a piano.

Papa John: It is, it is,

Joe: Oh,

Papa John: And

Joe: My gosh.

Papa John: Flipped it over, put the tubes backin they were all loose and brought it back and went right towork,

Joe: I'm sure

Papa John: Played a

Joe: It's

Papa John: Delayed.

Joe: Amazing, it's amazing.

Papa John: Now it's cursing everybody,

Joe: Oh,

Papa John: man.

Joe: Gosh. So when you you started playing inNiagara Falls on

Papa John: Right,

Joe: The organ and

Papa John: Right.

Joe: You were still playing trumpet at the sametime.

Papa John: Yes.

Joe: Ok, and then were you also maybe while youwere playing organ in a band on stage, did you ever actually pullout the trumpet, play a trumpet solo also?

Papa John: Yes, yes,

Joe: You did. It's called.

Papa John: Because I was still learning toorgan man that and I said, man, I, I've got to do something else,throw me out the gate.

Joe: Oh, my

Papa John: So

Joe: Gosh.

Papa John: I was vocalizing and playing hard,but little by little. Left, left, left. the B captured my soul,man. I just I love the instrument man.

Joe: So when you were first starting to playand you had to deal with the whole left hand independence and thenlaying down the chords and then potentially even soloing with yourright hand over the left hand bass,

Papa John: They

Joe: Did you?

Papa John: Move in all the time.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: Did you have in your early groups that youplayed in, were there bass players in those groups where you

Papa John: With

Joe: Didn't have

Papa John: The

Joe: To worry?

Papa John: organ.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Not when I got the organ man.

Joe: Really? So you never.

Papa John: Even with that, even with the Spinetof playing the pedal, playing the pedal.

Joe: Really?

Papa John: So I thought that's how you playedthe B3 until I got hip. I never once I got the organ. Maybe acouple times in the beginning. Yeah, I have to admit, it was acouple few gigs, man. Yeah, couldn't

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Play it, I mean.

Joe: I would think you'd want that safety netin the beginning when

Papa John: I

Joe: You're not.

Papa John: Did. You brought it back, youbrought it, you just brought that guy had a base electric base, hehad like a fender, I guess. Yeah, because I was like sloppy Joesand, you know. Not you

Joe: No, no, no, no.

Papa John: Might think my hands were going likethe bottom is trying to play with the top and it can I tell you, ifyou lay off of this a while, your coordination takes a minute tocome back.

Joe: That instrument will kick your ass.

Papa John: Oh, double time. And.

Joe: So these gigs early on in Niagara Falls,where they were a trio gigs, were they like organ

Papa John: Quartet.

Joe: Or organ guitar, drums or what was thecombo?

Papa John: That mostly that, and then it got toJack's one word that good, I saw it again man, you know, so then itwas Jack's trio with the guitar and then we got the sax it was aquartet

Joe: Ok, so let's go ahead now back to Phillyand you're there, you're you're working for Boeing, right? And youare working on airplanes and helicopters. Wow, OK.

Papa John: Chinooks.

Joe: And then and your playing out at night,about four or five nights a week.

Papa John: Yeah, but yeah, but it got veryhectic, they were it was during Vietnam that. Now, where theystarted working 12 hour days, 6 days a week 7. So I still played onthe weekends and I have to keep playing, I would be I'd be kind ofmental,

Joe: Yeah, now I hear

Papa John: You

Joe: You

Papa John: Know.

Joe: And at this point, do you have any kidsyet?

Papa John: Yeah, have two.

Joe: So you had did you have any before youleft Niagara Falls?

Papa John: Cheryl and Johnny

Joe: You did so they were born in Niagara Fallsand then was

Papa John: Joey

Joe: Joey

Papa John: You're was born here.

Joe: In Philly. Got

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: It. OK. All

Papa John: And

Joe: Right.

Papa John: then then reality started to comingaround

Joe: Yeah, yeah.

Papa John: Oh, I got to do this traveling,babies. You know what I got to say? This man, my wife never gaveultimatums. I've been blessed a lot. So I just feel so blessed man.Go through all this stuff and the kids all turned out great. Lucky,I'm blessed! people say they're lucky and blessed and lucky.

Joe: We're in Philly, you're working reallyhard for Boeing because the Vietnam War is happening, you

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: Have you have two children. I know Johnnyis the oldest or

Papa John: Cheryl.

Joe: The Cheryls's the oldest.

Papa John: Johnny Second.

Joe: Then Johnny is the middle. That's whyJohnny and I get along, because we're both middle

Papa John: Those middle

Joe: See! Ballbusters

Papa John: Aged.

Joe: Both of us just

Papa John: Now,

Joe: Right in the middle.

Papa John: What about the baseball bat boy?He

Joe: And

Papa John: Was

Joe: Then

Papa John: A big

Joe: And

Papa John: Bob.

Joe: Then Joey enjoys the youngest.

Papa John: We did just go. You're going to be50 this year.

Joe: Wow.

Papa John: Johnny is fifty five and Cheryl'sfifty eight.

Joe: So she and I are the same age.

Papa John: Yeah, 1962.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Now, October, she was born.

Joe: Yeah, I was February, so

Papa John: There

Joe: I'm even

Papa John: Is a

Joe: I'm even older than her see

Papa John: Couple months, and you could havebeen my kid man!

Joe: Yeah, there you go.

Papa John: Now lighting up!

Joe: All right, sorry.

Papa John: Nah man

Joe: So we're there, we're in Philly, you'reworking, playing

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: A little bit, but works, you know, a lotof work going on. So you're busy. Do you remember who was thefirst, most famous person you played with?

Papa John: You try to think of, well, I playedwith Jimmy Smith, we played together Bobby C's to do what we did,an organ thing man. That was to me, that's my favorite. That wasmy.

Joe: So that was

Papa John: I

Joe: Like,

Papa John: Love the cat and

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Then George Benson and Steve Gadd.Now all them guys, I dug all those guys other cats too Jack McDuffGod, he was a neat person, man. We did a lot jams, me, Jack, GeneLudwig.

Joe: I used to go see Jack McDuff up in Harlemwhen I lived in New York.

Papa John: You were going to the right spot manthat cat, what a soulful player he was. A lot of the guys that comeup and play, you know, Bobby C's, we would cats come there and oncethey tell me name, Oh,

Joe: I know

Papa John: We

Joe: It was.

Papa John: Get a lot of cats came in like therewas a guitar player there one day that played with Miles Davis.

Joe: Now, we used to get a lot ofincredible

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: People, it was, you know,

Papa John: It was a great spot.

Joe: Yeah, we need another another place likethat.

Papa John: But that would be that wouldn't thatbe fun

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: To

Joe: But

Papa John: Trade bands in and out

Joe: But you played with a bunch of people likewell before you came to Arizona, I mean, you're with all those

Papa John: The.

Joe: Heavyweights in Philly and you weretelling me how even Dennis Chambers and you were really good

Papa John: Dennis.

Joe: Friends, right? Yeah,

Papa John: Yeah, yeah, it's a real good.

Joe: Right.

Papa John: Your

Joe: And

Papa John: Good friends.

Joe: And I remember when I was at the NAMM Showout in Anaheim, you had that residency gig during the week of theNAMM Show at Steamers.

Papa John: Yeah, I did. Yeah, we just playedthe.

Joe: Arturo Sandoval was on it,

Papa John: Yeah, and

Joe: Right, Ramon

Papa John: No,

Joe: Banda right?

Papa John: He passed away, man. Ramone played,yeah, there was a guitar player can't think of his name, but he wasa heavyweight too

Joe: Oh, yeah,

Papa John: Like

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: We all get our shots. How about JoePesci?

Joe: That's right, he sang, he

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Sang that night I was there sitting

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Right in front.

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: That's a

Papa John: Joe.

Joe: Night that actually you let me sit in thatnight. So I got to play with Arturo and the rest of the guys.Yeah.

Papa John: get your as up!

Joe: Yeah, yeah, that was fun because there area lot of I think I think that night, to be honest with you, I thinkif I remember correctly, Marcus Miller was sitting in theaudience.

Papa John: Yeah he was

Joe: So

Papa John: Were.

Joe: Like when you pointed and I was alreadylooked around the room and Joe Pesci was singing with you and I'mlike, whoa, wait a second. But it was fun. I had it was a goodtime.

Papa John: Joey too.

Joe: That's right, Joey was on stage toright?

Papa John: Yeah, yeah, what a night everybodywas up there. That place is closed man.

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Is

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: damn shame

Joe: I know.

Papa John: damn shame

Joe: Yeah, so when you were in Philly, did youget up to New York, much to play.

Papa John: Played a little bit in New York.Yeah, not not a lot, but a lot. I met a lot of cats in New York, Ia lot of good players, but I did play there trying to think of someof the rooms.

Joe: I know Philly had such a strong scenethat, you know,

Papa John: Ah man

Joe: You probably

Papa John: It

Joe: Never

Papa John: Was.

Joe: Had to leave there to go play New Yorkbecause it had its own.

Papa John: We had and then I played to shore. Iplayed in Atlantic City, I played at the Club Harlem with MannyCambell and the Fiestas, and it was great man the ban was good too.He Be played vibes. We had a conga drummer, drummer, a horn playerand a woman singer man, and in the back room there was a frontroom. We were playing in front of the bar, the back room, SammyDavis Jr. playing with big band back there. Yeah, I mean, ClubHarlem, Kentucky Avenue man. Across the street, Gracie, WildBill Davis was there.

Joe: And this was a separate room from any ofthe casinos.

Papa John: Yeah, there was no casinos man thisis 1966, '67 Kentucky was like all the clubs, like you went toHarlem or Buffalo and all that, that that's what Kentucky Avenuewas all, had all the bands and mostly organ groups that was hotthing, man I got pictures, my wife and I got picture with her ofpeople coming around and get a picture, remember that? Yeah,you got a picture taken,

Joe: Oh, you mean

Papa John: There were.

Joe: Like at the table, like they would dothat, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes. It's also.

Papa John: Back in the old days man, the olddays man, let's see, you were just a baby because you were mydaughter's age, I use to take the kids. I could get them intoplaces. I'd take um.

Joe: Yep, yeah, my father would do thesame.

Papa John: Yeah man people would look, hewas cool, he knew? He

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Knew.

Joe: Yeah, it's the only way, right? It's theexposure.

Papa John: Now, the kids loved it, Johnnyplayed, Joey played, Cheryl played for a while,

Joe: What she

Papa John: You

Joe: Play.

Papa John: Know, Alto sax yeah in juniorhigh.

Joe: Yeah, and it was Johnny always drawn tothe guitar.

Papa John: Yeah, in fact he played trumpet forawhile. Yeah, and my dad was my dad was living with us, and then hegot guitar and my dad could play his ass off too my dad, one ofthose old time musicians man

Joe: Yeah, did he play in the in the army orthe in the war during the war time or. No.

Papa John: Too old man. He played with all thebig bands like back, and he played with the Dorsey Brothers beforethe were famous when they were together, he told me they wouldargue from morning till night. I said, you sure they

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Weren't Italian?

Joe: Exactly. Oh, nobody has seen anythinguntil they see you and Joey and Johnny together in the same room.That right

Papa John: Up

Joe: There, that is gold reality TV rightthere, if I if I can produce that show.

Papa John: Get a show, get one!

Joe: Oh,

Papa John: The.

Joe: My gosh.

Papa John: You are.

Joe: Oh, my gosh.

Papa John: We have to make you a part of itthat you couldn't just sit out there and produce.

Joe: So let's talk about your CDs, because Iwant to make sure I have the count right, but I count nine.

Papa John: Nine.

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: You

Joe: That's

Papa John: Got

Joe: What I.

Papa John: It, I got it, my wife put him in apicture frame.

Joe: So do you have nine too is that, is thatthe count you have?

Papa John: I that's that's what I have nine

Joe: Yeah, because I have

Papa John: That's on my own.

Joe: So if I go from 19, so the first one Ihave is 1990 for "Doodlin". Is that correct?

Papa John: That's it. That's the one that

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Was ninety

Joe: It says nine.

Papa John: Nine,

Joe: It says

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: 94. And then "Comin' Home" was released in95.

Papa John: That's the next one.

Joe: And then "All in the Family" was ninetyeight, and then I have "Hip Cakewalk", which was

Papa John: That's

Joe: Two thousand

Papa John: It

Joe: Two

Papa John: For

Joe: Thousand

Papa John: Us,

Joe: One.

Papa John: Right?

Joe: Right, and then I have "Walking Uptown"two thousand four.

Papa John: That's one of my favorite one togo.

Joe: And then there's two in two thousand six.There

Papa John: "Jumpin'",

Joe: Is.

Papa John: "Jumpin'". And dadaji.

Joe: "Desert Heat". That's correct, and thenthen we have two thousand nine, which is "Big Shot."

Papa John: "Big Shot". Yeah,

Joe: And then

Papa John: I

Joe: The

Papa John: Forgot

Joe: "Philadelphia

Papa John: About that,

Joe: Story" in 2011.

Papa John: Yeah. That's the last one.

Joe: That's the last one you put up a post, Ithink, on Facebook that that cool album cover. Does that meanthere's something in the works?

Papa John: I did that, I did that picture, bythe way, I have an app that said, I'm going to go out here andstart, man. I must have got a million hits.

Joe: I know,

Papa John: One day I'm coming out. We'll getit.

Joe: See?

Papa John: I just that's what I was doing, thatsomehow this is our clock.

Joe: Oh, I see it moving in the background.

Papa John: Yeah, my sister-in-law got it forus. I forgot about it. I would I would have turned it off and wehad we had a dog and it's got all the

Joe: That's

Papa John: It's

Joe: Also.

Papa John: Got all the seasons on it Christmas.I don't know what that is pretty but I got them all memorized

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: [scats]

Joe: Yeah, how it

Papa John: It's

Joe: Long ago

Papa John: Over.

Joe: How long is that going to play? You know,we

Papa John: It's

Joe: Only

Papa John: Over right now.

Joe: We only have an hour.

Papa John: There it goes. Hey, man, we onlyhave an hour. Lighten up, take a break, you

Joe: It's

Papa John: Union

Joe: Take a break.

Papa John: Take a break?

Joe: Is there any thoughts of, I mean or anyconversation of a new new CD?

Papa John: Yeah, I talked to Clark, Clark callsme about once a month. Wants to know how you feelin' and then hesays, well, "When you come in the studio, Pop?", I got a bunch ofstuff too I could do. I mean, I've been I don't you get ready nowand have your ass in there. Unless you don't have time for.

Joe: I always whataya kiddin' wouldwould be an

Papa John: I

Joe: Honor.

Papa John: Love

Joe: I'm

Papa John: The.

Joe: Looking at the names of all these peopleon these CDs and I'm like, damn, my name's not on that one, wait asecond, my name's not on that one, no I'm only, kidding.

Papa John: They were all done on the East Coastexcept Desert Heat and was with the Banda Brothers.

Joe: Yeah, yeah, that

Papa John: That

Joe: Was special.

Papa John: Was yeah, that was 05, I think,wasn't it, '06

Joe: In desert, he was '06,

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: That's when I moved here

Joe: Oh, that's when it was so it was two yearsafter I moved here. Got it.

Papa John: Yeah, that's right. You know howhappy I am for you when I see all the stuff you're doing, man, Ipray for this stuff for you.

Joe: I'm just hustling, man, I got

Papa John: Now,

Joe: To just keep

Papa John: Why

Joe: I

Papa John: You

Joe: Don't

Papa John: Got

Joe: Like

Papa John: The right?

Joe: I don't like I don't like letting anygrass grow under my feet.

Papa John: And Joe, that's why you're going todo it, man.

Joe: Yeah, well, you know what, it's I'm

Papa John: That's

Joe: Getting pretty

Papa John: Why you're

Joe: Old

Papa John: Going to do

Joe: If

Papa John: It.

Joe: Something doesn't happen soon.

Papa John: Well, you can't go by now, what'sgoing on, you knowthe epidemic or whatever the hell it is that'smessed up, and the politicians, they're

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: All nuts.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: I mean, so. And you're still makingit. You're still doing it, man. So

Joe: Well...

Papa John: This is like a piece of cake aftereverything's straightens out.

Joe: Let's hope so. We got to get back toplayin' is what we had to do.

Papa John: Love to man

Joe: It's like

Papa John: Our.

Joe: Oxygen for us, you know, taking this awayfrom us is this brutal.

Papa John: You know, come here and playin'myself, and after a minute, like I tried a drum machine and I wantto throw it through the window. Yeah, I try I just want to havesomething to play with somebody just.

Joe: That's what we should do. I just throw mystuff in the car, come down there, we'll just do a little Sundaypasta dinner, but we'll

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: We'll work up an appetite before that.

Papa John: That would be fun Joe, I'm in!

Joe: Swim a little bit.

Papa John: It is our masks mandatory?

Joe: No, I haven't been anywhere, you haven'tbeen anywhere, right?

Papa John: I feel like cabin fever, man, but Iwant to stick it out

Joe: Yeah, you just

Papa John: I'm

Joe: Got to stay

Papa John: Going

Joe: Safe.

Papa John: Nowhere.

Joe: Yeah, both of you just need to stay safe.And

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: How are

Papa John: You,

Joe: You going

Papa John: Too.

Joe: Out? Are you going out to get groceriesand things like that or you having them delivered or what are youdoing?

Papa John: Laurine calls ahead and she goes,they throw him in the car in

Joe: Good,

Papa John: The back and

Joe: Good,

Papa John: Then she drives off

Joe: Good.

Papa John: Right now. Everybody out there thatmasks everybody

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Down here.

Joe: Now

Papa John: So.

Joe: We wear it wherever we go, so

Papa John: So do we...

Joe: We'll cold, so did I miss anything thatyou wanted to talk about? I mean.

Papa John: Well, just talking about my time onthe railroad, Amtrak.

Joe: Amtrak, that's right, that was afterBoeing.

Papa John: Way after I was playing in betweenall of that and then I went to Amtrak was the big one...I startedas an electrician man, I start I had to learn, you have to go toschool and stuff. And we needed I had my kids all grown up. Andyou're, like starting to go through grade school and middle schoolas Laurene and I are going to hang out, man. The railroad had afriend she had friends, lot of people on the railroad, and I gotthe job on the railroad in nineteen seventy seven.

Joe: And there was a gap in between Boeing andthat, so why did you leave Boeing? Just tired

Papa John: Layoffs

Joe: Of it.

Papa John: Every 10 minutes. Government,government job and I went to Seven-Up for a while to the districtsales manager and playing constantly, playing down the shore sixnights. At Amtrak I became a supervisor at a big job, kept movin'and I was there 20, almost 30 years.

Joe: As an electrician for Amtrak?

Papa John: Let's do it in the beginning and endwith electrical supervisor. We built substations, took care of allthe new construction, but I was still playing Joe. I mean, my job,I was playing constantly. I had to come in to work, Saturdaymorning, we had to work every once in a while and I come in. Whereare we? What is this? Where you go to get playin' and go to havebreakfast or have a cup of coffee? So by the time you gothome...

Joe: Time to go right to the job.

Papa John: Great. The music never stopped me,but thank God I went to the railroad because the railroadretirement is ridiculous.

Joe: Yes,

Papa John: So

Joe: Something to be said for that, right? Youknow.

Papa John: Yeah. I mean I never expected that.Never. That was so far from any of my thoughts. My

Joe: Help.

Papa John: Dad used to say when your dad saidgo to school, put something in that back pocket

Joe: That's

Papa John: What do

Joe: Right,

Papa John: You mean, good news, right?

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: I was at your school, Fredonia,man.

Joe: Yeah, because you were right out there,right?

Papa John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I,

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: I worked, I did gigs there, I playedyeah, well, I knew the guy who ran the station WBZ or something

Joe: We forget what it is now.

Papa John: Yeah, Fredonia is when I was outthere, Don Menza was there, all cats who played with big bands, butthat's a great music school man.

Joe: Yeah, it was good when when I went, wewere we were at at the peak of of what was happening with, youknow, we had a student run jazz ensemble and competed at the NotreDame Collegiate Jazz Festival, and those were run by the school.And we ran it ourself, you know.

Papa John: The students you guys had acouple

Joe: Yeah, it was fun.

Papa John: You had some good players there,singers, players, if you wanted have somebody, go to the school,you had a great reputation

Joe: Yeah, I got

Papa John: And

Joe: To play

Papa John: Then.

Joe: At the Tralfamadore

Papa John: But

Joe: Or.

Papa John: Tralfamadore?

Joe: Right.

Papa John: The Tralf?.

Joe: Isn't that what it was, The Tralf? That'swhat we called it. Right. For short, The Tralf. Yeah.

Papa John: That's something man!

Joe: And I spent when I was at Fredonia, Ispent a summer in the Canadian side of Niagara Falls

Papa John: Oh,

Joe: Playing

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: At that

Papa John: We're.

Joe: Amusem*nt park that's right on the otherside.

Papa John: Right on the other side, I know,right off Lundie's Lane

Joe: Yeah, and we played this little we didthis doo wop show, it was

Papa John: Of

Joe: All

Papa John: The.

Joe: This company came and auditioned people atall the music schools for summer

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Jobs.

Papa John: And

Joe: So

Papa John: You

Joe: We

Papa John: Got

Joe: Got to hire.

Papa John: Your.

Joe: We got hired as a band. So it was my buddyon trumpet and a bass

Papa John: The.

Joe: Player friend, the sax player friend. Andthen we went there and played and we backed up these these twocouples, that guy and girls

Papa John: Right.

Joe: That were doing this doo wop dancing andsinging on the stage.

Papa John: Ha

Joe: We were

Papa John: That's cool!

Joe: The backup band behind them. We played aplace called Lilly Langtry's

Papa John: I know that is, oh Lilly...that's onLundie's Land, you go up Lundie's Lane, the wax museum and.

Joe: Correct, That's right. We actually werefriends, so when we were when we were there because we lived therefor the summer and these little apartments, the I think it was theeither the tallest man in the world or tallest woman in the world.We

Papa John: The woman.

Joe: Literally yeah, we became friends with herand we would actually hang out at her apartment. And

Papa John: She was cool man

Joe: That's so

Papa John: Or

Joe: Funny.

Papa John: That boy or girl, rah

Joe: Yes,

Papa John: Rah

Joe: Yes. Yes,

Papa John: Is just great

Joe: Yes.

Papa John: To leave it to me, to remember thatstuff.

Joe: It's so funny.

Papa John: Remember the yard of beer? You wentto the Yard In The Park when you had a yard of beer.

Joe: I don't I don't know if I rememberthat.

Papa John: The glass was a yard long filled itup.

Joe: It's like those things that they walkaround Atlantic City with, I mean,

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Las

Papa John: Where

Joe: Vegas,

Papa John: They get

Joe: Those huge.

Papa John: Yard In The Park, it was called,

Joe: That's so funny.

Papa John: I played all over the place andToronto, but you had a good gig.

Joe: I don't know about that, but

Papa John: It was a good gig.

Joe: It was it was OK for at the time we hadsome fun. So.

Papa John: What year was that Joe, do youremember?

Joe: It had to be eighty two or three.

Papa John: Oh, you are young. You're like mydaughter.

Joe: Yeah, I yeah, I'm surprised, I rememberthat I don't remember stuff that far back, but.

Papa John: I remember not if it's if I want toremember that

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: This done that, then

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Railroad, I retired. The pension iscrazy.

Joe: And what was this what year was that,

Papa John: '05

Joe: And then literally a year later, youmoving out to Arizona?

Papa John: Yes


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:


Papa John:

Joe: There's our organ guitar trio once Johnnygets out here and a couple of years,

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Right.

Papa John: We'll have some serious funwhen.

Joe: Hopefully we won't run out of places toplay once we get kicked out of each one for being crazy.

Papa John: Hopefully we WILL get kicked out.No, no, no, gigs are special you know, we keep maintain partof the business man. You don't want to screw that up.

Joe: So cool. So 2006, you retire Amtrak twothousand five, you pack up, move out two thousand six

Papa John: Sold

Joe: And

Papa John: The crib back home, I

Joe: You're.

Papa John: Had a nice I had a nice crib too,that.

Joe: But then you come out here and then andthen we finally get to meet at one point, and then we play a bunchof gigs around town and. Yeah.

Papa John: Yeah, we did. We played a lot man.You have to gigs you were getting gigs left and right. I went outthere and start hustling your ass off.

Joe: Hey, you have to, right?

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: Can't sit by the phone.

Papa John: No, what!?

Joe: That's the that's the one thing that Ijust

Papa John: Is

Joe: Can't sit

Papa John: All

Joe: By the phone.

Papa John: We'd be dead now you can use got togo out after man, but if you wait for the apple to drop off thetree, you'll starve to death, you got to go up and get it. His bigthing was education and save your money

Joe: And

Papa John: To

Joe: Save your money, well, you made

Papa John: Get

Joe: Him

Papa John: An

Joe: Proud

Papa John: Education.

Joe: Because you listen, you got yourself anice a nice retirement package, right?

Papa John: Well, I got lucky on that one manGod, Thank

Joe: You still

Papa John: You.

Joe: You still were able to maintainplaying,

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: You got an education

Papa John: Oh,

Joe: In the electrical field.

Papa John: But

Joe: What kind of car you have now?

Papa John: Oh. Thirty nine Pontiac

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Hot Rod

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Yeah, man's got a big motor in threefifty chevy. All reworked, everything, everything's new and it'slike a new car.

Joe: How many times you get it out?

Papa John: Well, right now, Johnny comes out,we take it out to terrorize the neighborhood, him and I put thatcar together.

Joe: Oh, yeah.

Papa John: Yeah, cut the frame off for a newframe underneath, it has disc breaks, power steering,

Joe: What is

Papa John: Big

Joe: It again?

Papa John: Motor, a thirty nine, nineteenthirty nine Pontiac, two door sedan. It's just it's a duplicate ofa thirty nine Chevy.

Joe: What is it like, is it blue or purple, oneof the two,

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Which

Papa John: Blue.

Joe: One? Blue.

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Well, when you come down, will haveto go out for a cruise man

Joe: Yeah, I'd love to take that thing out.

Papa John: It's fun man

Joe: All right,

Papa John: It's.

Joe: We'll do it. We have a plan now. So wehave a

Papa John: Yeah.

Joe: We have a Sunday pasta dinner.

Papa John: A Sunday dinner, baby.

Joe: But we jam first. And then we hop in thepool, get cooled off, then we come in and we eat our faces off.

Papa John: Right,

Joe: And then we

Papa John: And.

Joe: Go out for a little cruise when itgets

Papa John: That's

Joe: Cool

Papa John: Right,

Joe: Out, there

Papa John: That's

Joe: You go.

Papa John: Well when we get done eating, wemight not be able to move.

Joe: That's true. So you might want to geteverything done before we wat.

Papa John: That one day you were makingsomething, what was braciole that you make braciole?

Joe: I have

Papa John: You

Joe: No.

Papa John: Were cooking something, man. I don'tknow what it was

Joe: I have no idea. I just made a killerdesigner for Jo Ellen's birthday

Papa John: That.

Joe: A couple of weeks ago. Yeah. Oh, maybethat's what it was. I put up

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: The pot of the

Papa John: I

Joe: Sauce,

Papa John: Love that

Joe: The sauce boiling or the gravy, as we callit.

Papa John: You call gravy.

Joe: Yeah. I don't know if

Papa John: You

Joe: We're

Papa John: Sauce

Joe: Not

Papa John: Tomato,

Joe: Sure

Papa John: Tomato, potato, potato,

Joe: Exactly.

Papa John: But some.

Joe: You got to let us know if you're going todo a new recording so we can make sure we let everyone know. Andlike I said, as soon as all this pandemic stuff

Papa John: No.

Joe: Disappears, we see if we can get ourselvesa gig or a concert somewhere again and get going.

Papa John: Concert,

Joe: Right.

Papa John: I'd like to do that, yeah.

Joe: We should get back at The MIM. Do anothershow up

Papa John: I

Joe: There.

Papa John: Like the yeah, man, we could

Joe: Yeah. Yeah.

Papa John: Get a yeah, it was okay last timewith nice man.

Joe: Is there anything else that I missed?

Papa John: Yeah, the gig in Albuquerque,wherever we were.

Joe: Oh, my gosh.

Papa John: Should have made a left turn atAlbuquerque

Joe: Oh, my gosh.

Papa John: The Las Cruces

Joe: Right, then we drive all the way there, weset up and then it poured

Papa John: It rained

Joe: And we couldn't play, right? Wecouldn't

Papa John: That

Joe: Play

Papa John: They paid and

Joe: And

Papa John: We got

Joe: They play.

Papa John: Paid.

Joe: So it was basically like a paid little twoday trip.

Papa John: Two day trip with pay

Joe: Yeah, yeah, yeah, well,

Papa John: That was terrible. I wanted toplay.

Joe: No, I know.

Papa John: Well, I know we weren't going toplay when a guy took the B3. He said it's raining, you guys aren'tplaying, put it in a van. They left. I guess we're not playing.

Joe: Remember, we tried to even talk one of thebars around that outdoor stage to let us play.

Papa John: Across the street, yeah.

Joe: Yeah, it's like we're already got paid, sojust move it all into your place in play inside. Oh, gosh.

Papa John: We didn't get.

Joe: We can't say we didn't try.

Papa John: That's where I met that trumpetplayer, he's on the East Coast now.

Joe: Cool!

Papa John: This has been a nice pod...

Joe: Thanks,

Papa John: Of

Joe: Man.

Papa John: Spaghetti meatballs.

Joe: They go

Papa John: And little braciole

Joe: Right?

Papa John: Yeah,

Joe: I'm

Papa John: My

Joe: Really

Papa John: Wife

Joe: Excited

Papa John: Made

Joe: That you

Papa John: It.

Joe: Came on what'd she say.

Papa John: My wife made angel hair bologneseSunday

Joe: Nice.

Papa John: Scrambled meat.

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: I'm glad I came on too Joe

Joe: Yeah, man, it's nice

Papa John: I

Joe: To

Papa John: Love

Joe: See your face

Papa John: That you

Joe: That

Papa John: Like that and I like

Joe: I

Papa John: Your face too Joe.

Joe: Haven't seen you in so long, so.

Papa John: I know there

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Has been a year!?

Joe: I don't know. Could be, gosh.

Papa John: No

Joe: Like

Papa John: Time.

Joe: I said, my brain doesn't go backwards toowell, so

Papa John: Time man time

Joe: I know

Papa John: Is.

Joe: I hear

Papa John: Time

Joe: Yeah.

Papa John: Is on my mind, yes it is Ya knowwhat, we should do all that stuff, do I get all those coveres I

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: Love doing it to.

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: My favorite

Joe: Well,

Papa John: Was Sly, Sly and the FamilyStone.

Joe: Um.

Papa John: I use to love those...cover thatstuff

Joe: Yeah,

Papa John: [sings] You might have...

Joe: Well, we'll we'll have a chance again.

Papa John: I hope so, man.

Joe: We will. So, listen, man, I reallyappreciate you doing this.

Papa John: Anything for, you know, you're theman, you're my friend, one of my best friends.

Joe: It's nice to see you. It really is, it'snice to talk with you.

Papa John: Nice to talk to you, too, man

Joe: Yeah, man. All right. Well, again, thankyou. You you're one of the best. And

Papa John: No.

Joe: You you've you've been incredible to me.So I appreciate you and I love you. And I thank you for beinghere.

Papa John: Thank you, Joe,

Joe: Ok,

Papa John: And

Joe: Man.

Papa John: I love you, too, brother.

Joe: All right, and we'll talk soon and we'llplay soon

Papa John: Hopefully has, God Bless!

Joe: All right, man, thank you.

Papa John: All right, bye bye...

Joe: Bye...

The Joe Costello Show: A Conversation with Jazz Great, Papa John DeFrancesco (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.