Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (2024)

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Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (1) Pohx


Summary – TL;DR

Cap your Elemental Resistances and get the attributes your gems require to make sure you can use them all ( Fire Trap for example). Most pieces should be Rare with Life & ES and, of course, any lacking attributes/resistances.

My quick list of recommended gear for this build would be:

Item Slot Item Name Rarity
Head Here we’ll be looking for an Armour helmet with Elder influence ilvl 82, Essence of Horror helmet modifier with Socketed Gems are Support by either level 16/18/20 Burning Damage OR Concentrated Effect (IF YOU HIT BOTH YOU GOT A GOD HELM) The level doesn’t matter in particular as long as you can get these modifiers. Beyond this, getting the + level to AoE gems craft will be huge for your Fire Trap. Alternatively, you can purchase Burning Damage & Concentrated effect helmets on trade. You can usually find these really cheap after the first week. For SSF players you can reforge Fire with Harvest Rare
Amulet A life amulet with Damage Over Time Multiplier and resistances will do plenty when starting out. Getting +1 to level of all fire/spell gems is also great here if you’re using a rare. The base will be either Jade Amulet or Marble Amulet depending on whether you need the extra attributes or not. Rare
Chest Preferably a hybrid Armour ES base with high armour and ES rolls and some resistances. Expensive versions can also craft with the essence of Loathing for mana reservation efficiency. A base like Saintly Chainmail would work well. (if you have no life modifiers you should take the 15% Increased Maximum Life Mastery) Rare
GlovesThis is one of THE Most important places to get a High % Life Regen roll. It can roll all the way up to 21%. Since gloves are our least likely gear to replace I’d recommend spending some currency on them. This is also a great place to get Dex or Chaos res along with +1 to socketed aoe gems and place our aura gems in our gloves for the bonus. Eldritch influences – Fire Exposure (MANDATORY) & Fire Multi Rare
Boots Legacy of Fury This slot is pretty self-explanatory, it gives us huge AoE explosions and applies Scorch to nearby enemies. However, if you can’t afford them or you’re in SSF you should look for high Movement speed boots 20%+ and I recommend getting high life regen/% Life regen & Chaos resistance. You can also put eater/exarch influence for scorched ground which is a nice boss damage increase if you don’t have legacy Unique
Belt The highest source of FLAT Life regen which pairs extremely well with our Gloves. You’re looking for Life/Life regen & potentially res/chaos resistance. For uniques Immortal Flesh is honestly going to beat most rares due to the Armour bonus & MASSIVE Life regen. For the super late game, we can go with an elder crafted stygian with high life/life regen modifiers and any missing stats we need. Unique
Rings An easy source of Life & Resists, we can craft minimum frenzy charges for some free damage too. This is usually where I get most of my chaos resistance. Harvest Reforge chaos = Guaranteed Chaos resistance roll. Rare
Weapon Here we want High sources of Fire Damage Over Time Multiplier & Increase Fire Damage. For a more expensive weapon, we can look for + Fire Gems with Multi or High Increase and craft the missing stat. The 2 best modifiers to bench craft are Fire Multi & Fire damage & Ignite chance. Rare
Shield Preferably a high Armour / ES shield with +to maximum fire resistances, or increased fire damage/level to all fire spell skill gems depending on what you can get. For players pushing into Higher Maps, we’ll be looking for a shaper recovery shield for when we switch to block Based. End game players will be hunting for an Aegis AuroraRare

Armour Pieces


As mentioned above, we’ll be looking for a Rare helmet with Elder influence. Using Essence of Horror for “Socketed Gems Deal 30% more Elemental Damage” is key.

Getting the required off-color sockets on an Armour base might seem difficult. What I recommend you do here is bench craft 1 Green socket and 1 Blue socket and then simply add and remove the 3rd socket till you get your desired colour.

Elder influence gives us access to Socketed Gems that are Supported by level 16/18/20 Burning Damage & level 16/18/20 Concentrated effect. The level doesn’t matter in particular as long as you can get these modifiers. Beyond this, getting the + level to AoE gems craft will be huge for your Fire Trap.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (13)


If we’re in a trade environment, you can pick the Emperor of Purity cards early on to secure yourself a decent 6 Link with the right attribute types, You don’t have to get the highest roll from the Essence to make Auras fit. But when you go for the high budget with Aegis and Melding you want to use higher tier Essence.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (15)


Hybrid Arm/Es or Pure Armour work here. You’ll want High sources of % Life Regen & Fire Exposure implicit from Eater Influence. I’d recommend waiting on the +1 Maximum Cold Resistance and using %Fire Multi until you swap to Aegis/Melding.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (16)


Legacy of Fury is our undisputed best in slot, before this we just want Movement Speed, Life & Resistance.


A rare belt similar to the one shown below. Capping resistances is a must so if you can get some here it’s great. A fertile catalyst is huge here if crafting your own belt due to the 20% life modifier bonus.

If you can get a Stygian Vise you’ll be able to push a bit more out of it with a decent Abyss Jewel with life and resistances. For players who aren’t interested in crafting you can always go with an Immortal Flesh

The current one I’m using at the time of writing looks a little bit like this.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (20)


Getting a Cluster Jewel will give us access to efficient damage increase. 2 good notables would be Prismatic Heart and Burning Bright. Getting a Brutal Restraint is possibly the easiest way of sorting out the Dexterity requirements on this build, we’ll be placing it in the Templar Area since we get to tag a significant amount of passive nodes that we pick up.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (22)

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (23)



A life amulet with Damage Over Time Multiplier and resistances will do plenty when starting out. Getting +1 to level of all fire/spell gems is also great here if you’re using a rare. The base will be either Jade Amulet or Marble Amulet depending on whether you need the extra attributes or not.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (26)


As mentioned above, we want all the resistances, life, and any damage we can get here, whether it be from an “increased fire damage” modifier or a minimum Frenzy Charge. Getting an Opal Ring base inherently gives us a respectable increase in fire damage, but it isn’t necessary. You can also reforge Chaos with harvest to guarantee Chaos resistance.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (28)

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (29)


Here we want High sources of Fire Damage Over Time Multiplier & Increase Fire Damage. For a more expensive weapon, we can look for + Fire Gems with Multi or High Increase and craft the missing stat. The 2 best modifiers to bench craft are Fire Multi & Fire damage & Ignite chance.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (30)


Maximum Fire resistance & Life on an Energy shield base will take us where we need to be for the life based setup. Getting + level of all fire spell gems & increased fire damage is optional but nice to have too.

Rise of the Phoenix, Ahn's Heritage & Dawnbreaker are all fantastic early picks. Rise specializes in Regeneration which helps in the early game but players should think about transitioning into a Dawnbreaker or Ahn's Heritage. Dawnbreaker I’d say is superior but can be harder to find on league start due to it being locked behind a Pinnacle boss.

Players looking to push the build further into red maps should start to think about switching to a Shaper shield with Life gain on block. This will be a massive boost to survivability, especially with all of the recovery it provides to shrug off multi hits, the highest form of defence would be to invest in an Aegis Aurora.

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (38)


Flask set-ups are almost always a matter of personal taste when it comes to what utility flasks to use. However, I will list the set-up I’ve been using for a smooth play experience. To find the available list of modifiers the flasks can have, check out these links: Utility Flasks, Life Flasks, Mana Flasks & lastly: Hybrid Flasks

All utility flasks can be automated with Instilling Orb and we want “Used when charges reach full”

Slot Flask Description
1 Divine Life Flask or Quartz Flask Life flask, preferably with instant recovery, this can be switched out for a Quartz once we have roughly 1.8k positive regen
2 Granite Flask Getting the “Gain X charges when you are hit by an enemy” prefix will allow us to easily sustain this flask permanently, the increased armour during flask effect suffix synergises well with it too
3 Amethyst FlaskThe “Gain X charges when you are hit by an enemy” prefix here will be huge here too, the Catarina craft for some extra life regeneration during flask effect is great but not super necessary if you can’t get it immediately
4 Quicksilver Flask Yet again, “Gain X charges when you are hit by an enemy” is king on the Prefix modifier, getting a movement speed Suffix is great just to give yourself a bit more zoom zoom.
5 Ruby Flask You’ve already guessed it, we want to Gain charges when hit by an enemy to make sure we keep up maximum fire resistance. The Suffix here is the reduced effect of curses.

For help crafting your non-Unique flasks, we recommend checking out our Flask Crafting Guide.

Main Page/TL;DR

Pohx's Righteous Fire Inquisitor Gear & Flasks (Settlers of Kalguur) (2024)


What boots are good for Righteous Fire? ›

There are no better boots than the Legacy of Fury for the Righteous Fire Inquisitor. This unique Wyrmscale Boots grants 30% increased movement speed and up to 300% armor and evasion.

When can I start using Righteous Fire? ›

As this is a league start build, it contains no unique items or items you would need to trade from another player. For levels 1-35 we use melee attacks and switch to using righteous fire at level 36.

How do Righteous Fire builds work? ›

This build uses a six-linked Flame Wall as its single-target damage and RF (Righteous Fire) for clearing. With all your Life and Energy Shield the damage of RF will be enough as a four-link Skill but the Helmet mods will provide you with an additional link of Support Skill Gem or two.

What scales Righteous Fire damage? ›

Righteous Fire is a spell that applies a buff on the player, rapidly burning the player and nearby enemies. The damage it deals scales with your Life and Energy Shield amount.

What is the purpose of fire boots? ›

Protection from Hazards

A pair of boots with corrosion resistance, puncture resistance, conductive heat resistance, sewing thread heat resistance, and a toe cap that offers compression resistance can provide protection against these hazards, reducing the risk of foot injuries and burns.

How much life regen needed for Righteous Fire? ›

You want start using RF when you have the 8.4% regen from the passive tree and 89-90% fire resistance. Depending on your gear, you can even remove the +12% all resistance nodes if you have enough from purity/purity of fire.

Why does Righteous Fire keep turning off? ›

Stopping Righteous Fire: Righteous Fire's buff and burning effect will apply until the player is at 1 life, at which point the buff is removed. The effect can be ended prematurely by any effect which removes burning, such as flasks with a Removes Burning on use affix.

Does controlled destruction work with Righteous Fire? ›

APPARENTLY (even though this makes no godsdamned sense) Controlled Destruction doesn't work because Righteous Fire doesn't deal damage - it grants you a buff that just-so-happens to deal AoE Fire (but not spell) damage to nearby enemies. Yeah.

Does Righteous Fire trigger on hit? ›

On-hit effects: The damage you do to yourself when Using Vaal Righteous Fire is not considered a hit on yourself. Thus it will not proc any when-hit effects such as the trigger from the Berserker's Cloaked in Savagery which requires taking a savage hit.

Is Righteous Fire ignited? ›

Burning damage is different from ignite. Ignites are considered burning damage, but not all forms of burning damage are ignites. While it's correct only damage from the largest ignite will be in effect, rf is not an ignite, it is just burning damage, so the damage can stack together.

How do you level up Righteous Fire? ›

Levelling. Levelling trees & Gem setups can be found in the Path Of Building link, levelling will heavily depend on whether we're league starting or have access to Twink gear. Twink gear will allow us to run Righteous Fire earlier but here we'll focus on running it around level 20. Flame Wall we use that as well.

Is Righteous Fire an aura? ›

Damage stats:

Aura modifiers don't affect Righteous Fire because it's not an aura.

Does cast when damage taken work with Righteous Fire? ›

Each supported skill has an internal damage counter that tracks the total accumulated damage taken from hits. Damage over time and non-damage loss do not contribute to this counter, i.e. you cannot use Righteous Fire to trigger Cast when Damage Taken. All damage counters will be reset to 0 upon entering a new area.

How to get vaal righteous fire? ›

Vaal Righteous Fire can drop from the Vaal Vessels found in Vaal side areas.

What do Flame Walker boots do? ›

The Flame Waker Boots are a vanity accessory obtained by opening Obsidian Crates or Hellstone Crates, found by fishing in Lava. They cause the player's feet to leave trails of fire while moving on blocks.

What are TF boots for? ›


Turf boots are for use on thin, carpet-like turf fields. These are also an option to wear FG and AG fields. There are more studs on a turf shoe than on any other soccer shoe.

What are the standards for fire boots? ›

This certification ensures that the boots have been independently reviewed and verified to meet specific requirements, such as being at least 8 inches high, having flame-resistant thread and laces, an exterior made of leather, and a melt-resistant lug sole.

What boots does Seth Rollins wear? ›

Rollins even went viral in February 2023, when he appeared on an episode of Monday Night Raw wearing a pair of MSCHF "Big Red Boots", probably the best statement piece for an eccentric character like The Visionary to showcase.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.