Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (2024)

Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (1)

Inside this Issue


Mayor’s Message

Master Plan for Alfrieda Street

Light Up Errington

Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy update


Annual Brimbank Community Grants 2024/2025

Elections 2024

Upgrade at Bon Thomas Reserve

State Budget commitments


Ward updates

Council meetings


Defib in your street

Youth Mental Health first aid course

Brimbank Playgroups


Neighbour Day everyday

Join a Friends of group

Staff Spotlight

Community Group Spotlight


National Tree Day

What’s on







#14 • 2024

This year’s winners have displayed

outstanding leadership, passionate

dedication, inclusion and support, and

environmental sustainability initiatives.

All nominees and groups have contributed

to a stronger, healthier, happier, andmore

connected Brimbank.

The 2024 We Are Brimbank Awards pays tribute

to the outstanding contribution of our local

community leaders, residents, businesses and

community groupsacross the City of Brimbank.

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees.

Justbeing nominated shows the amount of impact

you or your group are having in the community.

Keepup the fantastic work.

And the winnersare…

Citizen of the Year:

Aunty Jean

Aunty Jean’s dedication to enriching the arts

scene, preserving Aboriginal cultural heritage, and

showcasing Brimbank as a vibrant community reflects

her exceptional commitment to community service.

Young Citizen of the Year:

Alicia Gec

A participant of Brimbank Youth Council, Western

Bulldogs Bark program, recipient of the Duke of

Edinburgh International Award, and Junior Lord Mayor

of Melbourne 2020/21, Alicia is focused on making a

bright future for other young people in Brimbank.

Community Group of the Year

(New): Vietnamese Families

with Special Needs Inc.

This volunteer organisation helps families to overcome

barriers to accessing services and support and provides

social opportunities through meaningful interactions.

Sports and Wellbeing (New):

Keilor Sports Club

The Keilor Gift is one of many activities the Keilor

Sports Club organises and delivers, all of which are

welcoming, safe, supportive and inclusive. These

events create opportunities for volunteers and social

interactions while encouraging physical activity and

community wellbeing.

Arts, Culture and Tourism:

Ross Morfea

Secretary of the St Albans Business Association,

Ross has managed the St Albans Lunar Festival on a

voluntary basis for 25 years. He is passionate about

using the Festival to increase community pride and

bring our multicultural community together.

Community Engagement:

Duke Street Community House

For over 50 years, Duke Street Community House has

been a place of learning, support and friendship for

some of our most disengaged, disadvantaged and

vulnerable community members.

Environment or Sustainability:

Ardeer South Primary School

Ardeer South Primary School has embedded

sustainability education in their curriculum and

empowered their students to become environmental

stewards both within and outside the school grounds.

We Are Brimbank Award Winners 2024

Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (3)



Light Up Errington

This winter, the popular sports oval and

multipurpose soccer and basketball courts

in StAlbans will be lit from sundown to 9pm,

FridaytoSunday, until the end of September.

This will allow more people to use the space at a time

when that usually wouldn’t be possible. The energy

efficient LEDs which light up Errington significantly reduce

greenhouse gas emissions, energy usage and costs.

For more information on Light up Errington and other

BeActive initiatives, you can call us on

9249 4000


Plan to support

Brimbank’s future

housing needs

Sustainable growth, enhanced liveability, the

protection of heritage and neighbourhood

character, and responding to the need for more

affordable housing is part of Brimbank’s strategy

tomeet its housing needs into the next 20 years.

Council adopted the Brimbank Housing and Neighbourhood

Character Strategy at its April 2024 Council Meeting.

The strategy sets a vision for how Council should plan

for at least an additional 34,000 residents and 14,000

dwellings by 2041.

It includes a plan for Brimbank to be a city of green,

connected and diverse neighbourhoods offering a range

of high quality, sustainable housing choices for everyone

at every stage of their lives.

Before preparing the strategy, we asked the community

to tell us what they valued in their neighbourhoods

and what kind of housing they’d need in the future.

Thishelped inform the strategy. Council then consulted

with the community on the draft strategy and received

33 submissions from residents and stakeholders in and

outside of Brimbank.

The top issues identified from the submissions were

protecting heritage and character, and also support for

higher density developments. Other important priorities

raised were sustainability, increasing tree coverage,

climate change, housing affordability and housing diversity.


to view the strategy.

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of














Brimbank Council is continuing to work

towards a transformed Brimbank that is

beautiful, thriving, healthy and connected.

As part of this, it is important for Council

to support community-led projects and

activities that will benefit our community,

and to recognise the work being done

towards creating a better Brimbank.

Onbothaccounts, I am pleased to say

weareactively doing this.

It was a great pleasure to present the We

Are Brimbank Awards on Thursday 23 May.

Theawards recognise the exceptional

contributions of individuals, groups, businesses

and organisations making a positive impact to

our vibrant community. I’d like to congratulate

all the award winners and nominees and thank

them for their efforts in making Brimbank a

better place to live, work and play. You can

readmore about them on the front page.

The Brimbank Community Grants Program

for 2024-2025 is now open for applications.

I encourage local community groups to apply

for one-off financial assistance to support

their projects and activities that would benefit

our community. Grants are available in seven

categories, and Council is providing information

sessions and support to give applicants the

best chance of success. Grants are open for

applications until Sunday 14 July. There is more

information on page 3.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to

provide feedback on our Draft Council Plan

Annual Action Plan and Budget for 2024-25.

Myfellow Councillors and I have enjoyed

chattingto many residents at the pop-ups.

Thank you for sharing your ideas and feedback

with us. All feedback provided was considered

before a final draft of the Annual Action Plan

and Budget were presented for adoption at our

recent June Council Meeting. We’ll have more in

the next edition of Brimbank News on what’s

planned for 2024-2025.

Thank you for your ongoing support and

engagement with Brimbank City Council.

Cr Ranka Rasic

Mayor, Brimbank City Council

A Message

from the Mayor

New Master Plan

forAlfrieda Street

We have adopted the Alfrieda Street

Public Realm Master Plan to guide the

future planning, design, maintenance

and budget for the development of

Alfrieda Street, St Albans.

The Master Plan is an opportunity to

transform Alfrieda Street over the next

decade into a greener, safer and better

connected urban environment.

It envisions Alfrieda Street as a vibrant

community-focused corridor that prioritises:

• Pedestrians and active living

• Enhances public spaces

• Improves mobility and safety

• Creating safer pedestrian crossings

• Better cycling infrastructure.

The plan is to feature

three distinct sections

that include:


Civic Walk

in the commercial heart

ofAlfrieda Street:

• Wider footpaths, outdoor dining


• More trees and greenery to increase


• Seating, drinking fountains, bins


• Spaces for community gatherings


• Easy access to car parking


Nature Walk

providing a green

andwatersensitive corridor:

• More trees and greenery

• Spaces for community events


• Wider footpaths, outdoor dining


• Connection to public transport,


• Adequate car parking


Neighbourhood Walk

to encourage

walking, as well as increased tree canopy cover:

• More trees and greenery

• Increased pedestrian and cycling space

• Improved public space amenities

To read the Alfrieda Street Master Plan,


and search

Alfrieda Street Public Realm Masterplan.

Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (6)

Bon Thomas Reserve

opens newfacilities

New facilities costing $1.5 million have been

opened at Bon Thomas Reserve in Deer Park,

including the car park, multi-purpose cricket nets,

oval irrigation and the path network.

Mayor of Brimbank, Cr Ranka Rasic and Luba

Grigorovitch MP, Member for Kororoit, joined Brimbank

Councillors, residents and members of the Brimbank

Bucks Rugby Club to officially open the new facilities.

Thanks to the new walking path, you can now

walkaround the whole reserve.

The new multi-purpose cricket nets will increase

participation for cricket and casual community sport

such as soccer and basketball, with plenty ofparking in

the new car park.

The new pavilion building, which was fully funded by

Council, has given the site the capacity it needed to

house community sports clubs.

The State Government contributed $1million in funding

towards this project as part of the Community Sports

Infrastructure Stimulus Program.



State Budget stalls for Brimbank

While Council welcomed various initiatives in

the State Budget 2024-25 to tackle climate

change, address environmental issues and

support community mental health programs

and reforms, there is a lack of funding for

significant infrastructure projects that have

been promised for Brimbank.

This includes the Melbourne Airport Rail, the

implementation of the Sunshine Station Masterplan,

the rebuild of Albion Station, a new train station in

Keilor East and the upgrading of the Calder Freeway.

Council is disappointed that progress on these

projects is likely to stall, despite a number of

previous commitments by the State Government.

That said, we will continue our advocacy efforts

and work with the State Government to deliver

these important projects.

Increase in State

Government charges

Ratepayers will notice a

considerable increase in State

Government charges on their

next rates bill. These levies will go

directly to the State Government

to fund landfill and Fire Services.

Meanwhile, local councils continue

to struggle with the impacts of

long-term rate capping

inahigh-inflation economy.

Time to stand for Brimbank City Council

The next local government elections will be held on Saturday 26 October 2024. The election

will beby postal ballot and will be conducted on behalf of the Council by the Victorian Electoral

Commission (VEC).

Do you want to have a role in shaping the future

of Brimbank City Council? Are you passionate

about making a positive contribution to


Then now is the time to put your hand up to

take onone of the most important leadership

opportunities in Brimbank that enables you

tomakea difference – becoming aCouncillor.

Councils are the closest level of government

tocommunity. To represent their communities

successfully, they need great quality

candidatestoput their hand up for election.

If you have a passion for your local area,

BrimbankCity Council is calling all community

leaders and potential candidates to get

inspired through the Municipal Association of

Victoria’s (MAV) ‘Stand for Council’ campaign,

or the Victorian Local Government Association

(VLGA)Local GovernmentElections 2024

Candidate Training.

To support potential candidates, Brimbank

City Council in partnership with the MAV

and the VLGA, is hosting regional-based

information sessions to provide further


If you missed the Metropolitan West session

hosted by Wyndham City Council on Wednesday

5 June 2024, there are other sessions being held

around Victoria till August.

See page 8 for details of the Women X Stand

forCouncil Candidate Information Session being

held on Wednesday 26June.

If you would like to attend one of the VLGA’s

LocalGovernment Elections 2024 Candidate

Training sessions in August, you will need to

register your attendance via the Brimbank

Council website. See more information on page 8.

For more information on the MAV Stand for

Council campaign or to register, please visit

the MAV website:


For more information about Brimbank council

elections, visit


Electoral timeline

The Local Government Amendment

(Governance and Integrity) Bill 2024 was

introduced in Parliament on 30 April 2024.

This Bill aims to amend the

Local Government Act


, strengthening integrity, accountability, and

governance across councils. The Bill also proposes

to adjust electoral timelines for the 2024 general

elections to streamline voter roll certification and

ballot processes:


Proposed New Date

Close of Voters Roll – you need to be enrolled as a voter by this date.

For more information visit

7 August 2024

Open of Candidate Nominations

9 September 2024

Close of Candidate Nominations

17 September 2024

Postal Ballot Packs mailed to voters

7-10 October 2024

Close of Voting

6pm, 25 October 2024

Further details are on the Local Government Victoria website

Apply now for

a Brimbank


Applications are open for the Brimbank Community

Grants Program for 2024-2025.

These grants are designed to assist not-for-profit

organisations, and incorporated community groups, to

deliver projects and activities that benefit ourcommunity.

Grants are available in


• Community Strengthening

Grants – up to $10,000

• Climate Emergency Grants –

up to $10,000

• Mental Health and Wellbeing Grants –

up to $10,000

• Young People’s Ideas Grants – up to $10,000

• Community Festival and Event Grants –

up to $10,000

• Major Festival and Event Grants – up to $25,000

• Seniors Operational Grants – up to $1,000.

For information on how to apply and eligibility, visit

or call the GrantsHotline


9249 4036

before applications close on 14 July 2024.



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Maintaining our bridges

Minor bridge works are currently

underway in Rita Street, crossing

JonesStreet in St Albans, and in

ParkleaAvenue, crossing Station

Waters Wetlands in Cairnlea.

Thisispart of a minor bridge repair

andannual capital works program.

Reserve upgrade

A $500,000 upgrade is underway at

Station Waters Reserve in Cairnlea

and scheduled for completion late

May2024, including a new playground,

picnic area and installation of fitness

equipment and seating. Trees will be

planted between June and August,

totake advantage of the winter rains.

Sporting facilities

New sporting facilities opened at

BonThomas Reserve in Deer Park

inearly May, boasting a new car

park,multi-purpose cricket nets,

ovalirrigation and path network.

New Maker Space

Meet other creative locals, learn

new skills and access our range

of specialised equipment at the

new Maker Space at Deer Park

Library. Call9249 4660 or visit


Dempster Park Tennis

change-rooms and


We recently finished upgrades at

Dempster Park that included new

female friendly change-rooms, an

upgraded kitchen and disabled toilets

in Phoenix Street, Sunshine North.

The improvements cost a total of

$906,524. The Victorian Government

provided $204,159, Council

contributed $602,365, and North

Sunshine Tennis Club contributed

$100,000 for the project.

The upgrade ensures the facilities

are now accessible to all and will

improve community use and access to


Local artist’s mural brightens


Albion now has a colourful mural

created by local artist Lukas Kasper,

whose murals in Melbourne’s famous

CBD laneways are a highlight for

tourists to the city. The mural features

the locally significant ‘W’ symbol,

representing the intersecting streets

of Westwood Way, Westgate Avenue,

and Wyalong Street. Local wildlife

and sustainability as well as our Think

Shop Buy Local promotional campaign

are also depicted through the mural.

Check it out next time you’re in the


Cliff Harvey Lagoon Reserve


We’re planning a park and playground

upgrade at Cliff Harvey Lagoon

Reserve in 2024/25. We recently

held alistening post to find out what

you love about this popular family

picnic spot and what we could do


Tree Socks in St Albans


Thanks to a talented local resident,

sixtrees in St Albans Square have

been adorned with hand crocheted

tree socks, creating a more vibrant

andwelcoming environment.

Try Pickleball

Called “the fastest-growing sport

in Australia”, pickleball combines

elements of tennis, badminton, and

ping-pong. Give it a go at one of our

friendly and inclusive sessions at

Keilor Basketball Netball Stadium on

Monday and Friday mornings from

9am-12noon. All equipment provided.


9336 3126

for more info.

Bushland Biodiversity

Learn about your favourite Aussie

animals for National Science Week

(10-18 August) with Bushland

Biodiversity at the Keilor Library on

Saturday 10 August 2024 at 11am.

Concrete path upgrade

The $250,000 upgrade at Keilor

Downs Recreation Reserve includes

a new concrete circuit path providing

a connection from Goodwood Drive,

as well as new fitness equipment and

bench seating. Trees will be planted

between June and August to take

advantage of cooler temperatures

andwinter rain.

Maintaining our bridges

Minor bridge works are currently

underway in Burrowye Crescent,

crossing Taylors Creek, in Taylors

Lakes and Stadium Drive, crossing

Steele Creek, in Keilor Park. This is

part of a minor bridge repair and

annual capital works program, fixing

damaged guardrails, rock beaching,

concrete patch repairs and general


Accessibility program for all

abilities at Sydenham Library

The inaugural five-week program

allowed participants and carers to

meet and make new friends, learn from

each other, and feel more welcome

and comfortable in library spaces.

The program was co-designed with

Yooralla, St. John of God and carers.

For more information on

Brimbank Library programs, visit

oraskstaff about programs when

youvisit the library.

Taylors Ward


Calder Park, Delahey, Keilor

Downs, Keilor Lodge, Keilor North,

Sydenham and Taylors Lakes, and

the Brimbank part of Hillside.

Horseshoe Bend

Ward update

Kealba, Keilor Park, Keilor East,

Tullamarine, East St Albans.

Harvester Ward


Albion, Ardeer, Brooklyn,

Derrimut, Sunshine, Sunshine

North and Sunshine West.

Grasslands Ward


Albanvale, Cairnlea, Deer Park,

Kings Park, and the western

part of the suburb of St Albans.

Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (20)



Council meetings

Council meetings are generally held the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the

Council Chamber at the Brimbank Community & Civic Centre, 301Hampshire Road,

Sunshine. They are livestreamed.

You can view the agenda for each meeting on our website the Friday afternoon before the

Council meeting. The next meeting will be on 18 July 2024. Further information on attending

Council Meetings, including registration and a livestream link, can be accessed on our website

Council Business

Your elected Councillors meet once a month to debate Council business, set strategic objectives and

make decisions on behalf of the community. Here are some of the key decisions made by Council at

recent meetings.

In April, Council:

• Adopted the Brimbank Housing and

Neighbourhood Character Strategy.

• Adopted the Alfrieda Street Public Realm Master

Plan to guide the future planning, design,

maintenance and associated budget allocation

forthe development of Alfrieda Street, St Albans.

• Endorsed the release of the draft Council Plan

Action Plan for 2024-2025, Annual Budget

2024-2025, and Financial Plan 2024-2034 for


• Endorsed changes to the Brimbank Economic

and Employment Advisory Committee Terms

of Reference and noted the committee had

appointed12 members.

• Agreed to write to Melbourne Water, advising

of in-principle support for Melbourne Water to

request the Minister for Planning to apply interim

planning controls designating the Land Subject

toInundation Overlay (LSIO) in Flora Street, Keilor.

• Agreed to provide the Keilor Sports Club with

$550,000 funding in the 2024-2025 financial

year for the expansion of the club Social Rooms

This is subject to the club-appointed builder

successfully completing a Corporate Score

Card Report and Keilor Sports Club guarantors

providingbank guarantees of $650,000 prior

tothe commencement of construction.

• Endorsed submissions to:

- the Commonwealth Rural and Regional Affairs

Transport References Committee Inquiry into

the Impacts and Mitigation of Aircraft Noise

- the Victorian Legislative Assembly Environment

and Planning Committee inquiry into Securing

Victoria’s Food Supply.

• Resolved not to proceed with further planning

or development of the Green Gully Reserve site

for sports purposes and referred the site to the

upcoming update of the Creating Better Parks

Open Space and Playground Policy and Plan, to

determine the most suitable future use of the site.

• Decided to write to the Hon. Minister Roads and

Road Safety, local members and Department of

Transport to ask for an increased contribution

aspart of the Municipal Maintenance Agreement,

which funds the maintenance and upkeep of

various arterial roads.

In May, Council:

• Approved seven categories for the Brimbank

Community Grants Program 2024-2025, which

opens for applications on 29 May.

• Adopted the Sunshine Energy Park Vision Plan

toguide the future planning, design, development

and ongoing feasibility and advocacy for

SunshineEnergy Park.

• Adopted the final Draft Community Engagement

Policy that will guide how we ask for our

community’s views on projects that impact them.

• Noted the Quarterly Budget Report and

accompanying statements for the period ending

31March 2024.

• Noted the status of progress on the ‘Together we

are Brimbank’ Council Plan (2021-2025) for Quarter

Three January – March 2024.

• Noted that Councillors Thuy Dang, Sam David,

and Ranka Rasic would attend the Australian

Local Government Association’s National General

Assembly 2024 in Canberra from 2 to 4 July 2024.

• Noted the community engagement process in

relation to 26 January and agreed to continue

to listen to and work with local Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander people, including Traditional

Owner organisations to progress reconciliation


• Considered a report that outlined the ways in

which Council shares information with CALD

communities and in languages other than English.

• Decided not to offer leisure centre fee discounts

to local residents, after significant benchmarking

that confirmed fees at Council's leisure centres

are highly affordable when compared to similar

leisurecentres across metropolitan Melbourne.

Cr Victoria Borg

0429 365 527

Cr Sarah Branton

0407 836 064

Cr Thuy Dang

0437 744 803

Grasslands Ward

Cr Maria Kerr

0437 796 630

Cr Bruce Lancashire

0429 637 689

Cr Ranka Rasic


0437 861 296

Taylors Ward

Cr Jae Papalia

(Deputy Mayor)

0437 838 710

Cr Virginia Tachos

0428 915 671

Horseshoe Bend Ward

Cr Sam David JP

0429 355 239

Cr Thomas O’Reilly

0409 210 431

Cr Jasmine Nguyen

0437 740 042

Harvester Ward

Your Councillors are always

happy to hear from you!

Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (45)



Youth mental

health first

aid course for


Sporting clubs often provide a safe space

and a trusted network where young people

feel socially connected. That’s why we are

expanding Council’s Youth Mental Health

First Aid (YMHFA) training to adults who

work or volunteer in these environments.

The course has already been teaching Council

staff and secondary school teachers important

skills to detect the early signs of a young person

dealing with mental health struggles. They are

also given skills to support the young person

until a mental health professional is available.

Skills for young people

Participants are taught several skills to support

young people aged 12-18 years, including:

• Understanding mental health

• How to start conversations about


• Recognising symptoms

• Assessing crises

• Initial aid

• Guidance towards further support.

The program involves online and face-to-face


Contact Brimbank Youth Services via email

to kickoff the process for this program to

bedelivered at your sporting club.

Learn about



Playgroups are a great way for children to

explore their world, develop social skills

and learn through play. These welcoming

and safe spaces enable families to meet

and connect with other people in the


Each year, over 700 families participate in

Brimbank playgroup programs. The groups

meetregularly for about two hours per

week, and 30 per cent of the programs are

delivered ina community language.

Our free early years playgroup

services include:

• Smalltalk Supported Playgroups

– anevidence-based program including

deliveryin Vietnamese and Burmese

• In-home

support for families

• Volunteer, family led playgroups

including a LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Group

• Playgroup Leader Training

– for

community members to upskill and connect

• Shopping Centre Outreach Pop up


– connecting families to services

• First Steps New Parent Groups

– for first

time parents, including delivery in Vietnamese

and Burmese.

To learn more, visit

andsearch ‘playgroups’.

Lifesaving program launches in Sunshine

Sunshine residents can now receive free CPR training and host a defibrillator at their home as part ofthe lifesaving St John Ambulance Victoria program,

Defib in Your Street.

The 12-month program aims to install 30 publicly

available defibrillators throughout Sunshine and

provide training to thousands of residents.

This includes accredited CPR classes or by

e-learning and CPR pop-ups at festivals, events


While Sunshine has one of the highest number

of cardiac arrests in Victoria, lives can be saved

ifresidents in this suburb take action.

Through the same program inneighbouring

StAlbans(andsurrounding suburbs)last year,

more than 4,000 people received training and

30defibrillators are now availablein the suburb.

Learn more

If you live in Sunshine, Sunshine North, Sunshine

West or Albion, you can seize this opportunity by


and learn more

about how to participate.

Lithium batteries

causing fires in waste

collection trucks

Lithium batteries now power everything from

e-scooters, to laptops, toys, tools, phones, and

lots more.

Unfortunately, lithium batteries incorrectly placed

in kerbside bins have been responsible for several

fires in both bins and rubbish trucks in Brimbank.

Onecommon contributor to these fires are vapes and

e-cigarettes, which also contain lithium batteries,

andcannot be placed in regular kerbside rubbish bins.

For the safety of our truck drivers and community it is

essential that we keep lithium (and all batteries) out

of landfill and recycling bins. All e-waste (batteries

and anything with a plug) should be kept out of bins.

Need to dispose of batteries?

You can drop off your batteries and e-waste for

recycling at many locations in Brimbank. This

includes your local library and the Brimbank

Resource Recovery Centre, in Stadium Drive, Keilor

Park. You can also visit

to find other

nearby locations where you can drop off batteries.

Planning for the

Albion Quarter

The Department of Transport and Planning is

working on a Structure Plan, which will support

the transition of the Albion Quarter from the

current mix of industrial-focused businesses to

supporting Melbourne’s next generation of jobs,

innovation and services, and provide a space

for new residential dwellings close to public

transport and active transport connections.

A Discussion Paper has been released for community

feedback. Visit the Engage Victoria website


by Sunday 28 July 2024 to view

the Discussion Paper and complete a short survey.

Brimbank Cr Sam David meets

cardiac arrest survivor Andy,

his wife Leanne, and daughter

Renee. Renee performed

life-saving CPR on her father and

shared her story at the recent

Defib inYour Street launch event.

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Be a friend to your local environment

Joining one of our ‘Friends of’ environmental

groups is a wonderful way to enhance your local

parks, waterways and open spaces, while also

meeting others who love the great outdoors.

You can attend one of the regular planting days

ortheannual Clean Up Australia Day.

All groups are not-for-profits and are happy to share

their skills and knowledge with new members.

The Friends of Kororoit Creek group has planted

more than 100,000 plants over eight years along

thecreek’s Brimbank stretch.

Friends of Kororoit Creek group member, Caroline,

says she loves returning to places the group has

worked on and seeing the impact they are having.

“The planting days show what can be achieved

withthe intention to care and the combined efforts

ofmany,” she said.

“It is rewarding to see the results of plantings over

time, especially the big events such as National Tree

Day when so many families and community groups

get involved.”

Brimbank’s ‘Friends of’ groups include:

• Friends of Iramoo

• Friends of Kororoit Creek

• Friends of Maribyrnong Valley

• Friends of Organ Pipes

• Friends of Steele Creek

• Friends of Stony Creek

• Friends of Sydenham Park.


tolearn more.

Staff spotlight – Meet Animal

ManagementOfficer, Rachael

There’s a dedicated team of animal management

officers at Council helping to keep domestic

animals and our community safe.

Rachael is an integral part of the team and she’s

pretty stoked with her job.

“No two days are ever the same and the variety

certainly keeps things interesting,” she says.

“My days range from collecting lost and found animals

in the community, investigating complaints and

reports of dog attacks, and responding to incidents

and situations where a domestic animal is involved.

“There’s far more to being an Animal Management

Officer than meets the eye.

“Working with animals is not always cute puppies

and cuddly kittens. It also comes with emotional

challenges, diverse situations and delicate scenarios,”

says Rachael.

Spotlight on

Taylors Creek

Have you discovered the many natural gems

thatcan be found at Taylors Creek in Keilor?

Taylors Creek runs from near Taylors Lakes to the

Maribyrnong River at Brimbank Park. There are

many magnificent river red gums along the creek

estimatedto be more than 350 years old.

The dead red gums are also worth seeing as their

hollows are home to many species of parrots and

other birds. Watch them for a couple of minutes

and you may be lucky enough to see some of these

birds. You may also spot some wallabies that also

call the creek and its surrounds home.

Remnant grasslands line the creek and there

are several sites of major Aboriginal cultural

significance with evidence of occupation

for tens of thousands of years. There are

also historic dry-stone walls and sheep dips

reminding us of the site’s early farminghistory.

Our Conservation team works closely with

MelbourneWater to manage this special site.

Get involved

You can get involved in caring for this significant

local space by joining the newly re-formed

Friends of Taylors Creek and coming to our

National TreeDaycommunity planting day

in July. Visit


findoutmoreabout upcoming planting days.

Celebrate National Tree Day in Brimbank!

We’re hosting a community planting day to celebrate

National Tree Day on Sunday 28 July at Taylors Valley

Parklands Escarpment in Keilor.See Page 8 for more

information about this fun and family-friendly day.

For information about how to register your pet

in Brimbank, visit


Celebrate your good neighbours

Brimbank City Council celebrates Neighbours Every Day (previously called Neighbours Day)

andwe’dlike to hear your great neighbour stories about connection and belonging.

Neighbours Every Day is an ongoing social connection campaign that seeks to address loneliness across

Australia. Good neighbours are worth their weight in gold. We share belonging in our community by

makingothers welcome, reaching out in kindness and connecting through empathy and compassion.

Share your stories

Give your neighbour a shout out and submit your story on our Brimbank News website

for potential publication before 31 July.

Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (60)



Sunday 28 July 2024

Get the tools and confidence you

need to get the job you want at

these free jobseeker events.

We’re hosting a community planting

day at Taylors Valley Parklands

Escarpment in Keilor on Sunday

28July, 10am-1pm.

We’ll work together to revegetate and

re-establish trees, shrubs and grasses

that were once dominant in the area.

This event is a family-friendly day, with

nature-play activities and morning

teaprovided, all free of charge.



join this awesome community event.

Children’s Book Week –

Reading is Magic

19-25 August 2024


All Brimbank libraries.

Celebrate Book Week across Brimbank

Libraries with a range of events. From

illustration workshops with Rachel Gyan

and Jess Dubblu, to craft activities and

more! Enter our children’s bookmark

design competition for a chance to

feature on Brimbank’s next bookmark.


tofind out more.

“The Art in Music” Exhibition

On now till 1 July 2024,

Monday-Friday 9.30am-4.30pm

Hunt Club Community and Arts Centre,

775 Ballarat Road, Deer Park

The art exhibition showcases students

from the Paul Borg Art School who were

given the challenge of listening to a

favourite piece of music and creating

an artwork inspired by the music. BYO

headphones for a multisensory experience.

Local Government Elections

2024 Candidate Information

and Training

To support potential candidates, Brimbank

City Council in partnership with the

Municipal Association of Victora (MAV)

and the Victorian Local Government

Association (VLGA), is hosting regional

based information sessions to provide

important details and inspiration.

Women X Stand for Council

Candidate Information Session

Wednesday 26 June2024,



Kingston City Council office, 1230

Nepean Highway, Cheltenham

The MAV is hosting a women-focused

information session as part of its Stand

for Council Community and Candidate

Information Sessions. Join face-to

face or online and hear from former

councillors Bernadene Voss (City of

Port Phillip, 2014-2020), Tamara Barth

(City of Kingston 2012-2020) and

Cr Claudia Nguyen (councillor at City

of Yarra, not standing at the 2024

election) about theirexperiences of

being a councillor. You will also hear

from theAustralian Women in Local

Daughters of the West

Starting end July

Daughters of the West is a no cost

10-week health and wellbeing program

that includes an inclusive space to learn

about your health, connect with friends

and try fun exercise activities.

People who are culturally diverse, Aboriginal

and/or Torres Strait Islander, or identify

asfemale are encouraged toattend.

To find out more information about the

Daughters of the West program, you can

visit the Western Bulldogs Community

Foundation website


or call Council’s Active

Communities Development Officeon

039249 4000


Government Association(ALGWA) who

will outline the program of events,

support and mentoring they provide to

female councillors and other programs

that support women such asPathways

to PoliticsandWomen for Election.

Registrations are essential at

VLGA’s Local Government

Elections 2024 Candidate

Training sessions

August 2024

Brimbank will also be participating in

VLGA’s Local Government Elections 2024

Candidate Training sessions in August. Six

sessions will be on offer to anyone who

is thinking of running as a candidate in

the upcoming elections. These sessions

will cover: Becoming a Councillor, Election

Campaign Essentials, Self-care in Public

Office, Life as a Woman Councillor, Gender

based Campaigning for Votes as Women,

and Safety and Self-care for Women in

Public Office. If you would like to attend

one of the VLGA’s Local Government

Elections 2024 Candidate Training sessions

in August, please register your attendance

via the Brimbank Council events website

National Science Week

10-18 August 2024


All Brimbank libraries

National Science Week acknowledges

the contributions of Australian scientists

to the world of knowledge. Council is

hosting a range of events and activities

to encourage adults and younger people

to be fascinated by the world we live in.



more information.


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What’s on

For more events visit

All events are

free of charge

unless listed otherwise.

Brimbank City Council respectfully acknowledges and recognises the Wurundjeri and Bunurong Peoples

as the Traditional Custodians of this land and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future.


in your













Contact us


9249 4000

131 450

Local call costs apply

Use Brimby

, our

online virtual assistant

Printed on environmentally responsible paper.


Creative Brimbank

Find out all the upcoming events at Creative

Brimbank for artists, musicians, performing arts,

and the creative community in Melbourne’s West


What’s on @ Brimbank Libraries

Our libraries run events all year round for

people of all ages. Check out upcoming

events on the Brimbank Libraries website

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Brimbank News Issue 14 - JUNE 2024 (2024)
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Article information

Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Last Updated:

Views: 6333

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.