Obituaries Faulk County, South Dakota (2024)

Margaret Abris

Rockham Record: Mrs. Joseph Abris, passed away at her home near Zell, Friday, March 19, aged seventy-two years. Funeral services were held Tuesday, interment in the Zell Cemetery.
Margaret Nerstheimer was born in Franklin Co., Indiana, in the year 1843. On January 29th, 1868, the deceased was united in marriage to Joseph Abris and to them five children were born. In 1882 the family migrated to Dakota settling near Zell, where they yet reside.

The deceased was a devoted wife and mother and is survived by her husband and four children who mourn their loss.
[Source: The Miller Press (SD) April 1, 1915] tr. by mkk

William Adams
SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, April 28, 1892, Page 5; Contributed by Harold Way.
Mr. Wm. Adams died the 17th inst. The deceased had been sick for nearly a year. We all sympathize with the afflicted family, the family were all home except the daughter and she came the day of his burial. She intends to remain at the home for a while.

Moses Aesoph
04 Oct 1983; submitted by Jacque McDonnell

Orient - Moses Aesoph, 69, of Orient died Sept. 30 at St. Luke's Hospital, Aberdeen.
The funeral Mass will be said at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Orient, by the Rev. Roger Geditz. Burial will be in St. Joseph Catholic Church, Orient.
A wake service will be held at 8 p.m. Monday at the church.
Moses Aesoph was born Sept. 14, 1914, at Highmore to Mr. and Mrs. Joe (Anna) Aesoph. He lived and farmed in the Orient area and moved into Orient to live. On July 13, 1937, he married Ruby Chambers in Orient.
He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Orient.
Survivors include his wife of Orient; one son, Larry, of Highmore; four daughters, Mrs. Larry (Beverly) Grau of Broomfield, Colo.; Mrs. William (Marilynn) Van Well of Selby, Gloria Aesoph of Orient and Mrs. Deburah Gonzalez of North Glenn, Colo.; 11 grandchildren, and one sister, Violet Bierman, Faulkton.
He was preceded in death by his parents, one son, one granddaughter, and three brothers.
Pallbearers will be Joe Aesoph, David Aesoph, Bill Aesoph, Dean Sangster, Lloyd Weiger and Marvin Deutenhoffer.

Mrs. Charles Anderson
SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, December 15, 1892, Page 5
DIED: -- At Millard, Sunday, December 11th, 1892, Mrs. Charles Anderson, aged 29 years and 10 months. She leaves a husband and one child about 11 months old.

Sidney Arnette
SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, February 5, 1891, Contributed by Harold Way
This community was shocked on the night of the 23d by the report that Sidney Arnette had shot himself. The young man had been left in company with another boy of about the same age who is living in the Arnette family, while Mr. Arnette and wife went to church. Shortly after six o'clock while the boy was choring at the barn he heard the report of a gun and ran to ascertain the cause. In front of the door of the residence lay young Arnette dead, having shot himself in the region of the heart with a Winchester rifle. The following notes lay on the table which explains the deed.
-Dear Pa and Ma - - I hope you will forgive me for what I am about to do. You know the cause, I loved her too dearly to live any longer this way. I will try and meet you in heaven. Your Boy Sidney.
The second note read:
Oh! May! I am going to leave this world I loved you too dearly to live any longer. If any one else ever loves you as I did please don't treat them as you did me. GoodBye. Sidney Arnette.
To May Stockham
Young Arnette was about 20 years of age, an only son of good standing among his neighbors. Has lived here since 1883 and had the confidence and respect of those who knew him.
Miss Stockham is only 15 years old and his affection for her was very silent as no one seemed to know any thing of it. He had only been in her company a few times, but she had refused to marry him. He leaves father mother and three sisters to mourn his untimely death. The funeral took place from the family residence Sunday the 25th.

Mrs. J. W. Finnerty
The death of Mrs. J. W. Finnerty near Rockham May 29 removed from the community a woman held in high esteem. The funeral was in charge of Father Myer and the remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery near Zell. Deceased was 53 years old. Besides husband six children survive her, the youngest about 15. Relatives from Illinois and Minnesota were at the funeral, the most largely attended of any ever held at Zell, about 500 neighbors and townspeople being present to show their respect for the beloved dead, and family. The husband and children have the sympathy of the people in their bereavement.
[Source: The Miller Sun (SD) June 14, 1905] tr. by mkk

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, March 14, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
The sad death of little James, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, aged two years, three months and twenty days, at this place on Tuesday morning last, March 12, of a fever resulting from a severe case of whooping cough appealed to the sincerest sypathy [sic] of all our people. "Jimmie" was well known as a remarkably bright boy who would, had he lived, undoubtedly been a blessing to his family and his generation. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday afternoon and the little casket was deposited in the city cemetery. The only remaining child of the family, a girl 15 months old, is also lying in an exceedingly critical condition with a similar disease. That her life may be spared is the prayer of all our people who appreciate greatly the great loss already sustained by the burdened parents.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, March 21, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
The death of little "Jimmie" Johnston, announced last week, was followed on Saturday last, March 16, by that of the only remaining child of the family, the baby daughter about 15 months old. The funeral on Sunday afternoon, at the Presbyterian church, was largely attended by our people who all sympathize greatly with the suffering parents in their doubly severe affliction.
To the many friends who so kindly came to us with words of comfort and helping hands in our hours of deepest affliction we feel that words of ours are inadequate to express our gratitude. 'inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.''
Jas. W. Johnston
Lizzie Johnston

John Joyce
John Joyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Joyce, of Wheaton twp. died last week in Redfield following a brief illness from pneumonia. He was a young man twenty three years of age and resided at home with his parents. Funeral services were held Thursday at Zell and interment made in the Zell cemetery.
[Source: The Miller Press (SD) Nov. 23, 1916] tr. by mkk

Marvin Infant
SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, November 14, 1889, page 3
Contributed by Harold Way
Died: November 5th, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Naman Marvin. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Marvin is quite ill at present.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, April 25, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
The sudden death of Mrs. Leonora Newton, wife of R. G. Newton, aged 43 years, at this place, on Monday evening, April 22, was greatly deplored by our people. Mr. Newton with his wife, who has been in poor health for years past came to Faulk county in 1883. Last week he sold his property north of this place and on Monday came into town intending to start for Michigan Wednesday morning. Mrs. Newton was suddenly stricken with paralysis of the brain and died in a short time after the shock. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. Deceased was a native of New York state and had been married 25 years. The peculiar circ*mstances of her death attracted the sympathy of all our people to a large degree.
Faulkton, April 24, 1889
Kind Friends:
In behalf of her whose earthly casket I leave with you, I thank you for your tender care and many kindness so freely bestowed upon us, in the days of my trial and great bereavement.
Sincerely Yours,
R. G. Newton.

Source uncertain, probably Faulk County Record of August 28, 2002
Contributed by Harold Way


Birth: Aug 16, 1922 (on farm near Cresbard)
Parents: Jay and Frances (Cowan) Paul
Marriage: Ann Wolff (December 15, 1954)
Death: Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2002 (Huron Regional Medical Center)
Age: 80
Funeral: August 23 (Cresbard United Methodist Church)
Burial: Cresbard Cemetery (Luce Funeral Home, Faulkton)
Education: Cresbard High School (graduated 1950)
Occupation: Farmer, retired 1986.
Locations: Huron (since July 2000), Cresbard, wintered in Texas
Organizations/Civic: Cresbard United Methodist Church

[Survivor information omitted for privacy]

Robert Nugent
The body of Robert Nugent, the Carbonate district prospector, who was found dead in his cabin last Sunday, will be shopped this evening on the Northwestern to Faulkton S.D., for burial. It will be accompanied by David Roach, a Northwestern railroad man of Gettysburg, S.D., nephew of deceased, who came to Lead on receiving news of his uncle’s death.
[Source: Lead Daily Call (Lead, S.D.), December 11, 1918, page 4; rll]

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, March 7, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
The sad death of Mrs. Jennie Pike, wife of J. H. Pike, on Saturday morning is a source of sorrow to all our people who sympathize with the afflicted family in their very sad bereavement.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, November 14, 1889, page 3
Contributed by Harold Way
Died: November 7th, of consumption, Mrs. J. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Reed had been married but a little more than two years. Verily, death is no respecter of persons. Mr. Reed has the sympahty of the neighborhood in his irreparable loss.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, March 28, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
The death of Mrs. Hugh Riley at the age of 55 years, of pneumonia, occurred on Tuesday, at her home, five miles south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Riley were among the first settlers in this county.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, February 28, 1889, page 4
Contributed by Harold Way
The funeral of the wife and child of Chas. Sanders took place the 19th. Mr. Sanders has been married less than a year. He has the sympathy of the neighborhood in his great loss.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, March 7, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
DeVoe Items:
Many residents of the county will regret to learn the death of Rev. S. S. Smith, who died recently of consumption at his home in Day county. Mr. Smith was the M. E. minister on this charge last year.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, March 28, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
The death of Mrs. Clara S., wife of Corey B. Van Winkle, of congestion of the lungs, occurred on Tuesday, March 26 at her home five miles north of this place. The deceased came here in June last, from Livingstone county, Michigan, her husband having purchased what is known as the Hulett farm.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, April 25, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
The following item taken from the Minneapolis Tribune will be of interest to many residents of 117-68 who were for some time neighbors of the party referred to:
A laborer about 8 o'clock yesterday morning discovered the body of a man lying in a little patch of woods between Rice street and McCarron�s Lake. The body was that of a man about 30 years of age and comfortably dressed. Coroner Quinn found a long cut in the right side of the neck, went completely through the carotid artery and which must have produced instant death. A blood stained razor was discovered lying on the ground alongside the corpse and in the man's pocket were found papers from which it was learned that his name was Alva S. Hammaker, a bridge builder by trade, and that he lived in La Foon, Dak. The remains were taken to Murphy & O'Halloran's morgue. It was clearly a case of suicide, and it was supposed that the deceased was slightly demented.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, June 27, 1889, page 5
Contributed by Harold Way
DIED - - - At her home, near De Voe, in this county, on Sunday, June 23d, 1889, Adeline, wife of C. A. Thompson, aged 56 years.
Adeline Aplin was born in the state of New York in the year 1883 [sic: should be 1833] and moved with her husband to what was then the far west, Glencoe, Minn., in 1857. They remained in that locality until 1882 when they again moved westward coming to this county and making a residence at the place of her death. Mrs. Thompson leaves a husband and ten children, five boys and five girls, all of whom reside in Dakota, to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother. Two of the sons, A. E. and C. I. are well known residents of this place. The bereaved family has the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, August 15, 1889, page 3
Contributed by Harold Way
DIED: - - - Miss Jennie C. Shirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shirk, of Faulkton, August 14th, 1889, of typhoid fever, aged 18 years.
The death of Miss Jennie Shirk, daughter of Register of Deeds J. H. Shirk, on Wednesday afternoon, is the saddest event that has happened in Faulkton. But a short week ago, full of life and health, she seemed the last to be cut off by so brief an illness. It seemed impossible to believe that she had succumbed to death and the announcement sent a shock throughout the town. For in less than a year's residence among us she had gained the respect and high esteem of all who knew her and the love of her companions. Her life was a beautiful picture of filial devotion and the sterling worth of her character makes our words most inadequate to express the sense of her loss to the community as well as to her family. She possessed many noble qualities rarely combined and carried out in her life the bright, high purpose in her heart. Soon after her arrival here she united with the Congregational church, of which until her death she remained an eminently consistent member, exemplifying by her conduct the sincerity of her profession of faith. She had joined the society of Christian Endeavor of the Congregational church as an associate member and performed all that she was called upon to do with fidelity and earnestness. What might be called the last act of her life beautifully indicates how well prepared she was for this sudden death. The night before she was taken sick she had asked that her name be recorded as an active member of the society. But she was destined to become an active member in other ranks nearer to her heart and so was called away. Instead of welcoming others into the society here as one of the lookout committee she has assumed the same duties in a higher sphere. As she performed her Christian duties so she did her other work and it all was seen the same careful, conscientious, high-minded spirit. It is an irreparable loss to the church and society of which she was a member and far more so to the sorely stricken family. The town extends its deepest sympathy and in the expression of sincere heartfelt sorrow the RECORD joins.
The funeral services will be held at the Congregational church tomorrow, Friday, August 16th, at 2 p.m.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, August 22, 1889, page 2
Contributed by Harold Way
The funeral services of Miss Jennie Shirk, at the Congregational church on last Friday, was very well attended. Rev. Chunn, pastor of the church, preached a very able sermon. The funeral services were in charge of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of which the deceased was a prominent member.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, August 22, 1889, page 2
Contributed by Harold Way
DIED: -- -- At Ellisville, Monday, Aug. 20, the infant daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Freeland.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, July 11, 1889, page 4
Contributed by Harold Way
The sudden and unexpected death of Mr. Levi Morse, of 117-68, came like a shock on Tuesday. He sat down to his dinner apparently in his usual health and expired in an instant without uttering a word. Mr. Morse was 68 years old last October and came to this county in the spring of �86, from Worcester, Mass. He was a highly respected member of the G. A. R. and Phil Sheridan Post will have charge of the burial service at this place today.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, August 29, 1889, page 3
Contributed by Harold Way
James Milligan, a well known farmer living four miles east of town, died on Tuesday night, at 11 p.m. of fever. Mr. Milligan came here from Pennsylvania about two years ago and had won the esteem and confidence of our people by his upwright [sic] straightforward mode of life. He was 22 years of age.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, September 12, 1889, page 2
Contributed by Harold Way
Mrs. John Boehenke died at her residence north of Millard last Sunday.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, November 14, 1889, page 3
Contributed by Harold Way
A two year old son of E. Pearson, of Miranda, died Sunday morning last of membranous croup.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, January 3, 1889, page 5
transcribed and contributed by Harold Way

DIED: At the residence of her son, C. B. Chambers, at Roanoke, of paralysis, on December 29th, 1888, Mrs. Ann Mary Chambers, wife of A. Chambers, aged 64 years, one month and nine days.

Mrs. Chambers was a consistent Christian, well beloved by all who knew her; and a member of the United Brethren church. The last words she uttered was a public prayer in the usual tone of voice, a few moments before she was stricken down at church. The funeral will be held at the residence of her son C. B., at 11 a.m., Friday, January 4, 1889.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, January 24, 1889, page 4
transcribed and contributed by Harold Way


During the past year the death angel has been busy at Myron, and has laid his pallid hand upon some of our most respected friends. On Saturday morning, Jan. 12th, 1889 at 5 o'clock Mr. D. H. Lockwood died at his residence after a brief illness of 5 days, of congestion of the lungs. He has been a sufferer since the war of the rebellion when he contracted his disease. Mr. Lockwood was born in Herkimer county, N.Y., where he lived until 5 years of age when, with his parents, he removed to Lenawee Co., Michigan which remained his home until he came to Dakota. He enlisted in company G, 4th Mich. Regiment of infantry when but 15 years of age and served his country nobly. He was married to his now deeply bereaved widow, in 1874, and leaves, beside her three children, all under 18 years of age, to mourn his loss. Rev. P. B. Fisk, pastor of the congregational church, of which the deceased was a member, conducted the funeral services and a large concourse of friends were in attendance. A loving husband and father, a loyal and intelligent children and a high minded Christian man, has gone to his reward.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, January 24, 1889, page 5
transcribed and contributed by Harold Way

An infant child of M. J. Jarvis, at DeVoe, died this week.

OURCE: Cresbard Beacon, August 21, 1924
Transcribed and contributed by Harold Way

Dorinda Kenny Johnson

Dorinda Kenny was born in Adelaide, Ontario, Canada, December 12th, 1851, where she spent her early childhood.

When she was about seven years old her parents moved to Money Creek Valley, Minn., and from there to La Crosse, Wis.

In the year of our Lord, May 15th, 1878, she was married to George Mitchell Johnson, at Black River Falls, Wis., where they resided until 1884, when they moved to Hand CO., S. D., Burdette.

They resided there eleven years, then moved to their present farm in Faulk County. In the year of 1918 they moved to Cresbard, their present home.

When a little girl she joined the Episcopal church. Being no church of that denomination here she joined the Methodist church at DeVoe.

She died at Rochester, Sunday August 10th, 1924, at the age of 72 years, 7 months and 28 days.

She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and three sons, Chester, Howard and Ernest, all of this community. Also a sister, Mrs. Mary Howell, of Redfield, and many other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held from the Old Home and the DeVoe church August 13, the Rev. C. C. Boslaugh, officiating; preaching from Psl. 116-15. Interment was made in the Devoe cemetery.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, October 11, 1888, Page 1
Contributed by Harold Way

A three months old son of Fred and Abbie Tead, of Myron, was buried at this place on Tuesday October 6th. It was a sad loss.

SOURCE: The Republican-Record, Thursday, November 8, 1894, Page 8
Contributed by Harold Way

Mr. William Kenney, of DeVoe, died on October 23 at the Soldiers Home at Hot Springs in this state, whither he went but a few days prior to his decease for medical treatment. Mr. Kenney was a volunteer in the 8th Wisconsin, live eagle regiment during the war, and one of the early settlers of this county. This is the second son Mrs. Kenney, his mother, who resides at DeVoe, has lost from disease contracted in the army.

SOURCE Faulk County Record, September 27, 1888, Page 1
Contributed by Harold Way

DIED: - - On Sunday, Sept. 23rd, 1999, little Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boynton of this place, of cholera infantum, aged nearly 8 months.

SOURCE Faulk County Record, September 27, 1888, Page 1
Contributed by Harold Way

DIED: - - On Monday, September 24th, 1888, little Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Chamberlain of this place, of cholera infantum, aged 10 months.

The parents desire the RECORD, to express their sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for helping hands and words of sympathy I the hour of their trouble.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, September 20, 1888, page 1
Contributed by Harold Way

DIED: - - On September 14th, 1888, Willie E., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon, aged 4 months and 23 days.

Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. M. McCalon, at the schoolhouse in LaFoon, Sept. 15th, and the remains were interred in Faulkton cemetery.

From the pair of little faces on is gone.
In the old familiar places, sad and lone,
Father, mother, little sister, sit and mourn.
Weep not when you tell the story of the dead.
'Tis a sunbeam joined the glory overhead,
'For of such sweet ones is heaven,'' Jesus said.

SOURCE: Aberdeen American, October 21, 1915.
Cotnributed by Harold Way


Northville, Oct. 20. Special.
Mrs. Margaret Bromaghim, wife of Rev. F. L. Bromaghim, pastor of the M. E. church at Devoe, died at her home Sunday morning after a long and painful illness. Funeral services were held at the home, Rev. J. S. Harkness officiating. After which the remains were brought here and laid to rest in the family lot in the Northville cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband, one sister and five brothers.

OBITUARY - Gwen V. Miller - March 4, 1968 Contributed by Harold Way

Harold notes that Gwen was a daughter of John Lambert (Bert) Miller, and granddaughter of Alex Miller.

She was a pharmacist in Rapid City, was murdered and the case has never been solved.

From the Memorial Card available at the funeral services

In Memory of Gwen Vivian Miller November 4, 1907 - February 29, 1968

Services: Methodist Church, Cresbard, Monday, March 4, 1968

Clergyman: Reverend James Patton

Pallbearers: Melvin Holmes
Harlan Gabler
William Holt
Osborn Holt
Milton Cunningham
Doyle Bowar

Honorary Pallbearers
Dr. H. J. Borgmeyer
James Bachand
Dr. E. S. Palmerton
Keith Born
Dr. R. J. Bareis
Ronald GuyDr. A. A. Lampert
LaMont Cass
Raymond Wendling
Grant Olson

Music: Mrs. Wayne Holsing, OrganistMrs. Wayne Holsing and Claire Kono, Vocalists

Memorial Book: Mrs. Otto Kretchmaar

Ushers: Leslie Shew & Floyd Gjernes

Interment: Cresbard Cemetery

Arrangements by: Sorem Funeral Home

SOURCE: The Republican-Record, Thursday, September 13, 1894, Page 8
Contributed by Harold Way

Andrew Thompson, a well known resident of 117-71, died Monday evening last and was buried at Burkmere Wednesday. Mrs. Thompson is also reported to be lying in a very critical condition.

SOURCE: The Republican-Record, Thursday, August 9, 1894, Page 8
Contributed by Harold Way

Died: On Monday August 6th, 1894, after an illness of several month duration, Signie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Upland, aged 18 years. The family who reside six miles northwest of this place are well known here and all express great sympathy with the surviving members at their untimely loss of a promising daughter and sister.

SOURCE: The Republican Record, Thursday, June 14, 1894, Page 8
Contributed by Harold Way

Card of Thanks.
DeVoe, So. Dak., June 8, 1894

To The Republican-Record:

We wish to publicly express our heartfelt thanks to all those who tendered their sympathy and assistance to us in the hour of our affliction caused by the death of our baby, Harry, who died June 5th, 1894, at the age of 2 months and 6 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pettit.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, May 24, 1894, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way

Miss Mae Smith daughter of Dr. Smith of Scatterwood died two weeks ago and his wife is now also very sick. Truly misfortunes never come singly.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, May 24, 1894, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way

Died: - - - Friday, May 11th of dropsy, Mrs. Tilly Wight, wife of L. T. Wight of No. 1.*

*note from contributor: No. 1 probably refers to a county precinct number.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, May 10, 1894, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way

Died at Seneca Tuesday May 8, Mrs. John Langrill. She leaves a husband and one child about two years old.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, April 26, 1894, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way

The six year old daughter of Wm. Haberling who lives five miles east of Orient was so severely burned last Sunday by her clothes catching fire from some weeds her father was burning that she died Monday night. Dr. Rathbun attended the little sufferer, and did all that medical skill could suggest but to no avail.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, March 29, 1894, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way


Mrs. Melinda Deloye, wife of Joseph Deloye died on Thursday, March 22nd, 1894, of paralysis of the stomach and head. She and her family came to Faulk county from Pekaskie, Wisconsin in the spring of 1883 and are probably as well known as any family in the county.

She was devoted to the interests of her husband and children and as a friend in sickness or trouble will long be held in kindly rememberancy by many who have had her assistance in time of trouble.

Mrs. Deloye has been for several years a member of the U. B. church, and the W. R. C. of Faulkton claimed her as one of their most faithful adherents.

She was nearly fifty-four years of age. Funeral services were held at Myron Congregational church on Sunday, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Fisk. The relatives present were her husband, one sister, seven sons, three daughters, two sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, and eleven grandchildren, one daughter being absent who lives at Waupun, Wisconsin.

A large number of friends and neighbors were in attendance and gave their sympathy to the sorrowing ones.

- - - - - - -

All are not here, on either hand
Our anxious glances stray
But from among our numbered band
One form has passed away.

It seems but yesterday since here
So gentle and so good;
Smiling upon all she loved so dear
In general health she stood.

How swift the unseen angel flies
To call our fleeting breath.
The closed lids hide her happy eyes.
Her voice is still in death.

Our youthful hearts are full of pain
Our eyes with tears do blur;
She can not visit us again
But we may go to her. (J.R.)
Card of Thanks.

We, the members of the bereaved family thus desire to publicly express our heartfelt thanks to all those who tendered their sympathy and assistance to us in our time of affliction.
Joseph Deloye and Family

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, March 15, 1894, Page 2
Contributed by Harold Way

The register of deeds of Faulk county, J. W. Johnston, and wife have lost two children by scarlet fever recently.

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, February 8, 1894, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way

Clarance D. Sutton's Death

Our citizens were shocked by the news Saturday that C. D. Sutton a prominent young farmer, of Miranda had been asphyxiated by coal gas Thursday night. It seems that in some manner the stovepipe came down and the gas escaping overcame both Mr. Sutton and a young man by the name of Harvey who was rooming with him. Both lay in a comatose condition until the next afternoon, when Harvey partially came to and managed to get out of doors and give the alarm. Drs. Hall & Rathbun were telegraphed for and went down and did all that medical skill could do for the sufferer but to no avail as he never recovered consciousness, dying Saturday morning. Mr. Sutton was a young man possessed of many good qualities and was respected by all his acquaintances who will regret to hear of his death. He was unmarried, but leaves two sisters Mrs. Frank Bacon, of Miranda and Mrs. Fred Ruhlman, [sic] of Rockham.

A Card of Thanks
Miranda, Feb 5th., 1894.
To the friends and neighbors who so generously came forward with sympathy and assistance at the time of our great bereavement by the sudden death of one beloved brother. We hereby attempt to express in words our gratitude.
Mrs. F. M. Bacon
Mrs. Fred Rhulman

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, February 15, 1894, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way

Resolutions of Respect.

The Coyote Reading Circle, of Miranda, at their meeting last week, adopt-[sic] the following resolutions.

WHEREAS; Death has removed from our circle our esteemed friend, Clarance D. Sutton, and

WHEREAS; We deeply feel our loss, not only as from our immediate circle, but of a citizen just in the prime of young manhood, therefore be it

RESOLVED; That we tender our most heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved relatives and commend them to the all seeing Father for support and consolation in their hour of need. And be it further

RESOLVED; That, in deference to the memory of the deceased, the play which this Circle has been preparing, and in which the departed friend tok a prominent part, be given up; and

RESOLOVED; That these resolutions be spread upon the records and copies furnished the press for publication.

J. H. Emery,
M. A. Humphrey, Committee
W. H. Knox.

Faulk County Republican Record October 31, 1895
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

An elderly gentleman named Sterling who resided with A. B. Clifford, of No. 1, died on Monday, October 28, the result of a stroke of paralysis. We were unable to gather any particulars further than these.


Faulkton Republican-Record, Jan. 10, 1895

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Mrs. Emilie Dankleff, wife of Fred Dankleff, died at DeVoe, of bowel trouble, on january 6th, at the age of 32 years. Deceased came here about two years ago, from Berlin, Germany, and was married at this place on her arrival to her now bereaved husband. She also leaves a small child without a mother's care.

Faulkton Republican-Record - June 18, 1903

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Devoe News (Too late for Last Week) Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown an infant son June 8th. The little one lived but one day and is not �safe within the fold. Elder Bromeghim was away from home so the words said over the little body were by Rev. Cooper of Faulkton. The baby was laid to rest Wednesday forenoon June 10th in the cemetery east of DeVoe.

Cresbard Beacon - December 23, 1948

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Henry Hanson, born at Kasson, Dodge County, Minnesota, May 11, 1874, departed this life a few days ago at the hand of an unknown assailant, at the age of about 74 years and 8 months.

He came to South Dakota in the spring of 1887 and made his home in the Devoe community since that time except for one year that was spent on the West Coast.

After completing Grammar School education he was a student for a short course at Brookings State College. He was a school teacher for many years, but the major part of his life was spent in the vocation of farming. He had a great love for vocal music and a great devotion to the art of reading literature and the current problems of the day.

He is survived by three brothers, William of Cresbard, Charles and Albert of Baker, Mont., and one sister, Mrs. Ida Ruddy of Jamestown, N. D., and several nephews and nieces.

Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clifford. The hymns, Rock of Ages, and Whisptering Hope and The Body Shall be raised Incorruptible were sung.

Funeral services were held at the Devoe Methodist church Monday afternoon, Dec. 20th, Rev. Phipps officiating.

Pall bearers were Ivan, Max and Milton Hansen, Willima and Marion Holt and James Herman. Interment was at the Deove [sic] cemetery. Arrangements were in charge of the Sorum Funeral Home of Faulkton.

Aberdeen American News - November 8, 2004
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Aberdeen - Clarence Herbert Cowhick, 88, Aberdeen and formerly Cresbard, died Friday, Nov. 5, 2004, at his home. Funeral services are 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the Cresbard Methodist Church; Rev. Carl Hedman officiating. Burial will be in the DeVoe Cemetery, rural Cresbard, under the direction of Luce Funeral Home, Faulkton. Visitation begins one hour prior to the services at the church.

Clarence Herbert Cowhick was born Oct. 1, 1916, to Clarence and Inez (Shaw) Cowhick, Cresbard. He was baptized April 24, 1970, and was a member of the Methodist Church, Cresbard. On Oct. 25, 1937, he married his childhood sweetheart, Leah Cunningham, and they had recently celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. They had also been lifetime singing partners and had sung for many of their friend's funeral services.

Herbert was an active community man. He served on the Cresbard School Board for many years and was on the township and FHA boards. He was a Faulk County commissioner from 1960 to 1980 and during the period served as their state president. He was the NACO-SD representative to Washington, D.C., where he served on the land-use steering committee, having the opportunity to meet three U.S. presidents.

Herbert was a strong supporter of the Faulk County Hospital and served on the board. He was also instrumental in organizing the Cresbard Senior Center and the building of the tennis courts.

Herbert and Leah were the youth leaders of the Methodist Youth Fellowship church group for several years. He was an active member of the Methodist men, Masonic Lodge and Order of Eastern Star.

Herbert received his private pilot's license in 1947. He loved traveling, woodworking, playing cards, boating, water skiing, flying and family activities. In later years, he worked to preserve the DeVoe Cemetery.

Hebert is survived by his wife, Leah of Aberdeen; three daughters, Cyndy (Larry) Schaunaman of Houston, Karolyn (James) Perry of Las Vegas, and Lorene (Dan) Veatch of Sisseton. He was very proud of his six talented and ambitious grandchildren and found joy in his 10 great-grandchildren. He is also survived by one sister, Beth Kono of Cresbard.


Unknown South Dakota newspaper

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Leah Cowhick, 92, of Aberdeen and formerly of Cresbard, passed away Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at Avera St. Luke's Hospital in Aberdeen.
Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m., Friday, September 3, 2010 at the Cresbard United Methodist Church with Rev. Julie Nygaard officiating. Burial followed at the DeVoe Cemetery, rural Cresbard. Visitation was held from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, September 2, 2010 at the church.
Leah Ruth Cowhick (Cunningham) was born June 5, 1918 to Charles and Laura (Pratt) Cunningham on a farmstead southeast of Cresbard. She was a member of the United Methodist Church in Cresbard. She also attended the First United Methodist Church in Aberdeen after moving to Aberdeen in 2003.
On October 25, 1937 she married her childhood sweetheart, Herbert Cowhick. They had 67 glorious years together. They were lifetime singing partners and had sung for many of their friend's celebrations and services.
Leah was a very strong, spiritual, witty, and dignified lady who remained extremely sharp up to the very end. She enjoyed many passions: her immediate and extended family, farming, shopping, music, cards, cooking, travelling domestically and internationally, following tennis and golf, church and community activities. At 91 she acquired a computer and enjoyed receiving emails and pictures from her family and friends.
Leah aspired from an early age to be a chuck wagon cook. Although times changed and she wasn't able to realize those dreams she did fulfill a lifetime of masterfully prepared meals and delicacies. She was renowned for throwing a meal together that was absolutely delicious. She had her unique recipes stored in her head and no one could duplicate nor prepare them as well as Leah. Her homemade fudge and cinnamon rolls topped the list.
Leah played the piano and organ at church for many years. She was the Grand Organist for the Eastern Star and shared this love of music with residents at retirement and assisted living facilities. She passed this passion for music down the family genes with many family members pursuing musical interests and careers.
She had a passion for farming and so loved to keep up on the agricultural industry. Many times Leah and Herbert dropped their own work to help someone else. She was always on top of farming programs and interested and concerned for the local farmers.
She wouldn't pass an opportunity to play cards with family or friends be it bridge, spades, pinochle, whist, or go fish with great grand children. When questioning her three year old grandson about stacking the deck, she was told Be thankful for what you have and she was.
Her memory will be cherished by her three daughters: Lorene Veatch of Cresbard, Karolyn (James) Perry of Las Vegas, NV, and Cyndy (Larry) Schaunaman of Houston, TX. She was very proud of her six grandchildren and found joy in her 13 great grandchildren. She is survived by one sister, Rosalie Bowar of Cresbard, and one brother Milton Cunningham of Wadena, MN.
She was preceded in death by her loving husband Herbert Cowhick, and two brothers Ernest (Ernie) Cunningham and Charles Robert (Babe) Cunningham.
Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and hospital staff at Avera St Luke's Hospital for their compassionate care.
Luce Funeral Home of Faulkton has been entrusted with Leah's arrangements.

Faulkton Record - March 21, 1889
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

We regret to announce this week the death of Henry A. Kenny of DeVoe, on Sunday March 17th, 1889, of scrofula, at the early age of 27 years. Mr. Kenny had been sick during the past winter and his death was not unexpected. He was one of the arly settlers of this county, coming here in '83, six years ago this spring. He bore a spotless reputation as an upright, straight forward young man and his people have the unreserved sympathy of his many friends and neighbors and they desire the Record to express their great gratitude to those who rendered every possible aid during the time of Mr. Kennys long illness and final dissolution.

Faulkton County Record - March 21, 1889

The funeral services of the late Henry A. Kenny were held at the residence of the family, on Tuesday, and was largely attended. He came from Black River Falls, Wis., in the spring of 1883, and being one of the first settlers in this vicinity has by his energy and industry done much towards developing this section. During the past four months he has been a great sufferer from the disease which caused his death.

Anna Vensand Rongved
Anna Vensand was born Oct. 8th, 1894 at Voss, Norway, and died at her home near Cresbard Jan. 10, 1919, aged 24 years, 3 months and 2 days.
On September 26, 1918, she was united in marriage to Magnus Rongved.
At the age of fifteen she joined the Lutheran church, remaining a faithful member until death.
She leaves to mourn her early death, a husband, father, mother, two sisters, three brothers and a large number of relatives and friends.
"A beautiful life has gone before,
To await her loved one on the golden shore."
Funeral service was conducted at the home on Sunday afternoon and interment made in the DeVoe cemetery.
[SOURCE: Cresbard Beacon January 16, 1919 (vol. 11, no. 30) contributed by Harold E. Way]

Faulkton Record - May 30, 1908
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Miss Hattie Stone died at the home of her father at DeVoe Wednesday, May 27, 1908, of heart failure aged 15 years. Miss Stone has been a sufferer of the disease that took her off for some time, so that her death was not wholly unexpected. She was a girl of sweet disposition and bore her affliction with patience to the last. Funeral services were held at the home and also at the church Friday, after which she was buried in the DeVoe cemetery by the side of her mother’s grave. [Source: The Faulk County Advocate. Vol. 10, No. 35. June 4, 1908. P. 7, Col. 1]

Miss Hattie Stone died at the home of her father at DeVoe Wednesday, May 27, 1908, of heart failure aged 15 years. Miss Stone has been a sufferer of the disease that took her off for some time, so that her death was not wholly Unexpected. She was a girl of sweet disposition and bore her affliction with patience to the last. Funeral services were held at the home and also at the church Friday, after which she was buried in the DeVoe cemetery by the side of her mother’s grave.
[SOURCE: The Faulk County Advocate. Vol. 10, No. 35. June 4, 1908; p7]

Cresbard Beacon June 4, 1942
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

The funeral service of George Johnson was held at the Devoe Methodist church last Wednesday afternoon, Rev. E. E. Vernon conducting the service. Interment was made in the Devoe cemetery.

George Mitchell Johnson was born in Trenton, N.J., May 12, 1848. He was the son of Mitchell and Sarah Johnson, who came to the United States from England.

From New Jersey he moved with his parents to Black River Falls, Wis., where he spent his young manhood at his trade as a painter.

He was united in marriage May 15, 1878 to Dorinda Kenny. To this union four sons were born, Chester Henry, Howard James, Ernest Lyman, and Eldon Matthew, two sons preceeded [sic] him in death, Eldon Matthieu, who died in infancy and Howard James, who died May 30, 1940.

In 1884, he with his family moved to Hand County, near Burdette. They remained there until 1895 when he moved to the present farm home in Faulk County. In 1918 he moved with his wife to Cresbard, South Dakota, where he resided until the death of his wife, Aug. 1924. He then returned to the farm and made his home with his son, Ernest and family, until he quietly passed [sic] away on the morning of May 25, 1942, at the age of 94 years and 13 days.

Together with his wife he endured the hardships of early pioneer days in Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota. His experiences led him to the logging camps of Wisconsin and Minnesota. He helped build the first railroad into Minneapolis.

He had the unique gift of making acquaintances readily. His friendly and jovial nature endeared him to the hearts of many.

He leaves to mourn his passing his two sons, Chester and Ernest, nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren, Bonnie Lee Bierman, Richard Arden Bierman and Maryana Bliss, many other relatives and a host of friends.

Northville Journal May 25, 1905
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way


Frederick F. Hansen died of appendicitis at his home near DeVoe May 17, aged 60 years.

Mr. Hansen was one of the early settlers in the vicinity of DeVoe, where he was much respected as a very industrious, upright citizen. He was born in Denmark August 11, 1845. He came to America when a young man and resided in Pennsylvania for a short time. He then came to the vicinity of Kasson, Minn., where he was married and lived until 1884, when he came to Faulk county and settled on his farm, one mile east of DeVoe, where the remainder of his life was spent.

He leaves a wife, four sons and two daughters. They are William, Henry, Charles and Ida, of DeVoe, Mrs. R. A. Newell, of Wesley and Albert of the state of Washington.

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church at DeVoe at 2 p.m., May 18.

Mr. Hansen has many friends who join in sympathy with the bereaved family in their great loss.

Cresbard Beacon, August 4, 1955
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Rites Held at Devoe for Fred Cunningham

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Devoe church for Fred Cunningham who passed away at the Faulkton hospital July 29, from the infirmities of old age. Rev. Clayton Berry of the Faulkton Methodist church officiated at the rites. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clifford sang. Casket bearers were Frank Nash, Fred Gabler, Edward Holmberg, Len Thiede, Floyd Lerew and James Miller.

Members of Masonic Lodges of both Cresbard and Faulkton held graveside rites. Bruial was in the Devoe cemetery.

James Fred Cunningham, son of Robert and Hannah Cunningham was born in Louisville, Neb., June 27, 1872, and passed away July 29, 1955 at the age of 83 years, 11 months and 2 days.

He moved with his parents to Greenwood Neb., at the age of 10 and lived there until he was 19 years old; he then went to Lincoln, Neb., and learned the horseshoeing trade.

He was married at Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 20th, 1894, and to this union one daughter, Freda, was born.

In 1909 he came to Cresbard and took up farming with his mother and brother, Charles.

He was made a Mason at Bennet, Neb., Lodge No. 94 A. M. in 1906. Here at Cresbard he was a charter member of No. 157.

His father, mother, 2 sisters and one brother proceeded him in death.

He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Frank Read of Port Townsend, Wn., one brother in law, Hugh Miller, Excelsion Springs, Mo.; one sister in law, Laura Cunningham of Cresbard; 4 grandchildren, 4 nieces and 3 nephews; great nieces and nephews and other relatives and friends.

Cresbard Beacon - JULY 25 1940
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Francis Scott Smith, son of Thomas and Ellen Smith was born in Wabasha county, Minnesota, May 31st, 1861. Here he grew to young manhood. He departed this life July 20, 1940 at the ae of 79 years, 1 month and 20 days. His mother died when he was 7 years old. He came to Dakota territory in 1882, filing on a claim in Faulk County in 1883. He afterwards sold his claim and purchased the home place where he has since resided.

He was of a kindly disposition. Having no family of his own he took a deep interest in the children of the neighborhood and enjoyed making them happy. He was especially fond of little children.

He was a good neighbor and friend to all who knew him.

His parents, and seven brothers and sisters have preceded him in death. He leaves on sister, Mrs. Mary Glenn of Minneapolis and one brother, Ed Smith of Aitken, Minn., a number of nieces and nephews and a host of friends.

The funeral service was held at the Cowhick home south of Cresbard on Monday afternoon. Rev. E. E. Vernon of Cresbard conducted the service and interment was made in the Devoe cemetery. The out of town relatives attending the services were Mrs. Mary Glan, a sister of Minneapolis, Mr. Byron Wood, Mr. Henry L. Rocque, Mrs. Adolph Mussel of Plainview, and Mr. Ralph Reed of Millville, Minn.

We wish to thank all those who have helped in so many ways during the sickness and death of our loved one. Also we wish to express our appreciation for the beautiful flowers.
Mrs. Inez M. Cowhick and family
Mrs. Mary Glenn
Mr. Ed Smith

Faulkton Record, February 12, 1915
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

One of the pioneers of the County,

Mrs Emma Miller, nee McClelland, was born in Holmes County, Ohio April 18th, 1850; and died at her home near Cresbard, South Dakota, February 2nd, 1915, age 64 years, 9months and 14 days.

When 15 years of age she with her parents moved to Missouri.

On Dec. 29th 1875, she was united in marriage to Alexander Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Miller continued their residence in Salem County, Missouri until 1882, when they moved to Northville, South Dakota [sic]. [NOTE: It was Dakota Territory at that time]

In the spring of 1883, they moved to Faulk County, where they have continued to reside until her death.

Mrs. Miller leaves to mourn her departure, a husband, four sons and two daughters also two brothers and a sister and many dear friends which her kind and pleasant ways have won for her.

She was converted and united with the M. E. Church in girlhood and remained an active, consistent member of the same until her death. Largely through the untiring efforts and liberal support of herself and husband the little church at DeVoe has been maintained during their residence in Faulk County. For many years her place in the family pew on the Sabbath has not been vacated unless on account of sickenss or other just cause. Always active in all benevolent and Christian enterprises her life was beautifully Christlike in sympathy, kindness and love.

Funeral services were held at the De Voe Church Sunday February 7th, and her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near the church.

The family have the kind sympathy of the entire community.

This death removes an estimable woman, one of the pioneers of the County who was ever ready at all times to help a neighbors family in sickness and distress. The old settlers will long remember Mrs. Miller's kindness.

Faulkton Record, May 27, 1920
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Emanuel Golden was born in Adams county, Penn., Aug. 7, 1827, and died May 15, 1920, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. McGrath.

He was united in marriage to Miss Amanda Miller on Sept. 25, 1851, who preceded him to her final rest nearly nine years ago.

On Oct. 16, 1862, he was called to the defence [sic] of his country and was enrolled as corporal of Co. K., 165th Regiment of Pennsylvania Malitia [sic] and marched away to the war leaving a wife and six small children, living near what is the historic battle ground of Gettysburg, where they saw many of the scenes of that conflict.

Soon after his discharge from the army he moved with his family to Cedar County, Iowa, where he resided until Nov. 1882, at which time he came to Dakota Territory and located on land in what is now Myron Township, Faulk County, S. D.

Mr. Golden was a very strong man physically and while his education was limited he had a wonderful memory which he retained until a few days before his death. He always liked to talk about the wonderful development of our country in his life time.

Thus passes one of our old settlers and pioneers at the age of 92 years, 9 months and 8 days.

There is left to mourn six children: Mrs. Gus Rosenaw and Mr. A. L. Golden of Cresbard; Mrs. J. M. McGrath of Faulkton; Mrs. Charles Adams of Tipton, Iowa; Mrs. W. M. Nelson, of Barney, Iowa; Mr. G. G. Golden of Wisconsin. Also a large number of grandchildren, great grandchildren and friends.

Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday afternoon conducted by Ref. Isaacs. Interment was made in the De Voe cemetery.

Eliza Stephens Wall
Faulkton Record - October 30, 1925
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Mr. [sic] Albert C. Wall, who was for many years a resident of Centerville Township, Faulk County, passed away to her reward from St. Luke's hospital, Aberdeen at about 7:30 P. M. on Thursday, October 22nd, after a relapse following an operation.

Eliza Stephens Wall, the daughter of Joseph and Joan Stephens, was born December 11, 1861, at Winscombe Hill, Somersetshire, England, and came to this country with here parents in November, 1865, the family settling at Dyersville, Dubuque County, Iowa, where she grew to young womanhood. In early life she joined the Methodist Episcopal church and remained a faithful member until her death.

After attending High School, she taught for three years. On September 23, 1884 she was united in marriage to Albert C. Wall. The following March they moved to Albion, Boone County, Nebraska, where they resided for a period of ninetten years. In this place five children were born to them, Alfred, Cornelius, Joseph, Rose and Ned, the latter dying in infancy.

In February, 1904, she and her husband moved to Faulkton with their family, stopping there for a short time, and then took up their residence four miles south of Miranda, where they lived for two years, removing in 1906 to their present residence in Centerville Township, Faulk County.

On October 10th she became resiously [sic] ill from an old malady, and was taken to St. Luke's hospital in Aberdeen where it was decided that an operation was necessary. The operation was performed on October 20th and was apparently successful, but on the evening of October 22nd she suffered a relapse and passed quietly away.

At the time of her death she was sixty-three years, ten months and eleven days old and had lived a happy married life with her husband for over forty-one years. She is survived by two sisters, Miss Anna Stephens of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Mrs. Henry Jones of Nashua, Iowa; a number of other relatives; her husband, Albert C. Wall of Centerville Township; three sons, Alfred Wall of Miranda and Cornelius and Joseph Wall of Centerville Twonship; and one daughter, Mrs. Rose M. Rose of Athol.

The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. C. C. Boslaugh of Cresbard M. E. church assisted by the Rev. E. W. Bush of the church of the Nazarene. Prayer was offered at the home of the deceased after which the body was taken to the DeVoe M. E. church of which the deceased has been a member since 1909. At the church a service was held, the Rev. Boslaugh preaching from the text, And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any pain; for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4. The choir of the church rendered the following selections Alone with God, Sweet Bye and Bye and Shall We Gather at the River? The church was filled to overflowing and after the closing song the remains were viewed by nearly all present, friends and neighbors of the deceased. Interment was in the DeVoe cemetery.

Mrs. Wall was a friend to all and a mother and sister to those of the community who had none. She was liked by all who knew her. She was a devoted wife and mother and her memory will be cherished in the hearts of many loved ones and a host of friends.

Cresbard Beacon � January 16 1919
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Mrs. Edna Cowhick Smith was born Sept. 14, 1891 in Burte Co., Neb. In 1906 with her father and mother she moved to Faulk county, South Dakota. The greater part of her life she has spent in Faulk county.

On Jan. 1, 1911 she was married to Marshall Smith. To this union were born three children.

She died Jan. 4, 1919, at the home of her brother, Clarence Cowhick, aged 24 years, 3 mos. and 21 days.

She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, three children, father, brother and two sisters.

The mother loved can never be replaced.

Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the hom by Rev. Sheldon and interment was made in the Devoe cemetery.

Aberdeen Daily News - May 21, 1910
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way


Death Finally Ends Suffering of E. E. Newell of Cresbard

Cresbard Beacon: Death came to the relief of E. E. Newell, the unfortunate victim of the accident a week ago Monday when he fell from the platform of a steam plow. He was cared for in a tent as it was impossible to move him to his home. His internal injuries were so severe that there was little hope from the start. On Friday Dr. Weidman was with him at 11 o'clock and did not anticipate any imediate [sic] change, but after dinner he began to feel worse and in a short time the pus broke through and he was virtually strangled to death. His wife was with him and had his remains taken to the home that evening. A funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Bromaghim in the Devoe church, Sunday afternoon, the casket being completely covered with flowers. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn the loss of a good husband and father. He carried a $1,000 insurance policy in the Modern Brotherhood.

Aberdeen American News, December 6, 2007
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Cresbard - Donald Bisbee, 83, of Cresbard passed away Monday, Dec. 3, 2007, at ManorCare Health Services in Aberdeen.

Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec 8, 2007, at the Cresbard United Methodist Church with Pastor Julie Nygaard officiating.

Burial will be in the DeVoe Cemetery.

Visitations will be 1-7 p.m. Friday at Luce Funeral Home in Faulkton with a 7 p.m. prayer service.

Donald Glenn Bisbee was born June 24, 1924, on the family farm in DeVoe Township, Faulk County S.D., to Claude and Helma (Vensand) Bisbee. He grew up and attended school in the DeVoe Township Area and Cresbard High School.

Following his schooling, he joined his family in farming on the family farm, which was started by his grandfather, Marion Bisbee. Donald continued farming until his retirement in 1991. The farm received a century award in 2003 for being in the family for 100 years.

Donald married Jean Griffith on Oct. 24, 1959, at the First Presbyterian Church in Aberdeen. To this union two children were born. Donald enjoyed hunting, fishing and reading and then, in his later years, growing vegetables and flowers in his garden and planting trees.

Grateful to have shared his life are his wife, Jean of Cresbard, S.D.; his daughter Carolyn (Randy) Dejmal of Ankeny, Iowa; his son, Richard (Kellie) Bisbee of Cresbard.; He is also survived by on sister, Shirley (Duane) Holt of Cresbard; three grandchildren: Elliott and Rebekah Dejmal of Ankeny, Iowa, and Tyler Bisbee of Cresbard, S.D.; three sisters-in-law: Adah Rugh Jenkins of Garden City, Kan, Marily Bisbee of Chamberlain, S.D., and Marjorie Bisbee of Cresbard, S.D.; one brother in law, Ken Raethz of Apache Junction, Ariz; and many nieces and nephews.

Preceding him in death were his parents; one sister, Helen Raethz; and two brothers: Dale and Duane "Bud" Bisbee.

Faulkton Record - January 20, 1911
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Death of Daniel W. Pillsbury A Pioneer and Civil War Veteran.

Daniel W. Pillsbury died at Cresbard, S. D., January 11th, 1911, aged 64 years.

The funeral was held Sunday at the DeVoe M. E. church. Mr. Pillsbury resided upon his farm in Centerville Township since the spring of 1883. He was a member of the G. A. R. Post and the Masonic Lodge at this place. At the age of 15 years he enlisted in Co. B. 57 Illinois Infantry and served three years until the war ceased.

Mr. Pillsbury never married and his nearest relative is a half brother, Allen P. Thompson, of Fairmont, Minn.

Biography from: Ellis, Capt. E. H. History of Faulk County South Dakota. Aberdeen, SD: North Plains Press, 1973 [Reprint of 1909 edition]. Pages 405-406

Daniel W. Pillsbury of Centerville, Faulk county, was born in Canness, New Hampshire, on the 30th day of June, 1847. He was the only son of Joseph D. and Claracy (Abbott) Pillsbury. He lived there until his enlistment in the 57th Illinois Regiment Volunteer Infantry, April 27th, 1861, for three years. A re-enlistment in the veterans, extended his service until his final discharge, July 4th, 1865. After a residence in the state of Iowa for fifteen years, he came to this county and located upon the government land in township 118, range 67, which is the present town of Centerville. In the early years of pioneer life, his was little or no different from the common experience of those who early came to Faulk county. Hardships and privation was the lot of all. The years of failure of crops, the dry and hot wind, the repeated hail storms, the inexperience in combating with new conditions, made one continuous struggle. The changing years brought change of conditions until prosperity has finally crowned his efforts, and at the age of sixty-one he stands among the happy, contented, prosperous farmers of Faulk county.

Mr. Pillsbury recognizes the fact that in union there is strength and has full companionship with his comrades in the Grand Army Post of which he is an active member. He is also a member of the Royal Arch Chapter Free and Accepted Masons at Faulkton, South Dakota.

Cresbard Beacon, January 7, 1937
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Clarence Milton Cowhick, son of John and Mary Cowhick was born Dec. 19, 1885 in Monona County, Iowa. He passed away at his home south of Cresbard, South Dakota, at the age of 51 years and nine days.

At the age of 16 he moved with his parents to Thurston County, Neb. Then years later they moved to Faulk County, where he has since resided.

He was united in marriage to Inez Mae Shaw, June 17, 1914. To this union were born two children, Herbert and Beth.

Left to mourn his passing are his wife and children, his father, two sisters, Mrs. Alta Henderson of Rawlins, Wyo., as well as many other relatives and friends. His mother, two sisters and a brother have preceded him in death.

He was serving as a member of the M. E. church board and as vice chairman of the school board at the time of his death.

He was a kind and loving husband and father and a good neighbor to all who knew him. He will be greatlhy missed in his home and in the community.

'I cannot say, and will not say
Tha he is dead. He is just away.
With a quiet smile and a touch of the hand
He has wandered into an unknown land;
And felt us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there.

I cannot say, and I will not say
That he is dead; he is just away.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Darling at the DeVoe church and interment was made in the DeVoe cemetery.

Cresbard Beacon, February 26, 1942
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

The funeral of Chas. Cunningham who died suddenly at his home Tuesday afternoon from heart disease, was held at the Devoe Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock with Rev. E. E. Vernon conducting the service and the Maxson Funeral Home of Northville in charge. Interment was made in the Devoe cemetery.

Charles Ross Cunningham, son of Robert and Hannah Cunningham was born at Greenwood, Nebraska September 16, 1884, died February 17, 1942, age 57 years, 6 months and 29 days.

He was married to Laura Pratt August 29, 1917. To this union were born five children: Mrs. Herbert Cowhick, Ernest, Robert, Rosalie and Milton, all of Cresbard.

He leaves, besides his wife and children, two sisters, Mrs. Hugh Miller of Excelsior Springs, Mo., Mrs. Maggie Hardin Clarksville, Arkansas; one brother, Fred Cunningham, Cresbard; one granddaughter, Lorene Cowhick, and three nieces.

He came to South Dakota in 1909 and has resided on the home farm since 1915. He was active in the affairs of his township and was a member of the township board at the time of his death.

He was among the very best of fathers and will be greatly missed in the home as well as by all his friends.

The lights are out
In the mansion of clay
The curtains are drawn,
For the dweller's away
He silently slipped
O'er the threshold by night,
To make his abode
In the City of Light.

Faulkton Record - September 26, 1907
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Chas. A. Kenny - Dead

Charles A. Kenny, postmaster at DeVoe, died Thursday, September 26th after a long illness.

Charles A. Kenny was born February 27th, 1872, near Winona, Minnesota, and came to Faulk county with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny, in the year 1886, and has resided in the vicinity of DeVoe since that time, where for the past three years he has been postmaster and merchant.

The deceased was not married and leaves as near relatives his mother, Mrs. Amelia Kenny, Guy Kenny, a brother, Mrs. Mary Terrell of Redfield and Mrs. Eva Black of DeVoe, sisters.

Funeral services were held at the M. E. church at DeVoe, Sunday, Sept 29th. The deceased was a member of the Faulkton Lodge No. 56 A. O. U. and many of the officers and members of the lodge were in attendance with a large concourse of friends and neighbors. He was an upright young man, always ready to help any worthy cause and was very highly respected by his friends and neighbors.

Faulkton Record - August 3, 1978
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Services For Beatrice Wahl [sic]

Services for Mrs. Beatrice Wall, 80, lifetime Faulk County resident were held Friday, July 28th at the United Church of Faulkton with the Rev. Charles McVay officiating. Burial was in Devoe Cemetery in rural Faulk County.

Faulkton Record, August 30, 1907
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Chelsea News by C. M. Halpenny
George Clark, the carpenter had a baby born last Friday. It died and was buried on Saturday at DeVoe.

Cresbard Beacon - May 11, 1933
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Arthur L. Roe was born at Voss, Norway, June 29, 1879, and died May 2, 1933; age 62 years, 10 months, 3 days.

He was united in marriage to Regina Vensand at Voss, Norway, March 21, 1889, and left immediately for the United States, coming directly to Athol, S. Dak. He homesteaded on the land which became his home until the time of his death, except for three years, 1910 to 1913, when he lived at Fargo, N.D., on account of his failing health, which began about this time. During the last twelve years, Mr. Roe has been an invalid, in no way able to regain his failing health.

Mrs. Roe preceded him in death, August 22, 1926.

Mr. Roe was a fine christian character, being confirmed in the Norwegian Lutheran church when a boy, and upon coming to the DeVoe community, he and his family united with the DeVoe M. E. church where he was a member when transferred to the Church Triumphant.

We cannot speak too highly of his beautiful Christian faith, proving itself and supporting him in the years of failing health. He never complained. He was always cheerful, always confident of God's providence and trustful of His grace. He was happy in God's will even though it meant to suffer. God could have His way, he would not murmur. He has shown us an example of how a Christian should live, suffer and come to death in peace.

He rests in peace.

He leaves to mourn his departure, one adopted daughter, Mrs. Ann Davis of Chelsea, S.D., three brothers, Howard Roe of Buchanan, N.D. Nels Roe of Morristown, S. D. and Lars Roe of Norway; one sister, Mrs. Nels Nesthus of Chelsea, S. D. Two brothers and four sisters have preceded him in death.

The funeral was held Wednesday, May 3, at the DeVoe church and the remains were laid to rest in the DeVoe cemetery. Rev. Rinearson officiated.

Cresbard Beacon - January 16 1919
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Anna Vensand was born Oct. 8th, 1894, at Voss, Norway, and died at her home near Cresbard Jan 10, 1919, aged 24 years, 3 months and 2 days.

On September 26, 1918, she was united in marriage to Magnus Rongved.

At the age of fifteen she joined the Lutheran church, remaining a faithful member until death.

She leaves to mourn her early death, a husband, father, mother, two sisters, three brothers and a large number of relatives and friends.

A beautiful life has gone before,
To await her loved ones on the golden shore.

Funeral service was conducted by Rev. Sheldon at the home on Sunday afternoon and interment made in the Devoe cemetery.

Faulkton Record, April 16, 1909
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Died --- At his home in DeVoe township, April 8th, 1909, Andrew Nelson, aged 59 years.

Andrew Nelson was one of the pioneer residents of the east side of the county, having lived in Wesley and DeVoe townships for the past twenty-five years. He was an honest, industrious and upright citizen, well liked by his neighbors. Mr. Nelson's health began to fail about one year ago, a trip to California did not give any relief and his death occurred after an all winter's illness at the home farm.

The funeral services were held at the DeVoe M. E. church Sunday afternoon. The surviving relatives are Mrs. Anna Nelson, his widow, one son, aged six years, and a sister, Mrs. Danna Nelson of Oldham, S. D.

__________________ - February 2, 1909
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Amelia Kenny passed away on February 2, 1909. No obituary available.

Kenny was born in New York state in 1848. Her name at birth was Amelia C. Smith.

She was married to John Kenny in Winona, Minnesota on June 6, 1922. It appears as if they had eight children:
Eva Kenny 1867-1927
Born on 2/27/1867 in Winona, MN
passed away 11/24/1927 in Worcester, MA
L. D, Kenny 1868-
Likely born in Winona, MN
Mary Kenny Terrell 1871-
Likely born in Winona, MN
Charles Kenny 1873-
Born in Michigan
William D. Kenny 1873-
Born in Michigan
Anna Dorinda Kenny 1874-1905
Born in Winona, Minnesota
Died in Wheaton Township, Hand County, South Dakota
John Guy Kenny 1877
Born in Winona, MN July 18, 1876
Died in Redfield, SD June 13, 1964
Joseph M. Kenny 1882-
Born in Michigan, December 1882

Cresbard Beacon - September 5, 1935
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Allan [sic] Charles Wall

Albert Charles Wall was born at Dyersville, Iowa, Sept. 12th, 1857, died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Everett Rose, August 25, 1935 at the age of 77 years, 11 months, and 13 days. He was united in marriage to Eliza Stephens in October 1884. To this union six children were born, two dying in infancy.

Left to mourn his death are three sons and one daughter, Joseph Wall and Mrs. Rose of Cresbard, Neal Wall of Hillman, Minn. And Alfred Wall of Ontario, Wisconsin, also twenty grandchildren and two brothers.

His wife preceded him in death nine years ago. Soon after they were married they moved to Nebraska where they lived for a number of years. They moved to Faulk county in 1904 where he lived until the death of his wife. A year later he moved to Minnesota making his home with his son Alfred.

During last winter he had the flu from which he never fully recovered.

He returned to Faulk County, June 17th, 1935. After a few weeks in the Faulkton Hospital he came to his daughter's home where he passed.

Funeral services were held at the De Voe church Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Rinearson and interment was made in the De Voe cemetery.

[Following the obituary is a card of thanks from the family]


We wish to express our thanks for the help, kindness and sympanthy shown us during the sickness and death of our father.
Mr. Alfred Wall
Mr. Neal Wall
Mr. Joe Wall
Mrs. Everett Rose
and their families

Cresbard Beacon, May 27, 1948
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Alfonso B. Clifford

Alfonso Bronson Clifford was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, March 16, 1849, where he grew to manhood. He finished Kalamazoo high school in 1869 and Business College and Telegraph Institute in 1870.

He then was Railway Telegraph Operator in the train dispatcher's office until 1877. Then he went to Clinton, Iowa, where he operated Farm Machinery Store.

On March 30, 1879, he joined the St. John's Episcopal Church of Clinton, Iowa and became one of their choir singers.

September 1, 1880, he was united in marriage with Kate Blackman at the home of her mother in Drury Township, Rock Island County, Ill. To this union one son, Perry, was born on October 12, 1891. The A. B. Cliffords were then living in South Dakota.

From 1881 to 1886 Alfonso Clifford operated a farm for his father in Michigan.

In July, 2886, the Cliffords came to Dakota Territory and settled in District No. 1, Faulk County. Here he was a school board member, and Highway Overseer. When DeVoe was made a civil township in 1905, A. B. Clifford was township clerk, which office he held until 1909. Then he was appointed Assessor of DeVoe township, which office he held for 20 years.

He was a Master Mason of Faulkton Lodge, and a Royal Arch Mason of Faulkton, A Knight Templar of Huston Commandery of Redfield, and was a Noble of the Mystic Shrine of Yelduz Temple of Aberdeen.

In 1895 Alfonso Clifford bought a farm near DeVoe church and lived on it the rest of his life, fifty-three years.

Mr. Clifford was a great lover of music. He attended twenty-three of the twenty-four annual Faulk County Chorus Concerts which his son Perry directed. He kept his hymn singing in his home, and at his 98th birthday party, sang a duet with his son. As recently as the day before he died, he was heard trying to sing his partly paralyzed tongue back to normal. It was this failing tongue action that led to a call for the doctor. Although he had fallen a few days before and cut his cheek he had gone on walking and eating normally. The doctor stated the old gentleman had a stroke from a cerebral hemorage and would not last long. The body gave up the long struggle, and the soul of Alfonso Thursday, May 20, 1948. He had lived 99 years, 2 months and 4 days.

He lives to miss him, his only child Perry and wife, and a host of friends who remember his genial spirit. He was truly a gentleman of the old school.

Alfonso Clifford was a man who could have said with the Apolstle Paul I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

Funeral services were held at DeVoe church Saturday afternoon with Rev. Laxamana officiating and interment was made at DeVoe cemetery beside his wife.

Cresbard Beacon, June 6, 1940
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

One of the largest funerals ever held in Devoe community was that of Howard Johnson which was held Sunday afternoon, Rev. E. E. Vernon conducting the services. Interment was made in the Devoe cemetery.

Howard James Johnson was born May 30, 1882 at Black River Falls, Wisconsin. He died at St. Lukes hospital, Aberdeen, South Dakota, May 30, 1940 at the age of 58 years.

When he was three years old he came with his parents to Hand County, South Dakota, where he lived until 1894. The family then moved to Faulk County where he resided until his death. In his youth he attended school at Faulkton and at Dakota Wesleyan college at Mitchell.

June 1, 1909 he was united in marriage to Mabel Bowers of Verdon, South Dakot. To this union was born eight children, Genevieve, Dora Ellen, Hazel, Claire, Howard Jr., and Robert. Two children died in infancy.

Mr Johnson was a man well loved by all who knew him. He was active in sports of all kinds, especially baseball. His primary interest was teaching his children the value of real Christian living by his understanding and example. He believed in Christ, his home, and his family. At an early age he joined the Devoe M. E. church. He was also a member of the Faulkton chapter of the I.O.O.F.

He leaves to mourn his passing his wife and children: Mrs. William Bierman of Cresbard, Mrs. Vernon Bliss of Abilene, Texas; Mrs Arthur Loken of Norbeck; Mrs. Paul Bierman of Cresbard; Howard, Jr. and Robert at home. He also leaves his father, Mr. George Johnson and two brothers, Ernest and Chester. His mother preceeded [sic] him in death.

Aberdeen American News - February 17, 2000
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Howard J. Johnson, 79, of 2503 Railroad Ave., Aberdeen, died Monday, February 14, 2000 at the Aberdeen Living Center in Aberdeen, SD.

Memorial services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, February 18, 2000 at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, 431 West Melgaard Road, Aberdeen with Rev. Guy Stone officiating. Schriver's Memorial Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.

Howard James Johnson II was born on September 7, 1920 to Howard J. and Mabel (Bowers) Johnson on the family farm new DeVoe, South Dakota. He attended rural school and Cresbard High School. He later attended Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas.

He married Jane Augustine in 1943. Howard and Jane had two children, Margaret and Howard James Johnson III.

In 1949 Howard married Betty Herbert. Howard and Betty had two children, Nancy and Herbert James Johnson.

Howard married Norma Faulkingham, presently of Jonesport, Main in 1976.

Howard worked for the Wilson Concrete Co. for 42 years and retired January 1, 1992. He was Vice-President of the company and on the Board of Directors. Some of the more notable projects that he was involved in were Busch Stadium, Hallmark Cards, a 67 story apartment building in Chicago and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. The Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City Royals Stadiums were also his projects.

He was a test piolot on B26 bombers in World War II.

After his retirement Howard moved to Red Oak, Iowa. He spent many hours designing and creating a variety of miniature objects, including several carnival rides that would move and light up. He also designed and created tractors and beautiful pine cone novelties. He spent many days at craft shows throughout Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota selling his hand-made craft items.

Howard moved to Seattle to live near his daughter and family in September 1998. Nancy became ill suddenly and passed away in October of 1998. Howard then moved to Aberdeen, SD where his niece, Linda Emery and other family members were close by.

Howard will long be remembered by everyone who had the privilege of knowing and working with him. He enjoyed golfing, pheasant hunting, fishing and getting to know people. His zest for life and all that went with it kept him active, happy and content.

He is survived by his daughter Margaret (John) Schroyer of Colorado Springs, CO and her five children and her four grandchildren; and two sons Howard James (Pam ) Johnson of Kent, OH and his three children and four grandchildren, and Herbert James Johnson of Texarkana, TX.

His granddaughter, Heather Hanano of Seattle, WA was the light of his life. He has one sister Dora Ellen Bliss from Grand Rapids, MI.

He was preceded in death by his parents, daughter Nancy (Richard) Hanano of Seattle, WA, three sisters and one brother.

Aberdeen American News, June 7, 1972
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Services Held Tuesday for Inez Cowhick

Funeral services were held Tuesday May 30 at the United Methodist Church in Cresbard for Mrs. Inez Cowhick, 79. Mrs. Cowhick died Friday at St. Luke's Hospital in Aberdeen.

Dr. Harold Wagar officiated at the services and burial was in the Devoe cemetery. Pall bearers were Melvin Harris, Jerry Miller, Robert Holm, Milton Cunningham, Doyal Bowar and Gerald Perry. Mrs. Wayne Holsing was organist and Mrs. Marion Holt was vocalist. Ushers were Wendell Way and Joie Gjernes. Mrs. Melvin Harris was in charge of the memorial book.

Inez Mae Shaw was born April 12, 1893 in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, the daughter of Spencer and Caroline Shaw. She was married to Clarence Milton Cowhick at Fillmore, Minnesota on June 17., 1914. She had been a resident of the Devoe and Cresbard communities for about sixty years. She was a teacher in the Devoe Community. Her husband preceded her in death in December, 1936.

She is survived by one son, Herbert of Cresbard; one daughter, Beth, Mrs. Delmar Kono of Cresbard; four brothers, William Shaw of Preston, Minnesota; Franklin Shaw of Phoenix, Ariz, Milton Shaw and Alvin Shaw, both of Wykoff, Minnesota; five sisters, Mrs. Mildred Manley and Mrs. Laurold Huxsahl, both of Fillmore, Minnesota; Mrs. Art Bicknese and Mrs. Hazel Vesey, both of Rochester, Minnesota; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and two half-sisters, Mrs. Belle Miller of Redfield and Mrs. Julia Tinkham of San Diego, CA. Her husband and one half-brother preceded here in death.

Sorum Funeral Home, Faulkton was in charge of arrangements.

Northville Journal October 5, 1905
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson of Devoe lost their infant child last Saturday of cholera infantum. The funeral occurred Sunday.

Cresbard Beacon - May 20, 1920
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stone on last Friday evening. The little one did not live and was buried the following day at DeVoe.

Northville Journal - January 4, 1912
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

The two week old child of Mr. and Mrs. Strong, near Devoe, was found lifeless Saturday morning. Death was supposed to be due to smothering. The funeral was held at Devoe Tuesday.

Cresbard Beacon - June 30, 1935
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Jack Stone, son of Willis C. and Harriet Stone, was born June 25, 1925 at Cresbard, S. Dak. And died June 12 1935 at Watertown, S. D., at the age of 9 years 11 months and 17 days. He is survived by his father, mother and brother, Frederick.

Jackie as we know him is now laid to rest from the church where he loved to attend Sunday School, vacation school and church. He was baptized in the Christian faith of the M. E. church June 24, 1934.

There's a home for little children
Above the bright blue sky.
Where Jesus reigns in glory
A home of peace and joy.
No home on earth is like ti
Nor can with it compare
For everyone is happy
Nor could be happier there.

Jack can never be dead, not while the laughter and joy that he has made lives on and grows. The garden spot is blest with fragrance after the vivid life has gone from June time's rose. The thoughts of his sweetness will always brighten the lives of others. He cannot be dead, he is transplanted just across the way, and we will meet him smiling there some day.

Jackie had been suffering for several months from enlargement of the heart caused by rheumatic fever.

Funeral services were helf Friday at the M. E. church conducted by Rev. Rinearson and the remains were laid to rest in the Devoe cemetery.

Cresbard Beacon - February 14, 1946
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

James Weston Stone, the son of O. L. and Nellie Stone, was born September 9, 1884 at DeVoe South Dakota and there grew to young manhood.

He was the oldest of six children and was preceded in death by his mother, a sister Hattie, his father and a brother Preston.

He went west in 1903 to the state of Washington, where on September 9, 1904 he and Minnie Corothers were united in marriage. To this union was born one son Willis.

They returned to DeVoe in March 1909 and farmed there until 1914, when they moved to Wessington Springs, returning to DeVoe in December 1916 and have farmed there until the time of his death.

On June 1, 1925 he was made a Master Mason in the Masonic Lodge 159 of Cresbard.

He was taken ill in March of 1931 and was under doctors care for a year, after which he enjoyed fair health until the spring of 1941 when he suffered a heart attack from which time he was in poor heath until the time of his death on February 3, 1946 at the age of 61 years, 4 months and 24 days.

He leaves to mourn his death his wife Minnie, his son Willis and wife Selma and four grandchildren, one sister, Mina and husband Arlo; two brothers, Steese of Aberdeen and Willis of Watertown and their wives, Mabel and Harriet; nephews, nieces and cousins; a sister in law, Mayre of Los Angeles, Cal.; a brother in law, Clarence Corothers of Chester also many friends.

Funeral services were held at the DeVoe Methodist church with Rev. Henry Hottmann officiating. Burial was at the DeVoe cemetery.


We wish to thank all the friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses extended to us in our recent sorrow.
Minnie Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Willis L. Stone and family
Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Brown and family
Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. Stone and family
Mr. and Mrs. Steese Stone and Miriam

Northville Journal April 15, 1915
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Mrs. William Hanson of Devoe died of complications partially due to grippe, from which she had been suffering for some time. The funeral occurred Tuesday, Rev. Bromaghim officiating.

Cresbard Beacon, February 16 1939
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

John Alexander Cowhick, son of Thomas and Nancy Cowhick was born in Nodaway County, Missouri, November 2, 1859.

He passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carl Kelly, February 6, 1939 at Onida, South Dakota. He was united in marriage to Mary Ann Wolman, April 23rd, 1883. Six children were born to this union. His wife, two sons and two daughters have preceded him in death.

When a young man he united with the Saints church. He afterwards transferred his membership to the Free Methodist church. He lived near Pender, Nebraska before coming to South Dakota.

In 1906 he moved with his family to Faulk County, South Dakota where he resided until two years ago when he went to live with his daughter at Onida.

He leaves to mourn his passing two daughters, Mrs. Carl Kelly of Onida, S.D. and Mrs. Vernon Henderson of Casper, Wyoming, seven grand children and two great grand children.

The floral offerings were beautiful.
Only the Master shall praise us,
And only the Master shall blame,
And no one shall work for money,
And no one shall work for fame,
But each for the joy of working
And each in his separate star,
Shall draw the things as he sees it,
For the God of things as they are.

Services were held at the DeVoe church conducted by Reverend Ellis. Remains were laid to rest by the side of his wife in the DeVoe cemetery.

Cresbard Beacon, Sept 25, 1930
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

John Lambert Miller was born in Salina County, Mo., Dec. 4th, 1877, and died at his home near Cresbard, S. D., after a prolonged illness of several months, aged 52 years, 9 months and 15 days.

The winter of 1882, he came with his parents to Northville and the following spring moved on a claim one mile north of his present home. He attended school at Brookings, the winter of 1898 and 1899. He was married to Miss Belle Shaw of Menno, S. D., Oct. 11, 1904 and at that time began living on the land which has been their home ever since.

His father, mother, and sister, Sadie, have passed on before him and awaited his coming. He leaves to mourn his loss Mrs. Belle Miller, his wife, and their children, John Wendell, Gwen and Ilene. Also three brothers, Hal and James of Cresbard and Hugh of Parshall, N.D., and a sister, Mrs. Edna Cord of Needles, Cal., and many neighbors and acquaintances who esteemed him very highly for the sterling qualities and character he possessed. He always contended for the things he regarded as right regardless of the opinions of others.

He said to one of his neighbors about a week before his death, I don't know as I am going to get up from here but I am going to try, if I don't get well it is all right, I am ready to go. Thus he left us a testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ as his Saviour. That Saviour so dearly beloved by his parents, who by word and deed witnessed to his power to save.

Bert was a good husband and father and a kind friend to all.

Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Bromaghin [sic] of Mitchell, and interment was made in the DeVoe cemetery.

Also in the same edition of the Cresbard Beacon, note appear on individuals who traveled to Cresbard for the services. Those notes are:

Laurence [sic should be Lauritz] Miller and family of Mitchell attended the funeral of Bert Miller last Sunday.

Harlan and Frank Miller of eastern Iowa came Sunday to attend the funeral of their cousin, Bert Miller.

Cresbard Beacon - September 6, 1934
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Jorund Nesthus was born June 20, 1880, at Voss, Norway and died Aug. 28, 1934 at her home in Chelsea. As a young girl she came to this country and was united in marriage to Knute Vensand, Nov. 12, 1902. To this union was born seven children, Mrs. Helma Bisbee, Cresbard; Mrs. Carrie Hogg, Miranda; Mrs. Sina Gordon, Aberdeen; Harold Vensand, Chelsea; Mrs. Josie Shantz, Northville; Gladys and Irene Vensand, Chelsea; ten grandchildren; her aged parents; two brothers, Nels of Chelsea and Mons of Voss.

At an early age, she was confirmed and united with the Lutheran church but attended the Methodist Episcopal church during the many years she lived at DeVoe.

The funeral services were held at DeVoe, Thursday, August 30th. Rev. Rinearson and Rev. Wagner officiating. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in the DeVoe cemetery. The profuse floral tributes testified the esteem in which the deceased was held. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire community.

Faulkton Record - March 14 1952
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Funeral services were held at the Devoe Methodist church Monday, March 10 for Joseph A. Wall who died at St. Luke's hospital March 6, following an operation. Rev. John Hollister officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clifford sang, The Old Rugged Cross and Good Night and Good Morning.

Active pall bearers were Lloyd Kegler, Ed Loesch, Orren Johnson, Clayton Wilhelm, Paul Bierman and James Schilder. Honorary pall bearers were James Miller, Chris Horn, Ernest Johnson, Chester Johnson, Floyd Tanner and Wm. Moldrzek.

Interment was in Devoe cemetery.

Joseph Amil Wall was born at Albion, Nebraska, Nov. 26, 1889. He was the son of Albert C. and Eliza S. Wall. The family moved to Faulk County in the spring of 1904, living south of Miranda on the Wm. Burns farm. Two years later they moved east of Faulkton to Centerville township where he has farmed for the last 46 years.

He was baptized in the Methodist faith and affiliated with the Devoe Methodist Church.

On June 14, 1916, he was united in marriage to Beatrice M. Kegler of Athol. To this marriage eight children were born.

He is survived by his widow and children: Esther, who is Mrs. Harold McCracken, Mansfield, Halbert, Pierre; Clarence, Westport, Conn.; Blanche, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mildred, who is Mrs Herbert Andresen, Los Angeles, California; Lloyd, Brookings; and Eugene and Joyce at home. He is survived by two brothers and a sister: Alfred, Ontario, Wisc.; Neal of Hillman, Minn.,; and Mrs. Rosa Rose of Redfield; and three grandchildren.

He was a devoted husband and father and took an active part in many neighborhood activities.

Faulkton County Record - November 28 2001
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Joyce Wall, 60, of the Aberdeen Living Center died on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2001 in Aberdeen.

Joyce JoAnn Wall was born in Faulkton on February 26, 1941 to Joseph Amil and Beatrice May (Kegler) Wall.

She is survived by her brothers and sisters, Esther McCracken of Oklahoma City, Okla., Halbert Wall (verda) of Coon Rapids, Minn., Clarence Wall (Marjorie) of Westport, Ct., Mildred Andresen (Herb) of Los Angeles, Calif., Lloyd Wall of Faulkton, and Eugene Wall (Ruby Janes) of Pensacola, Fla; and nine nieces and nephews.

Preceding her in death were here parents; and a sister, Blanche Ramsdell.

A memorial service will be held at the Aberdeen Living Center and interment at the Devoe Cemetery, at a later date.

Cresbard Beacon - December 20, 1959
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Final Rites Held for K. Vensand

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Devoe Methodist Church for Knute H. Vensand who died on Dec. 20 in Long Beach, Cal., Rev. Charles Finney officiating.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cowhick were vocalists and Mrs. Delmar Kono was accompanist.

Pallbearers were Donald, Dale and Duane Bisbee, Clairen and Daryl Hogg and Joie Gjernes. Honorary pall bearers [sic] were G. K. Gjernes, James Miller, Walter Shew, Charles Niemeyer, F. J. Fedderson and Otto Hokanson.

Burial was in the Devoe cemetery, Sorum Funeral Home of Faulkton was in charge of arrangements.

Knute Halle Vensand was born July 7, 1872 in Voss, Norway, the son of Halle and Anna Vensand. He was baptized and confirmed In the Lutheran Faith in Norway. After coming to Faulk County he joined the Devoe Methodist Church and at the time of his death was its oldest member in both age and length of membership (Sept. 10, 1911).

He came to America when he was about 18 years old. In 1896 he homesteaded in what is now Wesley Township, Faulk County, South Dakota.

In 1901 he was united in marriage to Jorund Nesthus in Faulk County. To this union seven children were born: Mrs. Claude Bisbee (Helma) of Cresbard; Mrs. Henry Hogg (Carrie) of Faulkton; Mrs. Lloyd Gordon (Sna) of Kalispell, Mont.; Harold Vensand of Compton, Cal.; Mrs. Orin Shantz (Josie) of Athol; and Mrs. Frank Chapman (Gladys) of Aberdeen; and Mrs. W. J. Hansen (Irene) of Compton, Cal.

Mr. Vensand farmed in Faulk County until the death of Mrs. Vensand in 1934, except for two years around 1910, one of which was spent when he and his wife and four children went to Norway, and the other was spent in Fargo, N. Dak.

He was a member of the I. O. O. F. New Empire Lodge No. 199 of Cresbard and was treasurer of Wesley Township School Board for 20 years. He was active in all community affairs.

In 1942 he married Mrs. Harlott Overson. They lived in California until her death. In 1956 he married Mrs. Edna Max, and they lived in California since that time.

Mr. Vensand's long and happy life was blessed with good health. He was only ill about a month before his death on December 20, 1959 at the age of 87 years. Preceeding [sic] him in death were his parents, one brother, Mons; tow sisters, Ravei Roe and Anna Metherson; his wives Jorund and Charlott. Left to mourn are his wife Edna, his seven children, sixteen grandchildren and thirty-three great grandchildren, a brother, Lars of Roslyn, and a host of friends.

In Memory Of
Knute Vensand
July 7, 1872 Dec. 20, 1959

Devoe Methodist Church
Monday, Dec 28

Reverend Charles Finney

Active Pallbearers
Donald Bisbee Clairen Hogg
Dale Bisbee Daryl Hogg
Duane Bisbee Joie Gjernes

Honorary Pallbearers
Gullick Gjernes Chas. Niemeyer
James Miller Fred Fedderson
Walter Shew Otto Hokanson

Devoe Cemetery

Arrangements by
Sorum Funeral Home

Faulk County Times - October 23, 1893
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

KENNY - Thursday, November 16, 1893, in the Nixon, near Wesley, L. D. Kenny, aged 24 years.

The deceased was hunting along the banks of the stream, shot a prairie chicken which fell on the ice, and on going out after the game, the ice broke and he was drowned. It was a sad and unfortunate accident indeed, to thus hurl a life, in the prime of early manhood and without a moments warning, into the eternity of the great beyond.

2nd Obit:

SOURCE: Faulk County Record, Thursday, November 23, 1893, Page 5
Contributed by Harold Way

A sad accident occurred at DeVoe last Thursday. L. D. Kinney was out hunting and shot a prairie chicken which fell on the ice of the creek and when Kenny ventured out to get it the ice gave way letting him into the water where he was drowned before assistance could reach him. Deceased was an unmarried man about 24 years of age and leaves an aged mother dependent upon him for support.

Aberdeen American News January, 1971
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Dakota Midland News Service

Cresbard --- Services for Mrs. Charles (Laura) Cunningham, 73, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Cresbard Methodist Church. She died Wednesday, Jan 6, at the Faulk County Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Harold Wagar will officiate and burial will be in the Devoe Cemetery under the direction of the Sorum Funeral Home of Faulkton.

Mrs. Cunningham was born Nov. 5, 1897, in Nekoosa, Wis., and was married Aug. 20, 1917, at the Devoe Church.

She is survived by three sons, Ernest, Minneapolis; Robert, Faulkton; and Milton, Cresbard; two daughters, Mrs. Herb (Leah) Cowhick, and Mrs. Doyle (Rosalie) Bowar, both of Cresbard; 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband in 1942, and three brothers.

Cresbard Beacon, January 3, 1957
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Funeral Rites Held for Mabel Johnson

Funeral services were held at the Devoe Methodist church Friday for Mrs. Mabel A. Johnson, Rev. Vernon R. Bliss and Rev. John Hollister officiating.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clifford sang My Beautiful Home and Lead Me Gently Home. After, a solo sung by Martha Loken, was a favorite of the deceased and had been requested by her as was the text from Zachariah 14:7, the message to be given by her son in law, Rev. Bliss.

Pallbearers were Oren Johnson, Russell Johnson, August Schmidt, Ray Bierman, Harlan Palmer and Alvin Larson.

Burial was in the Devoe cemetery. The Sorum Funeral Home of Faulkton was in charge.

Mrs. Mabel A. Johnson was born at Verdon, S. Dak., Sept. 28, 1889. She was the daughter of James and Nellie Bowers, and the eldest of nine children.

She attended the school at Verdon. As a young women [sic] she was baptized and joined the Christian Church. At her marriage she joined the Devoe Methodist church with her husband.

She was united in marriage to Howard J. Johnson June 1, 1909, at Verdon, and together they established their home on a farm near Devoe, in Centerville township, where they lived until the time of her husband's death, May 30, 1940.

Since that time she has lived seven years in Bemidji, Minn. With her daughter and family, Mrs. Vernon Bliss, and a year in Omaha with her son, Howard, Jr., and family, and her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Bliss when they moved to Omaha.

The remainder of the time was spent with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Bierman, and family, who purchased the family farm. About two years ago she moved into her home in Cresbard, where she has since resided.

She leaves to mourn her passing her son, Howard, his wife and daughter Nancy Lou of Atlantic, Ia.; And her four daughters: Genevieve, her husband, Wm. Bierman of Norbeck; Dora Ellen and her husband, Rev. Vernon Bliss, and their daughters, Maryana, Dorothy, Anita, and Sheryl of Omaha, Neb.; Hazel and her husband, Arthur Loken, and their daughter Linda Ann, and Claire and her husband, Paul Bierman, and their children, Bonnie Lee, Richard, Dennis, Rita, and David. Other living relatives include a brother, Vern Bowers of Verdon; and two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Rathbun of Eugene, Ore.; And Mrs. P. D. Edwards and family of Cloquette, Minn., as well as many others.

A son, Robert, died in 1944 at the age of 19. Her parents, four brothers and a sister preceded her in death.

She has not enjoyed good health for a number of years due to attacks of asthma, and complications. Her last illness occurred December 6, at which time she was hospitalized in St. Luke's hospital in Aberdeen. Death occurred the evening of December 25, when she peacefully went to sleep.

Her warmth and friendly outgoing personality attracted her to many. She endeared herself to all she met.

Her favorite passage of the Bible was Romans 8:18:
�For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be
Compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us.

Out of town relatives attending the service were Mrs. P. D. Edwards of Cloquette, Minn., Vern Bowers, Verdon; Mrs. Emma Bowers and Harlan Palmer of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs Darrel Bundy and Mrs. Ralph Miller of Watertown, and Guy Henry and Mr. and Mrs. August Schmidt, all of Redfield.

Cresbard Beacon - January 28, 1926
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Mrs. Peter Thompson passed away at her home, near Devoe, last Friday. She leaves her husband and six small children, the eldest being only 8 years of age and the youngest 2 months. Owing to the children having scarlet fever private services was conducted by Rev. Haskell on Tuesday afternoon and burial was made in Devoe cemetery.

{Note: according to Federal Census records for 1920, Marie Thompson was born around 1886 in Iowa. Her parents were both born in Norway. At the time of the census they had two children, Kenneth H. Thompson and Lester W. Thompson.]

Faulkton Record, March 21, 1984
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

The funeral for longtime Cresbard area resident Mina Miller, 93, was Wednesday, March 21, 1984 in the United Methodist Church in Cresbard, S. D. Rev. Dana Houck officiated.

Burial was in the DeVoe Cemetery.

Mrs. Miller died March 17, 1984 at the John Shirk Memorial Home in Faulkton where she had been a resident since August of 1983.

Mina Paul was born in a claim shanty in DeVoe Township in Faulk County, S.D. on April 26, 1890 to Emma Thompson-Millner and Charles Paul. She had two half-brothers, Elgin and Roy Millner, and a younger brother, Jay Paul, and one sister, Adah. The family grew up on the homestead which her mother had taken up in Myron Township. She graduated from Faulkton High School and received her degree from Norther Normal and Industrial School in Aberdeen. She also attended the Minneapolis Art Institute. After her parents moved into Cresbard she taught the Grammar Room in the Cresbard School system. She had previously taught in one-room country schools like the ones where sh got her early education. She was united in marriage to Hal Miller on June 15, 1919 [NOTE: Date is wrong. It should be 1918] and they lived on the Miller homestead in DeVoe Township. Her husband died in 1938 and she continued to live on the farm with their two daughters. In recent years she had made her home with her daughter, Audrey and husband, including a few years when they lived in Wessington Springs, S.D. However she always maintained that her home was in Faulk County and that she was a life-long resident of the Cresbard area. She was a member of the Methodist Church and active in church and community activities.

Survivors include: two daughters, Mrs. Wendell (Audrey) Way of Cresbard and Mrs. George (Carol) Demas of Lamar, Colo.; her sister, Adah Borchert of Yuba City, Calif.; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

She was preceeded in death by her parents, her husband and three brothers.

Casketbearers were Steven and Bradley Paul, Bryce and Jim Miller, Russell Bisbee and Merle Horning.

Solists were Herb and Leah Cowhick. Ushers were Floyd and Joie Gjernes.

Cresbard Beacon - December 4, 1958
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Final Rites Held
Mrs. Willis Fink

Last rites for Mrs. Willis Fink were held in the Methodist church at Cresbard last week Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Hottmann of Huron and Rev. Chas. Finney officiated.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cowhick sang Beyond the Sunset and Rock of Ages, with Mrs. Delmer Kono at the organ.

Pallbearers were Ronald Brown, Jarvis Brown, Frederick Stone, Melvin Holm, Wendell Miller and Howard Holt.

Burial was in the Devoe cemetery.

Minnie B. Corothers was born April 19th, 1879, the daughter of William S. and Eldah Corothers at Dell Rapids. Soon after they moved to Alpena where she grew to young womanhood, and finished grade school in 1898. After attending summer scool [sic] at Dakota Wesleyan in Mitchell she taught that winter in a rural school at Wessington Springs, followed by teaching at Virgil, Cresbard and Miranda, also at Devoe, Wesley and Centerville near Centrailia, Wn. In all she taught for 37 years.

On September 9th, 1904 she was united in marriage to James Weston Stone at Tacoma, Wn. To this union one son, Willis, was born.

They returned to South Dakota in the spring of 1910 where they engaged in farming until her husband's death in February 1946. She was a member of the Devoe Methodist church and a past matron of the Eastern Star.

In June 1954 she married Willis J. Fink, in Corona, Cal., where she lived until her death, Nov. 19, 1958 at the age of 79 years and seven months.

She leaves to mourn her death her husband, Willis of Corona, and her son Willis, of Cresbard. Four grandchildren, James Stone, and Daryl Stone, Seattle, Wn., Darlys Connell, Cresbard, Larry Stone, Witchita [sic], Kans., and four great grandchildren; one brother, Clarence of Wentworth, and a host of relatives and friends.

Republican Record January 1897
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Died Mrs. Jane Kenney, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson near DeVoe. Sunday evening, January 3, 1897, aged 80 years.

Faulkton Record May 1, 1902
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

The community was very much surprised and saddened Thursday by the news that Mrs. Nellie Stone of DeVoe had died early that morning. Mrs. Stone was born in 1861 in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Here she grew to womanhood and December 25, 1881 she married to O. L. Stone of that place.

They moved to Redfield that same year where they lived a year. In 1882 they moved to DeVoe, where they have lived ever since.

She is the mother of six children and Weston, the eldest, has been attending school at Reedsburg, Wis. This year so was not at home during her illness. He returned home Thursday evening.

Mrs. Stone had been quite seriously sick with inflammation of the bowels but almost to the last moment it was not thought that she was near death. She passed away at one o'clock Thursday morning.

Mrs. Stone has been a member of the Methodist church for twenty years and a faithful worker in the church. She has been the leader in all Christian enterprises at DeVoe and is known near and far by her truly Christian character and very sympathetic nature. To know her was to love her. She always had a kind word for all and a pleasant smile.

She has passed to the Great Beyond and now knows the joys given to the faithful.

She leaves a husband, four sons two daughters, a sister, Dr. Abbie Jarvis of this place, and a father, Dr. Hall, of Corning, California, to to [sic] mourn for her.

The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire community.


Faulkton Republican-Record - no date given

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Miss Nettie Vincent, of DeVoe, a relative of Andrew Nelson, died Dec, 15, aged 24 years.


Cresbard Beacon - September 9, 1937

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way


Orlando Lincoln Stone was born July 24, 1861 in Madison County, New York. His father was a Civil war soldier who died during the war.

Mr. Stone came with his mother to Reedsburg, Wisconsin when eight years old. In the fall of 1881 he was united in marriage to Nellie Hall of Reedsburg. They came to DeVoe township where they established their permanent home. To them were born six children: Weston, Preston, Mina, Steese, Hattie, and Willis. Hattie died in 1908. All live in South Dakota except Preston who lives in California.

Mr. Stone was a busy farmer, very thoughtful of all that pertained to home and county and ever ready to help any one in need. He was a member of Cresbard Lodge No. 159 A. F. and A. M. He was a trustee of DeVoe church for years. After his wife's death in 1902 he kept his children together until they made homes of their own.

Some years ago he had a stroke of paralysis and from that time his strength failed. Since the spring of 1936 he has been confined to bed.

Mr. Stone died at the home of his daughter, Mina Brown on September third, 1937, 1:00 a.m. at the age of 76 years.

Those living to miss him are his daughter, Mina, four sons, seven grand children and three great grandchildren, many nieces and nephews who so lovingly called him, Uncle Link, one brother and one sister who have loved him all his life, and friends without number.

He was laid to rest by the side of his wife, and daughter. O peace, peace, wonderful gift of God's love.

Short service was held at the Arlo Brown home and then at DeVoe church at two o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. Evans of Roscoe officiating followed by services by Cresbard Lodge 159 A.F. and A. M.

Those attending from away were Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stone of Reedsburg, Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Potter of Watertown, Chas. Pierce of Aberdeen, Rev. Fl. L. Bromaghim of Mitchell who was pastor of the DeVoe church for 13 years and left there in 1915, H. B. Slater, John Sauer, L. R. Hobart and George Yates of the Standard Oil Co., of Huron.


Faulkton Record August 5, 1910

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Otto Brown of DeVoe was struck by lightning and instantly killed during the storm last Monday afternoon. The deceased, who was harvesting for Wm. Hansen of DeVoe, in company with several other workmen took shelter under the header box during the storm. A bolt of electricity struck the wagon killing Brown and setting the grain on fire. The rest of the part received a severe shock from the electric current but none of them were severely injured. The deceased was a brother of George Brown of DeVoe and at one time kept a restaurant in this city. He leaves a wife and one child.

Cresbard Beacon, November 17, 1921
Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Rachel Kenny was born in Ontario, Canada, July 17, 1841, and died in Ennis, Mont., Nov. 7, 1921, having lived to the ripe old age of eighty years. She was married in 1858 to William Baker, and in 1859 moved with her husband to LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Their wedded life was short, however, for in 1864 Mr. Baker enlisted in the Union army, serving in the 8th Wisconsin infantry, and died Dec. 30, 1865. Two children were born to them, a son, William, and a daughter.

Mrs. Baker lived in LaCrosse until 1882 when she moved to Hand county, South Dakota, and in 1901 went to live with her daughter, Mrs. David Morris, in Ennis, Mont., in whose loving home she has spent these last twenty years.

She was a brave and cheerful woman, of an active and helpful disposition, and loved to help others. Early in life she connected her life to God, and as a Christian rendered many years of services to her Master. Especially did she delight in working with children in the Sunday school. Her faithful service in Ennis will be greatly missed. She was a loyal member of the M. E. church.

Mrs. Baker was loved by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her departure a son, William, and daughter, Mrs. David Morris, two sisters, Mrs. M. L. Howell of Redfield, and Mrs. G. M. Johnson, of Cresbard, and other relatives and many friends.

The remains were shipped to Devoe and funeral services were held at the M. E> church on Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Wilkinson and burial was made in the Devoe cemetery.

Cresbard Beacon, June 1, 1944

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Robert Johnson, son of Mrs. Howard Johnson passed away at the hospital in Faulkton last Thursday, May 25th. Funeral services were held at Devoe church last Sunday afternoon, with Rev. Hottman preaching the funeral sermon and interment made in the Devoe cemetery.


Cresbard Beacon, December 8, 1938

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Samuel Harold Miller, son of Alex and Emma Miller, was born October 28, 1879, at Marshall, Missouri.

At the age of three he came with[sic] his parents to Northville where they spent their first winter. In the spring they came to DeVoe township, later in the year settling where he has lived ever since.

June 15, 1918, he was united in marriage to Mina Paul. To this union two daughters were born, Audrey and Carol.

On November 17th he had a severe heart attack but seemed to improve more every day until Thursday, December 1st, 1938, when he quietly passed away at the age of 59 years, one month and three days. Another neighbor passed on that will be missed in the community as in the home.

Mr. Miller was a man whom everybody respected. He was an honest, upright citizen and was esteemed by everyone who knew him.

Funeral services were conducted by Ref. Ellis, assisted by Rev. Bromegin [sic] of Mitchell, at the Devoe church Sunday afternoon. Interment was made in the Devoe cemetery.

Not How did he die?

But How did he live?

Not What did he gain?

But What did he give?

These are the units

To measure the worth

Of a man, as a man,

Regardless of birth.

Not What was his station?

But Had he a heart?

And How did he play

His God-given part?

Was he ever ready

With a word of good cheer

To bring back a smile,

To banish a tear

Not What was his church?

Nor What was his creed?

But Had he befriended

Those really in need?

Not What did the sketch,

In the newspaper say?

But How many were sorry,

When he passed away?

Cresbard Beacon April 22, 1920

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Sina Hansen nee Larsen was born in Denmark the 26th day of Oct. 1845. She emigrated to the United States in the year 1869. The following year she was married to Frederick E. Hansen at Cassen, Minn. In 1886 they moved to DeVoe, S.D., where they settled on the farm and where they lived until 15 years ago, when Mr. Hansen died. Since that time Mrs. Hansen has made her home with her children until her death, which occurred April 13th, 1920, at the home of her son, Charles.

With the passing away of Mrs. Hansen De Voe neighborhood mourns the loss of one of its pioneers, whose whole life, both in words and deeds, manifested the unselfish but earnest Christian spirit. Her life and manners were quiet and reserved yet sweet and tender. She was a kind and loving mother. She leaves to mourn here [sic] loss six children: William, Henry and Charles Hansen of Cresbard; Albert Hansen and Mrs. Emelia Twiford of Baker, Mont; Mrs. Ida Ruddy, of Aberdeen.


Cresbard Beacon - October 4 1918

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way


Stewart William Lerew, son of Andrew and Mrs. Elizabeth Mumper Lerew, was born in Adams County, Pennsylvania, Aug. 2, 1854. At the age of 21 years he moved to Somersford, Ohio.

He was married Jan. 11, 1883, to Miss Naomi Jane Goodyear. To this union 9 children were born, 7 of whom are living.

Mr. Lerew united with the Wesleyan Methodist church Jan., 1886 and was a faithful member for a number of years and was a most efficient Superintendent of the Sunday School.

He was a member of the A. O. U. W. Lodge of Faulkton and the I. O. O. F. lodge of Cresbard.

He died Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1918, at the age of 64 years, 2 months and 14 days.

Mr. Lerew is survived by his widow and seven children; Will, Charles, Bert, James, Floyd and Eva, all of Cresbard and Mrs. Frank Helmbrecht of Dodge Center, Minn., a brother Alfred Lerew, besides other less near relatives.

Funeral services were held at the home Friday afternoon, Rev. Sheldon, officiating. Interment was made in the DeVoe cemetery.

Cresbard Beacon December 10, 1953

Contributed by Dennise (Johnson) Harmon and Harold Way

Funeral Rites Held At Devoe Church For William Hansen

Funeral services were conducted at the Devoe Methodist church on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 1, by the Rev. John Hollister, for Wm Hansen, who passed away the preceding Saturday. Music for the service was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cliffort. Casket bearers were Percy Newell, Everett Bellman, Oliver Davis, Jas. Miller, Willis Stone and Rob't. Holm. Following the rites the body was laid to rest beside that of his wife in the Devoe cemetery.

Out of town relatives attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jones and family of Sioux Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Newell, all of Baker, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Strachan and son, Eubene, of Kennebec and Marvin Strachan and family of Aberdeen.

William Hansen, eldest son of Frederick Emil Hansen and Madsina Kristina Larson, was born November 1st, 1872, at Kasson, Minn., and passed away at Faulk County Memorial hospital Nov. 28, 1953, at the age of 81 years and 28 days.

At the age of 14 years, William Hansen came to Dakota territory where he resided throughout 67 years, 57 of those years in Devoe township, 10 years in Cresbard.

He received his education in country school at Devoe, college education at Redfield and State College at Brookings.

He was affiliated with the Baptist church early in life and later attended the Methodist church. He also belonged to the Ancient Order of Masons. He was a member of the church choir and often sang at funerals and social functions throughout this area.

In 1900 he was united in marriage to Jessie Strachan. To this union six children were born, Katherine Hermann and Mina Holt of Cresbard, Flora Jones of Sioux Falls, Milton and Max of Cresbard. He leaves besides his children, 13 grandchildren, 11 great grand children, a sister, Mrs. Ida Ruddy, Tacoma, Washington, a brother, Albert Hansen, Baker, Mont., and host of friends to regret his death.

Unknown Newspaper, undated
Handwritten death 12-24-1983
Contributed by Jacque McDonnell
Transcribed by Pamela J. Hamilton


Rites held for Chauncey Klebsch

Funeral services were held Saturday in St. Mary's Catholic Church in Highmore Church in Highmore for Chauncey Klebsch who died at his home in Highmore Thursday at the age of 89 years, four months and seven days. Father Paul Bachman officiated and burial was in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Highmore.

Pallbears were Stuart Scott, William Kusser, Martin Bonnischsen, Dennis Nickelson, Charles Single and Harold Burnham.

Chauncey R. Klebsch was born August 15, 2894, at Redfield to Henry and Lena Klebsch.

He attended school in the Redfield area. As a young man, he worked in a flour mill and on a sheep ranch in the Frankfort area for six years.

He was united in marriage to Irene M. Sporrer on October 6, 1920, at Zell. To this union three children were born.

He farmed and ranched most of his life. In 1968, he retired from farming and moved into Highmore, where he spent the remaining years of his life.

Survivors include his three children and their spouses: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. (Rosella) Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Klebsch and Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Klebsch, all of Highmore; two sisters: Wanda Boyd, Rochester, Minnesota; and Ida Hurst Branish, LaHabra, California; seven grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and a host of cousins, nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, one grandson and three brothers.

Memorial Leaflet
Burial in Oakland Cemetery, Seneca, South Dakota
Contributed by Jacque McDonnell
Transcribed by Pamela J. Hamilton


Leonard M. Day was born February 6, 1922, in Seneca, South Dakota, and died November 17, 1985, at St. Mary's Hospital, Pierre, South Dakota, at the age of 63 years, nine months and nine days.

His early years were spent in Seneca, where he received his elementary education. He worked as a ranch hand in Seneca and Onida areas and later in Nevada, Wyoming and Arizona before his retirement.

Survivors include three brothers; Orris Day of Highmore, Milton Day of Gypsum, Colorado; and John Day of Kent, Washington; and several nieces, nephews and cousins.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

Source: Cresbard Beacon --- date unknown, shortly after February 18, 1922, the date of his death

Contributed by Harold Way

Alexander Miller was born at Millersburg, Ohio, Sept. 3rd, 1846. Died at his home, Devoe (near Cresbard) S. D., Feb 18th, 1922. Aged 75 years, 5 months and 15 days. Mr. Miller resided in Ohio until he was about 20 years old, then went to Iowa for ___ years. Moving to Salina Co., Mo. He married Miss Emma McClelland, Dec 29th, 1875. In 1882 he and his family moved to Faulk County, S. D., and settled on the Snake Creek near De Voe at which place he continued to reside until the time of his death.

To Mr. and Mrs. Miller were born 6 children, three in Missouri and three in South Dakota. Mrs. Miller's death, Feb. 2, 1915, was the first break in the family circle. The children reside at the following places: Bert Miller, Hal Miller and James Miller, Cresbard, Mrs. Lauritz-Miller, Mitchell, S. D.; Hugh Miller, Parshall, N. D.; Edna Miller, Minneapolis, Minn.

Many years ago Mr. Miller united with the M. E. Church and continued to be a devoted member of the same until his death. Soon after he settled in Faulk County the M. E. church at Devoe was organized and during the balance of their lives _______ and Mrs. Miller, if health and other conditions permitted were seldom absent from a service, superintending and teaching in the Sunday School. Their home was always open to entertain strangers and their kind, sympathetic natures always responded to the call of the sick and needy about them. Mr. Miller was a member of the Legislature of South Dakota, in 1893 = 1895 and 1907 and for many years took a lively interest in public affairs and always identified himself with those movements which were for the betterment of the social, intellectual and spiritual life of the people of his community and state. Always a careful manager of business matters he was quite successful in his own private affairs and a safe person to be trusted with the business of the state, county or township.

Mr. Miller was a devote husband, a thoughtful, kind parent and a true friend, and his conscientious, active life will always be remembered with pride by his family and friends.

Funeral services were conducted at the Devoe M. E. church, Friday Feb 24th by Rev. F. L. Bromaghim, of Mitchell, S. D., and his remains were laid to rest in the Devoe cemetery beside the remains of his beloved wife. Text of Sermon: II Tim, 4, 6-8.

The Beacon joins with the entire community in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives

[A card of thanks] also appeared in the same edition of the Cresbard Beacon. That item stated:

To the many friends who so kindly helped us at the time of our father's sickness and his funeral we wish to express our heartfelt thanks.
Bert Miller
Hal Miller
Sadie Miller
Hugh Miller
James Miller
Edna Miller

The Daily Plainsman
Huron, South Dakota
Thursday, April 26, 1962

W. B. Reinecke Succumbs Tuesday; Rites Saturday

Faulkton - Funeral services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. in St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Seneca for William Bryan Reinecke, 65, who died Tuesday at his home in Seneca.
The Rev. Robert Utecht will officiate and burial will be made in the Oakland Cemetery with military graveside rites to be conducted. The Sorum Funeral Home, Faulkton, is in charge of arrangements.
Reinecke was born Oct. 1, 1896 at Seneca, the son of Adolph and Louise Reinecke. He was married to Elsie Dittner at Chelsea March 21, 1923. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the Seneca Legion Post.
Survivors include his widow, Elsie, Seneca; two sons, Durwood, Omaha, Neb.; William Bryan Jr., Denver, Colo., seven grandchildren; two brothers, Roy Reinecke, Baker, Ore.; Ralph, La Grande, Ore.; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Ryan, Highmore; Mrs. Frieda Newell, Gettysburg; his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornish, Seneca. He was preceded in death by his father and one brother.

The Daily Plainsman, Huron, South Dakota
Monday, July 23, 1961


Faulkton - John Morris died Sunday morning, July 2, at Faulk County Memorial Hospital at the age of 90.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, July 6, at 9 a.m., at the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Orient, with the Rev. Father Patrick Bahin officiating.
Interment will be at the St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery. Rosary services are scheduled for Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Sorum Funeral Chapel in Faulkton.
Morris was born June 13, 1871 at Lawler, Iowa. He married Marietta Hand Nov. 25, 1900 at Zell.
He is survived by his widow of Orient, and one sister, Mrs. Pat Traynor, DeBouche, Iowa; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by four brothers and two sisters.

The Daily Plainsman, Huron, South Dakota
April 19, 1966


The funeral service for Ernest Adolph Miessner, 66, who died Sunday in St. John's Hospital, Huron, will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church. The Rev. John C. Kilde will officiate. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery, Orient.
Pallbearers will be six nephews, Raymond Miessner, Richard Forman, Vernon Forman, Donald Curr, Stanley Mosher and Dale Johnson.
Miessner was born Feb. 14, 1900, at Orient, the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Miessner. He resided at Rapid City where he was employed at Ellsworth AFB and was engaged in ranching before returning to Hand County in 1958. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Miller.
Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Philip Forman, Orient; Mrs. Helen Clement, Huron; andMrs. Roy Ramey, Enumclaw, Wash.; two brothers, Frank, Miller, and August, Highmore; nieces and nephews.
Arrangements were announced by the Reck Funeral Home.

The Daily Plainsman, Huron, South Dakota
Friday, March 2, 1962


Faulkton - Funeral services were to be held Friday at 2 p.m. in the Sorum Funeral Chapel at Faulkton for Mrs. Ruby Metz who died Tuesday at St. Luke's Hospital in Aberdeen.
The Rev. Richard R. Diede was to officiate and burial was to be made in the Faulkton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Hamlin Turner, George Fillbach, Fred Boller, Ervin Metz, Walter Metz, and Merle Findeis.
Ruby McDearmon was born at Sterling, Ill., March 21, 1881, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. McDearmon. As a small child, she came to Faulk County with her parents. She attended Faulk County schools and taught school for a time near Orient. She attended a secretarial school at Dixon, Ill., and then worked as a legal secretary for Frank Turner and F. E. Snider. She also spent four years in Pierre as secretary for Governor Frank Byrne.
She was married at Redfield Sept. 14, 1921 to Nicholas F. Metz. The couple lived on the Metz farm near Wecota and in Faulkton. Mrs. Metz was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and a charter member of the Faulkton Chapter 69, Order of the Eastern Star.
She is survived by one stepdaughter, Mrs. Herbert H. Peters, Port Washington, Wis.; one stepson, Neil Metz, Miami, Fla.; three nieces. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, one brother and one sister.

The Daily Plainsman, Huron, South Dakota
Monday, July 23, 1961


Faulkton - Arnold Martinmaas, 55, Faulkton, died suddenly of a heart condition Saturday July 1, at Faulk County Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Thomas Catholic Church, Faulkton. The Rev. Thomas Burns will officiate. Interment will be at the St. Thomas Catholic Cemetery. Rosary will be recited Monday and Tuesday evenings at 9 p.m. at the Sorum Chapel in Faulkton.
Martinmaas was born June 20, 1906, at Polo. He married Tillie Hardie, July 2, 1929, at Polo.
He is survived by his widow, one son, James, both of Faulkton; one daughter, Sister Marie Vianny, CSJ, St. Paul, Minn.; and two brothers, Werner and Walter, both of Polo. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother.

The Huron (SD) Daily Plainsman
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1973


Redfield - The funeral service for Edward C. Loesch, 77, who died Monday near Pierre will be held Monday near Pierre will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Rockham Methodist Church with the Rev. Gary E. Rae officiating. Burial will be in Rockham cemetery. Relatives are requested to meet in the fellowship hall of the church at 1:30 p.m.
Edward Loesch was born in rural Faulk County Dec. 17, 1895 to William J. and Augusta Loesch. He was a resident of Faulk County for 68 years and a resident of Redfield for 9 years. He was a member of the American Legion Post 92, Odd Fellows, Nonpariel Lodge and a veteran of World War I.
Survivors include three sisters, Emma Ladd, Van Nuys, Calif., Mrs. Frank (Mary) Johnson, Redfield, and Mrs. Albert (Elsie) Johnson, Faulkton. He was preceded in death by his parents and three brothers.
Friends may call from 3 p.m. on Wednesday until 10 a.m. on Friday. The casket will be open prior to the service.
Funeral arrangements were announced by the Bryson Funeral Home.

From memorial folder
Contributed by Jacque McDonnell


Wanda Marie Engelhaupt was born March 2, 1960, at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to Martin and Gail (Sims) Engelhaupt and died June 30, 2004, at her home in Highmore, South Dakota, at the age of 44 years, three months and 28 days.
She received her education in Pierre, South Dakota, and graduated from Faulkton High School in 1978. She attended Northern State University in Aberdeen for two years, where she studied business.
She was united in marriage to Raymond Kusser on August 1, 1981, in Highmore, South Dakota. To this union two children were born, Kelly Rae and Kyle Martin.
She spent her entire married life in Highmore. She did office work in Pierre and at the Highmore Herald, administered home health care and worked as a cashier and clerk, before obtaining a position with the U.S. Postal Service on June 7, 1997. She was co-owner of Ray's Bar & Grill in Highmore and recently became the Postmaster at Ft. Thompson.
She was active in the Highmore Firemen's Auxiliary, as well as participating with her children in the youth wrestling club and Highmore's Junior Shooters program. She enjoyed jet skiing, boating, camping, watching sports (especially Kyle's track meets), spending time with her children and her friends and family and being a grandma.
She was preceded in death by her afther; her step-father, Leonard Vogeler; her mother; her grandparents and an infant brother, Raymond.

(information on survivors was omitted due to privacy concerns)

Huron (SD) Daily Plainsman
Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1974


Redfield - The funeral service for Mrs. Carrie L. Kaiser, 95, who died Tuesday at Americana Health Care Center, Aberdeen, will be held Friday at 2 p.m., at the Bryson Funeral Chapel with the Rev. R. J. Saushnan officiating. Burial will be in Mellette Cemetery, Mellette.
Friends may call at the Bryson Funeral Home from Thursday morning until time of service on Friday.
Mrs. Kaiser was born in Wisconsin, May 10, 1878. She lived in the rural Mellette area and has been a resident at Redfield for 40 years. She was a resident at Americana Health Center, Aberdeen, since March 1973. She married F. A. Kaiser, Orient, on March 10, 1897. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge at Redfield.
Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Ruby Thomas, Aberdeen; two sons, Harold, Spearfish, and Glenn, Richfield, Minn.; five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, five brothers and four sisters.
Funeral arrangements were announced by the Bryson Funeral Home, Redfield.

Memorial Folder
Contributed by Jacque McDonnell


Parents: Ernest and Mayme Leafgreen
Born: August 23, 1910 at Orient, South Dakota
Died: June 5, 2003, St. Mary's Hospital, Pierre, South Dakota
Married: Henry (Bud) Houdek on April 23, 1932 at Faulkton, South Dakota. Lived on a farm west of Polo, South Dakota.
Notes: Started Houdek's Cafe in Highmore, 1946. After selling cafe, she worked at Grace McDonald's Dime Store until 1950. They owned several businesses. Husband passed away in December 1978. She moved to Miller in 1982, returning to Highmore in 1992.
Interment: Highmore City Cemetery, Highmore, South Dakota

17 Oct 1980
submitted by Jacque McDonnell

Mrs. G. Klebsch

Redfield - Mrs. Geraldine Klebsch, 84, died Friday at Jenkins Memorial home, Watertown.

The funeral will be Monday at 2 p.m. in First Congregational Church, Redfield, with the Rev. Paul Opsahl officiating. Burial will be in the Green Lawn Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were announced by Coleman-Thelen Funeral Chapel, Redfield.

Geraldine Hanson was born jan. 25, 1896, at Fairmont, Minn., to Bennett and Sarah Hanson. She moved to Rockham at an early age. She married John Klebsch Jan. 16, 1915, at Faulkton. They moved to a farm near Redfield in 1915 where they lived until 1956 when they moved into Redfield. She had been a resident of Jenkins Memorial Home since August 1979. She was a member of First Congregational Church, Redfield.

Survivors include two sons, Kenneth of Watertown and Donald of Sturgis; three sisters, Julia Gebhart of Terre Haute, Ind., Hattie Dickinson and Adeline Paddleford, both of Rapid City; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband in 1963.

The Daily Plainsman, Huron, South Dakota
Monday, July 20, 1964


Cresbard - The funeral service for Max Hansen, 57, will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Concordia Lutheran Church with the Rev. Melbourne Helling officiating. Burial will be in the Cresbard Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Sorum Funeral Home in Faulkton until Tuesday night and at the church from noon until the time of the service. The casket will not be open following.
Hansen died Saturday of a heart condition while working in the field. He was born June 7, 1907 in Devoe Township, Faulk County. He married Irene Myhre of Baker, Mont. Oct 31, 1936.
Surviving are his wife, one son Thomas of Mobridge, one daughter Maxine at home, three sisters, Mrs. James Hermann, Cresbard; Mrs. Albert Holt, Cresbard; Mrs. Robert Jones, Sioux Falls; two brothers, Ivan of Cresbard, Milton of Portland, Ore.; one grandson. His parents, and an infant sister preceded him.


SOURCE: Evening Huronite (Huron, South Dakota), March 1, 1929, page 4
This Date in South Dakota History March 1

Contributed by Harold Way (hway(at)

1922 - Alexander Miller, pioneer and legislator, died - Cresbard, aged 76.


The Aberdeen (SD) Weekly News, Thursday, June 3, 1909

Word has been received at Cresbard of the death, at Springfield, Mass., May 26, of C. C. Moulton, an old-time and well remembered resident of Faulk county.

Unknown newspaper
Submitted by Jacque McDonnell


Mass of Christian Burial was held January 30, 2006 St. Boniface Catholic Church in Seneca for Reg Baloun of Seneca. Father Todd Reitmeyer officiated and burial was in St. Boniface Cemetery at Seneca.
Reginald Baloun was born January 26, 1913 to Frank and Antonie (Menhart) Baloun in rural Highmore and died January 25, 2006 at the Beverly Healthcare in Redfield, at the age of 92 years, 11 months and 30 days. His parents were Bohemian immigrants who homesteaded in northern Hyde County, where Reg spent his childhood and received his education.
He was united in marriage to Elsie Martz on October 21,1935 at Gettysburg and they began their life together on a farm north of Highmore. In 1944, they purchased a farm south of Seneca, where they raised their seven children. In 1982, they semi-retired and moved to their new home near Seneca. After 66 years of marriage, Elsie died December 7, 2001. Reg continued to live on the farm until failing health caused him to enter Beverly Healthcare in Redfield on January 31,2004.
In his younger years, he was a competitive baseball player. Reg enjoyed hunting, fishing, and playing cards. For many years, he made yearly fishing trips to Canada with his friends from Faulkton.
Reg spent countless hours caring for his shelterbelts and acres of evergreen trees. He loved the outdoors and nature. Farming and ranching were his life. Reg, with the help of family members and neighbors, drove 500 head of yearlings on a 30-mile trail drive to market at Faulkton in the 1960s.
He served as a Faulk County Commissioner and Ellisville Township Board Member. Survivors include his children: Darleen (Gordon) Bauhs, Fort Collins, CO; Eugene (Dianne) Baloun, Seneca; Yvonne (Ken) O'Connor, Prescott, AZ; Terry (Sheryl) Baloun, Sioux Falls; Gloria (Mario) Hansen, Redfield; and Brad (Cam May) Baloun, Sioux Falls; nine grandsons: Corey, Shawn, Dalton, Shad, Brett, Tate, Aron, Adam, and Eric; 13 granddaughters: Darcy, Lisa, Michelle, Suzette, Melannie, Jody, Natalie, Heather, Nichole, Traci, April, Faye, and Renae; 19 great-grandchildren: two brothers, Ray Baloun and Melvin Baloun, both of Highmore; one sister, Irene Weber of Aberdeen; and numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his wife, one son, Daryl; two sisters, Rosie Heinzen and Geneva Fieldsend; and three brothers, Vern Baloun, Richard Baloun, and an infant brother Leonard Baloun.

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Obituaries Faulk County, South Dakota (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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