Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)

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Introduction Summary Walkthrough



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Four of Beyond Hogwarts: Volume Two of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the bustling city of New York, you found yourself in a rather unconventional situation—spawning right into a fountain and causing quite a stir among the locals. It was an unexpected start to your latest case, one that led you straight to MACUSA, where you sought out your old friend Ben. However, he was barely recognizable, having undergone significant physical changes since your last encounter. Despite this, Ben’s workload kept him busy, as he had to Obliviate the witnesses who had seen your fountain incident.

Later, you crossed paths with Vega, who reassured you that it’s normal to feel a bit lost at the start of a case. She reminded you to take your time in assessing the situation. Following this advice, you regrouped with your friends at the Ministry, who were abuzz with excitement, especially Barnaby, eagerly anticipating an event at Flourish and Blotts. With so much happening, it’s clear that this chapter of your journey will be full of surprises and new challenges.


Chapter Summary:

  • Task 1: Meet with Lockhart
    • Location: Defence Against the Dark ArtsClassroom
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Tell Lockhart what you think about him becoming the new president of the social club
      • It’s brilliant: +5 Empathy
      • It’s awful: +5 Courage
      • It makes no difference to me: +5 Knowledge
    • Choice 2: Reply to Lockhart
      • Yes, it would be exciting: +5 Empathy
      • No, it would be dreadful: +5 Courage
  • Task 2: Go to Flourish and Blotts
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Flourish and Blotts
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Tell Olivia if you think Lockhart deserves a lot of popularity
      • Yes, he’s quite talented: +5 Empathy
      • No, he’s a hack: +5 Knowledge
    • Choice 2: Tell Olivia how you would feel if you had the opportunity to meet Harry
      • Excited: +5 Courage
      • Nervous: +5 Empathy
      • I wouldn’t care: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 3: Meet Jacob
    • Location: Hog’s Head Inn
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Reply to Jacob
      • Leave it alone: +5 Knowledge
      • Investigate: +5 Courage
  • Task 4: Check on Ruby
    • Location: Flat
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Reply to Ruby
      • Teamwork made the dream work: +5 Empathy
      • No, you tried to kill me: +5 Courage
    • Choice 2: Tell Ruby what you think of her new name
      • What an adorable name: +5 Empathy
      • What a silly name: +5 Knowledge
      • What an awful name: +5 Courage
  • Task 5: Update Flump
    • Waiting Time: 4 hours
    • Location: ROCC Division
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Tell Flump if you think Ruby will be able to pull off her new persona
      • Not a chance: +5 Courage
      • She’s got this: +5 Empathy
    • Choice 2: Answer Callum
      • It was Verucca: +5 Courage
      • I’m not certain: +5 Empathy
      • It wasn’t Verucca (64 Knowledge): +10 Knowledge
  • Mandatory Chapter Task: Flying Car Fiasco
    • Unlock: None
      • Check the Papers:
        • Location: Hogsmeade
        • Requirements: 1 hour – 2 stars
      • Listen for Car Trouble:
        • Location: Leaky Cauldron
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Snoop Around:
        • Location: Breakroom
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Assess the Risk:
        • Location: Hogsmeade
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Check for Car Chatter:
        • Location: Ministry of Magic
        • Requirements: 1 hour – 2 stars
      • Quiz Answers:
        • What type of car was seen flying in the air? – Family Car
        • Which office will the flying car case go to first? – Misuse of Muggle Artefacts
        • What did someone claim the flying car was chasing? – Hogwarts Express
        • Who have we been receiving an influx of memos regarding? – Gilderoy Lockhart
  • Optional Chapter Task 1: Excuses For Muggles
    • Location: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5 stars
  • Optional Chapter Task 2: Muggle Trash
    • Location: Alleyway
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5 stars
  • Optional Chapter Task 3: Patient Care or Advanced Potions
    • Location: Hospital Ward or Research Lab
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5 stars
  • Chapter Rewards: 400 Coins and 2500 Experience Points

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Proceed to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom when you are ready to meet with Lockhart. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. When you arrive, you spot Rath and immediately ask her what she’s doing there.

Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (1)

You’ll mention to Rath that Lockhart invited you without any explanation, and she’ll respond by saying she hasn’t seen you and Orion since the social club.

Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (2)

You’ll explain to Rath that Madam Umbridge kicked you out of the club, but someone will have a different opinion on the matter.

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Gilderoy Lockhart will then chime in, saying that he understood you disobeyed Madam Umbridge and snuck into the club regardless.

You’ll explain to Gilderoy Lockhart that you had a good reason for sneaking into the club, but he’ll respond that no reason is good enough to besmirch a club with him as a member. However, he will then mention that he’s now the new president of the club and ask for your opinion on that. There are three options to choose from. If you like Glideroy Lockhart, it is recommended to pick the first option.

Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (4)

Following that, Gilderoy Lockhart will say that as the new president, he’s been re-evaluating the club’s members. This line will differ based on your previous choice.

Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (5)

You’ll be surprised to hear that Gilderoy Lockhart is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He will then ask if you would like to partake in his classes as a student. There are three options to choose from. If you like Glideroy Lockhart, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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Lockhart will then mention that he needs your help to prepare the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom for the upcoming year. In return, he offers you the opportunity to be one of the first members of his version of the social club.

Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (7)

To prepare for the DADA Classroom, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (8)

Bonus progress actions are tied to Rath and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.

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After you finish preparing the classroom, Gilderoy will announce that it’s ready for the students. He’ll also assure you that your membership in the social club is guaranteed.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (11)

Following that, Gilderoy will mention that he must leave for his book signing at Flourish and Blotts. However, he adds that he’s not sure if there’s any room left for you at the event.

Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (12)

After that, you’ll head to meet Olivia so that you can search for the book for Jacob together. You’ll need to wait three hours before you can continue. Since this chapter is not time-limited, it is recommended to wait until this timer runs out.

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Head to Flourish and Blotts once the waiting time is over. When you arrive, you’ll notice that it’s very crowded, and Olivia will comment that the crowd is almost as big as Lockhart’s ego.

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Olivia will ask if you think Lockhart deserves all that popularity. There are two options to choose from. If you like Glideroy Lockhart, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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Olivia will then comment that she supposes she could have picked a better day to find Jacob a book, but you’ll reassure her that you have a chance to navigate through the crowd before Lockhart arrives to find the perfect book for your brother.

To find the perfect book, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

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Bonus progress actions are tied to Olivia and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.

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You’ll tell Olivia that you’ve found a book about traveling to exotic locations and ask if she thinks it would be something Jacob would like.

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At that moment, Harry and Hermione will enter the Flourish Blotts, catching your attention.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (21)

You’ll get extra lines of dialogue if you’ve completed the adventures: Flight of the Weasleys and Norbert’s Transport.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (23)

However, you’ll mention that you’ve never had the chance to meet Harry or Hermione. Olivia will then ask how you would feel if you had the opportunity to meet Harry. There are three different options to choose from. These options will influence some dialogue that will follow, but they won’t impact the story.

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Glideroy will also be surprised when he sees Harry Potter.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (26)

He will seize the opportunity to take a photo with him.

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Following that, you’ll ask Olivia how Jacob is doing, and she’ll mention that something is bothering him. He told her about an amulet and kept questioning why Verruca would break the Conjunctivitis curse.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (29)

Go to the Hog’s Head Inn to meet Jacob. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say.

Jacob will comment that it’s great to see you, adding that he’s been given a gift. He’ll mention that he accepted his curse and thought he’d never see you again.

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He’ll add that it would be easier to stop thinking about it, but he can’t control himself. He’ll then ask if you would simply accept what happened or if you would investigate further if you were in his place. There are two different options to choose from. Both of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

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In any case, you’ll mention that you’ve asked around to find out if Verruca is in Azkaban.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (33)

To come up with a plan, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Three stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

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The bonus progress actions are tied to Jacob. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.

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You’ll say that you have two options, adding that if word comes back that Verruca is still in Azkaban, you’ll figure out how to go and talk to her. And if Verruca is somehow on the loose, you are going to track her down.

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Following that, you’ll remember that Ruby is waiting for you back at the apartment.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (38)

Proceed to your Flat when you are ready. When you arrive, you’ll notice that Ruby is cleaning your apartment once again.

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Ruby will acknowledge that she’s not part of ROCC but expresses her excitement about the opportunity to prove that she’s not inherently a bad person, just someone who made bad choices.

However, you’ll remind her that this is about more than just dusting shelves, as she’ll need to adopt a completely new persona for her protection and the protection of ROCC since everyone believes she’s dead.

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This line will differ based on your previous choice.

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Ruby will comment that she almost feels like a new person and has even picked out a new name for herself.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (43)

To get Ruby into character, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

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The bonus progress actions are tied to Ruby. Prioritize these actions to save some energy.

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You’ll mention that keeping her new persona simple seems like the best approach, and Ruby will agree, adding that she probably shouldn’t try out any new accents, but she’ll definitely steer clear of any Texas expressions.

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Ruby will comment that you and she make a good team, acknowledging how well you’ve worked together. There are two different options to choose from. Both of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

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Following that, Ruby will reveal the new name she’s chosen for herself, giving you a glimpse into the new persona she’s ready to adopt as she steps into her new life. There are three different options to choose from. All of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

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Afterward, Ruby will mention that it’s time for her to start her new life in Magical Maintenance.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (50)

You’ll need to wait four hours before you can continue. Since this chapter is not time-limited, it is recommended to wait until this timer runs out.

Head to ROCC Division once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. Flump will ask if you have a progress report on the side project he assigned to you.

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Flump will ask you if you think she’ll be able to pull off this new persona. There are two different options to choose from. Both of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

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These lines will differ based on your previous choice.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (54)

Following that, you’ll ask him if there are any updates on Verruca’s whereabouts, and he’ll tell you that he does have information but that you should listen carefully as it’s sensitive. To learn Verucca’s whereabouts, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Three stars are required to pass.

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Bonus progress actions are tied to Snout, Flump the Agent near Callum, and Callum. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.

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You’ll find out that Verucca is indeed in Azkaban and has never left. Calum will suggest that perhaps you didn’t see what you thought you saw and will question whether Verucca was really the one who attacked Jacob. There are three different options to choose from. These options will influence some dialogue that will follow, but they won’t impact the story.

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Callum will reveal that the Verucca you saw was actually an imposter, not the real Verucca. You’ll question why someone would impersonate Verucca just to reverse Jacob’s curse, and how this imposter knew how to reverse the curse, especially given that you had tried everything without success.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (59)

You’ll ask Flump why he dismissed Callum, and he’ll explain that you now need to focus on Cursed Places. You’ll then mention that a door appeared in the middle of a park fountain in New York City, and you’re unsure what you’re investigating at the moment.

Flump will respond that he won’t micromanage the situation and that you should come to him when you truly understand what’s happening. At that moment, the door will call you again.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (61)

Now that you have completed the story, you can start the mandatory and optional chapter tasks. You need to complete one mandatory chapter task and two optional chapter tasks to unlock the next chapter. When you complete three tasks, the fourth one that is left will disappear.

Go to the Three Broomsticks to start the mandatory chapter task. Percy needs your help to fulfill all of Lockhart’s demands. Percy will tell you that he needs your help because his brother Ron took their family car to help Harry Potter return to Hogwarts. You need to cover up this situation and ensure that this adventure remains undiscovered.

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You’ll need to complete several objectives to finish this mandatory chapter task. Feel free to do them in any order you prefer.

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While doing these objectives, it is recommended to select the duration that matches their star requirements.

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Prioritize actions with bonus progress whenever they are available.

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Try your best to complete all of the mini-tasks to earn some additional attribute points.

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Once you complete all of the tasks, hit the Collect button and return to the Three Broomsticks.

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After you complete all the objectives, you can claim the reward in the Wizarding World section of the Wizarding Life tab.

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Choose the optional tasks you like. You can Examine muggle trash at the Alleyway. Advanced Potions at the Research Lab, and Excuses for muggles at the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

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Also, prioritize actions with bonus progress whenever they are available.

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Try your best to complete all of the mini-tasks to earn some additional attribute points.

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This will conclude Chapter 4 of Beyond Hogwarts: Volume 2. You will receive 400 Coins and2500 Experience Points.

Who would impersonate Verucca just to help Jacob? Could your father be behind it all? What exactly is happening with your case? Is anyone in danger? Stay tuned to find out all the details. Best wishes from the Hogwarts Cafe team, and have a great day.

Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 4 - Lock Up | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.