0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (2024)

Title: Endless Summer
Author: CEOofIgnihyde
Topic: Miraculous Ladybug
TV Show
Critiqued by:
Linstar; Delta XIII

Ls: Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Asylum again! I’m Linstar, and this time, my coriffer is Delta.


Ls: …man, I do a lot of co-riffs.

Ls: In any case, let’s get into the fic. It’s yet another Miraculous Ladybug fic, so I don’t think we need bother with any infodumping. At least not yet.

Delta: While I don’t really watch a lot of TV these days (or any at all, to be honest), I’m familiar enough with the source material through internet exposure that I don’t need an introduction to it.

Ls: I’ve seen the first few seasons, and I like to watch YouTubers complain about the rest.


(Originally written on Fanfiction.net then deleted and reposted on Wattpad then lost my acct so posting on here.)

Ls: Now that’s convoluted.

Delta: The fact that it’s shifted platforms so many times gives the impression that this story is just straight-up cursed. I dread the thought of being proven right as we read it.

School had let out for the summer, and Wayzz thought it’d be a great idea for our group of friends to take a trip.

Ls: This is Wayzz. He’s basically just Google Maps. He is the Kwami of… defense or something. He has the power to make green force fields. He’s pretty calm and easygoing. That’s about all there is to say about him.

0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (1)

That trip was one of the most horrifying events of my life. Now when I say horrifying, what comes to your mind?

Ls: EWPPG. The Kiacstu Oreimo fic. …other ones too, but those are my personal most reviled.

Delta: I’m gonna go for the low-hanging fruit here and say “this story”.

Monsters? Getting lost? Dying in the end?


Well, none of those are it. In fact, nothing happened to me at all.

Ls: Welp, that’s it, Delta. Riff’s over.

*Ls attempts to leave the room, but it has been locked, presumably by Em.*

Delta: Well, at least the door wasn’t electrified this time.

Ls: *BZZT!* The windows are, though.

Allow me to explain.

Delta: Really? You’re going to explain a story about nothing at all?! I’m reminded of a piece of writing advice I heard somewhere, though for the life of me, I can’t remember where: “Is this the most interesting moment of your character’s life? If not, then why aren’t you writing about that?”

Ls: No. You can’t explain. I won’t hear it!


Delta: Oh joy, author’s notes. We all know just how great those tend to be!

Ls: At least it uses the AO3 “Notes” format, rather than just a thrown-in “A/N”.

oHHHH my goooooooood.

Ls: Is it Jazz? God of Tarzan Grammar? (Goddess of Parentheticals?)

This is the first Miraculous Ladybug fic I’ve ever written because I didn’t want to come out as a 17-year-old who watches MLB.

Delta: If grown men could openly admit to watching My Little Pony, then I don’t think anyone would bat an eye at a teenager watching a superhero show.

Ls: You didn’t want to admit to being a 17-year-old who watches the show, so you specifically mentioned your age here, when you’re presumably older? Yeah, that makes so much sense.

I wrote this a little over 21 months ago on Fanfiction.net then deleted it because I thought it was bad.

Ls: The stupid thing just won’t die.

Delta: So, even you know it’s bad, but you inflicted it on people anyway? Lovely.

I had forgotten it was on Wattpad until one of my friends went “heeyyyyy it’s blowing up right now” so I reread it and decided it’s not too bad.

Delta: No, you really should’ve stuck with your first instinct.

Ls: Yeah, no, that was the correct decision.

Then I went on hIaTuS

Ls: Hey, the mocking Spongebob case is our thing.

(we love 21-month hiatuses, don’t we?)

Ls: Yeah, they’re great. Just ask SC in fifteen months!

so yeahhhhhhhhhh….

ANYWAY so a lil backstory before we begin.

Ls: Oh, I was worried we’d just get to the fic.

I was in a little phase called the “I’m unreasonably obsessed with Nooroo because he is being e n s l a v e d” phase.

Ls: Nooroo is the butterfly kwami, he’s cute, timid, and purple. His owner, Gabriel Agreste, is abusive to him.

I decided for some very strange reason

Ls: So you admit it’s strange.

Delta: That’s what happens when you get possessed by the ghost of badfic, I guess.

Ls: And it’s not even Spooptober yet!

that he and Trixx would be cute together so I decided to write it starting out as Nooroo having a lil crush on our favourite fox boi.

Ls: Trixx is the Fox Kwami. He’s orange, and has illusion powers.

Then someone brought to my attention…. Plagg x Nooroo fluff.

Ls: Thanks, we hate it.

Delta: Honestly, I feel like that could be the Asylum’s motto.

Ls: What, is “Riffing the worst fanfiction on the web since 2022.” not good enough?

Delta: Hey, there’s no rule saying we can’t have more than one motto!

Ls: Maybe I’ll make that my motto too.

So by chapter 3 or 4 I’m caught in a little *insert glitter*

Ls: Quick! Get down! Glitter barrage incoming!

Delta: I’ll get the vacuum. Hopefully this one hasn’t somehow managed to lose all its suction yet.

Ls: Oh, I’m sure Bifocal’s new Suck-tion powered vacuum won’t ever run out of power. Aside from all the sources we encounter here daily, Shadow is basically an infinite supply of it.

cRiSiS trying to figure out who is better because tbh (put down the pitchforks please)

Ls: No! The pitchfork is mine. Mine! You’ll never make me give it up!

Delta: You’ll only be getting my pitchfork when I impale it through your chest!

Tikki doesn’t deserve Plagg. Plagg is too perfect.

Ls: He’s not a terrible person, but he’s certainly not perfect. Plagg is pretty lazy and selfish, even if he does care, deep down.


Ls: HMU? The college in Arizona?

Delta: I think it’s supposed to be texting shorthand for “hit me up”.

Ls: Probably.

okay enough rambling,

Ls: Oh, was that enough?

here is chapter 1

Ls: Finally.

Chapter 1: Only Just The Beginning

Ls: At least you can spell “beginning”.

June 17th. We were all hiking through the dank, vast forest.


0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (2)

School had let out for the summer, and Wayzz thought it’d be a great idea for our group of friends to take a trip. That trip was one of the most horrifying events of my life. Now when I say horrifying, what comes to your mind? Monsters? Getting lost? Dying in the end? Well, none of those are it. In fact, nothing happened to me at all. Allow me to explain.


Ls: You know what the most horrifying event of my life would be? A timeloop. In a badfic. That we have to riff. Over and over again.

Delta: Yeesh, that would be actual hell.

It started on a Friday.


Delta: …why? Why did you have to remind me about that song’s existence?

Ls: Because it’s Friiiday, Friiiiiday, everybody knows it’s Friiiiday.

Ls: Except in New Zealand, where it’s probably Saturday right now. Come to think of it, I have no idea what day this will be posted. Maybe I should put it on a Saturday, so it’ll post Friday US time.

Delta: Yeah, it’s currently midday Saturday in NZ as I’m writing this.

The Friday school let out.



“Well, that’s the bell. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. Out, and have a great rest of the day before the summer break,”

Ls: So funny, amirite?

Delta: Absolutely hilarious. Just look at how hard I’m laughing.

The teacher began to usher us all out of the room.

“Yo, Nooroo?” a tall, green-haired upperclassman tapped my shoulder as I was introvertedly shuffling out of the room with the rest of the class.

Ls: Right, because every one of those kwamis I just mentioned is a human now, or so I assume. This is, as far as I can tell, a high school AU of a fic that already was set in a high school.

“Hello, Wayzz.” I offered a faint smile.

Ls: Who is our narrator here?

“Meet me and the others at the tree during lunch period,” he quickly walked away, leaving me to wonder what it was he wanted.

Ls: Me too, Nameless Protagonist.

I slowly walked into my 4th-period class; my last class before lunch. I quietly took my seat at my desk and retrieved my notebook and pen. Moments later, a hyperactive ginger kid ran into the room and forcefully slid into the desk next to me.

He took a long, deep breath, “Hi,Nooroo!

Ls: Ah, so Nooroo is our first-person narrator.



Delta: Advice to authors: removing the spaces between words does not convey the idea of someone speaking quickly, it just makes what you’ve written incomprehensible!

“Slow… down…” I laughed softly. “Yes, I’m excited about summer vacation… The chemistry was okay… and the bonus question,”



I paused, too embarrassed to admit I’d had a struggle. “It was fine.”


“Nooroo Karanen and Trixx Kurtzberg?”

Ls: Those are terrible last names.

The teacher interrupted. Trixx and I both blushed in embarrassment and Trixx stopped talking.

The teacher smiled and began to go over the previous day’s homework, but I didn’t care to pay much attention. What could Wayzz possibly want? Usually, we met by the tree if it was for an urgent reason. The fact that he wanted the whole group there worried me; I’m not exactly social and I usually find myself with no more than two friends at a time. But all 9 of us?

Ls: Because the kwamis are all humans for some reason, and there are other random humans too.

Ls: Why, I would ask, though.

Soon enough, the class had ended and it was time for lunch period. I dreadfully walked outside to our tree.

Ls: You suck at walking.

I was there before anyone else. I quietly sat against the tree and waited.

“Hi, Nooroo!” greeted a familiar voice. I looked up and before me stood the blonde cheer captain and a close friend of mine, Pollen.

Ls: Pollen is the bee kwami. She’s… I dunno, vain?

“Hello, Pollen,” I whispered as she sat next to me and smoothed her ridiculously short skirt.

“Just us?”


“The others are probably still in class. Except for Trixx. I don’t know where he went…”

We both sat in silence before a redhead and ravenet joined us.

Ls: …

Ls: Oh, come on! Murphy’s Riffer’s Law strikes again.

Ls: About a week ago, in the Warden’s Break Room, we were discussing dumb fanfiction terms for hair colors, such as “bluenette” or “purplette” from that one Descendants/Godzilla fic. We found a Reddit post (on the Miraculous fanfiction sub, fittingly) that also listed some other words that shouldn’t be; including pinkette and ravenette.

0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (3)

Ls: I just had to open my big mouth.

(Also, meeshybee is Em’s name on Google Chats.)

Delta: I’m fairly sure I’ve seen the term used in MLB fics before, so I think it’s some kind of unanimous decision by fic writers to use such stupid words.

Ls: Oh, I’m sure, and I hate it.

Ls: Oh, and to add insult to injury, “ravenet” is just a French surname.

Their arms were linked and they were chatting amongst themselves. Tikki Dupain-Chang and Plagg Agreste were very close.

Ls: Why do they have Marinette and Adrien’s last name? Trixx and Nooroo at least didn’t just steal their wielder’s names.

There were rumours floating around that the two were possibly dating. They denied it but by the way they act, I believe them to be lying.

Ls: No one cares.

Pretty soon, all 9 of us were here; Tikki, Plagg, Wayzz, Trixx, Pollen, Duusu, Cupcake, Sprinkles, and myself.

Ls: Cupcake? Sprinkles???

Ls: What?

“What is it, Wayzz?” Cupcake asked.

Cupcake was one of the new transfer students, as well as his younger brother Sprinkles. Their real names were William and Jhordin, but everyone calls them Cupcake and Sprinkles. No one really knows how it started or why, but the whole school just goes along with it.

Ls: Those are terrible OC names.

Ls: And “Jhordin” is the most obnoxious way to spell “Jordan” ever.

“Well, I was thinking… today is a half-day, so after lunch, we get to pick up our yearbooks and get outta here,” Wayzz began.

“Your point?” Duusu asked, arms crossed.

Ls: He wants to get out of the school

“Do you think you would want to go on a hiking trip for the first week of summer vacation?” Wayzz asked, his tone sounding almost as though he expected us to say no.

Ls: That has nothing to do with the last thing he said, but okay.

Ls: Also, this is incredibly last-minute to plan a school trip. And why did they all need to meet in person for this? Wouldn’t it be better to say this in a group chat weeks ago?

“That sounds dope,” Plagg said flashing

Ls: No–

his signature smirk.

Ls: Oh.

“I’m in if Plagg is,” Tikki quickly said, placing a small kiss onto Plagg’s very reddened cheek.

“I have a cheer competition.” Pollen fussed.

“We can work something out with your coach… isn’t Buttercream a cheerleader?

Ls: Buttercream? Ye Those Gods, these OC names are awful!

She can take your place, right? She can, can’t she, Cupcake?” Trixx looked from Pollen to Cupcake.

“Brinn is busy,” Cupcake said, referring to his adult sister we all called Buttercream.

Ls: Just call her Brinn.

“But I can see if we can arrange something.”

“If we can, I’m in. It sounds fun.” Pollen smiled.

“We shall come,” Sprinkles grabbed Cupcake’s arm.

“I will,” Duusu quietly stated.

“And you, Nooroo?” everyone looked at me somewhat expectantly.

Ls: Oh, this’ll be an unexpectancy.

“Oh uh….” I looked down nervously. “Sure… I mean, if everyone else is going…”

“Great! I’ll see you all this evening! Meet here.”

And that’s how it all began.

That evening is when things really started to get interesting….

Ls: Oh, good, because this first chapter is incredibly boring.

Chapter 2: I’m Sorry

Ls: Oh, you’d better be.


“You’re ok, Nooroo,” Trixx soothed, smiling sweetly.
That smile… I loved that smile. I smiled slightly just as Trixx slipped off the narrow ledge we were standing on.

Ls: What kind of summary is that?


Hehe love this garbage

Ls: I hate this garbage.

Delta: Not really a good sign if you’re openly calling your own work garbage.

We were hiking through a mountain trail. Wayzz was leading our group through until we got to a suitable spot to camp for the night. All I heard out of the group were moans and complaints

Ls: Dunno about moaning, but Delta and I have certainly been complaining.

Delta: It’s really quite cathartic.

about aching backs and feet or being hungry. If I was being honest with myself, I was absolutely famished. But I knew complaining wasn’t going to get me anywhere, so I kept my mouth shut.

Ls: Why not? Can’t you stop for a snack break?

Trixx didn’t seem at all phased by the fact that we would probably be walking for another several hours before we took a break. He was happily skipping down the trail, close by my side he carried not only his own backpack but Pollen’s and Sprinkle’s backpacks, too. I always wondered how he could stay so energetic and positive all the time.

Ls: Oh, I’m very energetic, but also quite negative.

I really wished I had that kind of spirit.

“Ohohohoh!Didyouguysseethatdeerrunthroughthetrees?Itwassocute- ohmygodisthataredfox? CanIstopandtakeapicturepleasepleaseplease-“

Ls: Staaahp.


“Slow down,” we all said at once, cutting Trixx short from his statement.

Trixx blushed and looked down at the ground as he began to walk again. I observed him carefully. He didn’t look too upset, but it was clear he had been hurt, even if just a little. I decided to brush it off for now and keep up with the group.

Ls: This is so incredibly dull.

Tikki and Plagg were in front of Trixx and I, Duusu in front of them, Cupcake and Sprinkles in front of Duusu, Wayzz leading us all, and Pollen behind us.

“Waaaayyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzz,” fussed Dussu as she trudged closer to Wayzz.

“Yes, Duusu?”

“Are we there yeeettt…?”


She groaned in misery

Ls: relatable, tbh

as we continued to follow Wayzz. We began to reach the end of the forest and we approached a cliffside. Wayzz stopped and peered over the edge.

Ls: Don’t edge your cliffside on all that cut!

I absolutely hated heights, so I mentally pleaded for him to turn us around.

Ls: Why not just regular plead with him to turn around?

To my misfortune, he did not turn us around but had us keep going. We carefully inched our way across the cliff. I took deep breaths, trying to remain calm and collected.

“Are you ok?” Trixx asked me, noticing my breathing was abnormal.

Ls: No, Nooroo does not seem great, ok.

“Mhm,” I was beginning to feel nauseous.

Trixx put a hand on my shoulder, “don’t be afraid. Just look into my eyes. Don’t look down, just at me,”

Ls: Really?

He held my hands and walked backwards, not breaking eye contact. I walked forward, looking into his wonderful purple eyes. I gripped his warm hands tightly in my own cold ones.

Trixx continued to talk me through it, smiling and maintaining eye contact the entire time.

Ls: While walking next to a cliff? That sounds very dangerous.

Delta: Hopefully they’ll fall and bring an end to all this!

DOF Agent Derby: Oh, there’ll be falling alright…

Ls: Look at what you did, Delta!

At last, we were almost across.

“You’re ok, Nooroo,” Trixx soothed, smiling sweetly.

That smile… I loved that smile. I smiled

Ls: Go away, Role the Dice!

slightly just as Trixx slipped off the narrow ledge we were standing on.

Ls: See? Dangerous!

“Trixx?!” I peered over the edge, hyperventilating. He was still gripping my hands.

“I’m ok… don’t let go,” Trixx grunted as he tried to pull himself up.

My shout had drawn attention from the others, who were already across.

“Trixx! Oh my god!” Tikki gasped.

Ls: It’s almost like walking on a path next to a cliff with no railing is a bad idea.

“You two, don’t move. Nooroo, whatever you do… do NOT let go. I’m coming,” Plagg said, inching back onto the narrow cliffside.

“My hands are sweaty,” I got out through my heavy breathing of fear.

“Don’t let go,” Trixx looked up at me with tears in his eyes and a positive smile still plastered across his face, “please,”

Plagg inched closer, “Nooroo, try to pull him up,”

I tried and couldn’t. I was trembling like a leaf in the breeze. Tears were pouring down my face. I was sweating bullets.

“I can’t,”

“I’m coming. Hang in there,” Plagg muttered.

Ls: Yeah, that’s super helpful.

0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (4)

“I’ll be ok… I know I will. No matter what happens,”

Ls: Even if you fall off this Formless cliff and die?

Trixx muttered. I looked down at him. He was crying.

“I’m sorry, Trixx,” He was beginning to slip from my hands.

“Don’t let go! Please, Nooroo… please,” Trixx’s smile faded as he was sobbing.

“Don’t you dare let go, Nooroo,” Plagg scolded.

Ls: Are none of you idiots going to do anything to help him?

The pressure was all upon my shoulders. Someone’s life was literally in my hands. And not just someone. My best friends life was in my hands.

Ls: No, just the one friend, thankfully.

I tried to grip tighter. We looked at each other, both trying to keep a grip. Plagg finally reached us.

Ls: Finally..

“Ok, please try to pull again,” He softly told me.

“I can’t…” I cried, just as Trixx slipped from my hands.

“TRIXX!” We all shouted as he fell God knows how far down.

Ls: Hey, God of Tarzan Grammar, can tell us how far he fall?

“NO!” I screamed through my heavy tears, “TRIXX! NO!” I hugged Plagg and cried into his shoulder.

Ls: This is the most idiotic and melodramatic plot I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something.

Plagg sighed and picked up my small form and carried me onto safer ground.

Ls: Thanks for nothing, dude.

Several hours later we had set up our tents for the night. Most of us were asleep, but I couldn’t get myself to. While I normally sleep very little, I didn’t often have trouble sleeping such as I did tonight. Instead, I sat by the cliffside, having no more tears to cry as I looked over the edge.

Ls: Don’t Arianna Grande yourself on all that edge!

“Nooroo?” Muttered a voice.

Ls: Random Capitalization is Random.

I ignored the voice I knew was Tikki as she came and sat beside me.

“Nooroo, you know it wasn’t your fault, right?” She gently placed her warm, pale hand on my face and made me look at her.

Ls: It was Wayzz’s fault for taking everyone on this moronic cliffside walk.

“I know,” I whispered, locking my purple eyes with her blue ones.

Ls: At least they’re only one color? I can excuse the purple eyes, though, since Nooroo has them in canon. Granted, he’s also a magical being there, but…

Tikki brushed my lavender hair out of my face and wiped the single tear that remained on my reddened face.

Ls: We get it, you like color descriptions.

“Plagg wanted me to ask you if you want to stay with him tonight. I can always sleep with Duusu or Pollen tonight if you wanted,”

“I probably won’t end up sleeping,” I muttered, glancing back over the dreaded cli!.

Ls: Ah! The command-line interface!

“Mmmm… ok. Goodnight then,” she stood and gently kissed my forehead as she walked back into her tent.

I glanced up at the starry sky. I made a mental promise to Trixx that I would find him, whether he was dead or alive.

Ls: Well, you guys are human now (and can’t fly), and he just fell off a cliff, so my money would be on dead. Probably, the cliff is too Formless to really tell.

I felt a warmth fall over my shoulders.

*Ls adjusts his flamethrower.*

I looked to my right and standing beside me was Plagg with Tikki, who I had put a blanket over my shoulders.

Ls: Why are you forcing to Tikki to put a blanket on you?


“Nooroo, if you aren’t going to sleep tonight, it doesn’t feel right for me to,” Plagg said.

“I agree,” Tikki added.

Ls: Insomnia for all!

I was in shock but allowed them to join me nonetheless. Plagg immediately hugged me and muttered a series of “I’m sorry’s”. Tikki combed her fingers through my thick, shaggy hair.

“You guys really don’t have t-“

“Nooroo, don’t say that. Trixx is our friend too,” Plagg scolded.

I took note he said is and not was.

“I have a rope. Wanna sneak away and f-“ I cut Tikki o!.

Ls: O!

Ls: …I have no idea how that typo happened.


Plagg and Tikki laughed softly, “ok…” Plagg tied a rope to a tree and we prepared to leave. Before we could leave, we heard a rustle in the bushes and saw a pair of eyes glaring at us through the darkness.

Ls: Ooooh. Spoopy.


sbduvebwswuobgqokb love torturing my boys-

Ls: And by that you mean having a stroke?


Delta: That pun was bad and you should feel bad.

so my absolute favourite mlb artist is Leechee Doodles.

Ls: The author of A Twisted Fate kept stealing Leechee’s art, so I sort of know what you mean.

You can use their art as a reference for what the characters look like. Except cupcake and sprinkles… I’ll have to draw them myself eventually.

Ls: Thankfully, not.

Ls: By the way, Cupcake and Sprinkles are just so useless. Why are they here?

Delta: Emergency food?

Chapter 3


“What’s bothering you? You’ve seemed off all night. And I know it isn’t still Trixx; you’re past that shock,”

Ls: Are we sure that Nooroo is past all that? I would think that having my friend fall off a cliff, literally falling out of my hands, would be incredibly traumatic.

Delta: Yeah, that’s the kind of thing that would stick for a long time.

Plagg sat next to me, cross-legged and looking at me as though I’m about to tell a deep and spiritual story.

Ls: Are we going to pull a Death Kermit and have a bunch of lame “scary stories” that are just regurgitated from canon?

“I’ll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone… ok?” I reluctantly whispered.

He nodded eagerly.


This is kinda a filler chapter and the last one I had prewritten. The rest I’m writing from scratch from here on out. Not sure how consistent I’ll be considering I can’t remember where I was going with this 21ish months ago.

Ls: Luckily for us, this is also the last chapter, so the author never continued it.


“What’s that..?” Tikki asked as she tightly held Plagg’s hand.

Ls: I dunno. Probably the Void.

Both Plagg and I remained silent. My breath was heavy and my heartbeat was so loud, I thought the whole world could hear it. Was I afraid? No… I couldn’t be…, right?

“What is it?” Tikki repeated.

Ls: Your friend just fell off a cliff and probably died. Naturally, you continued onwards with your camping trip.

Plagg and I exchanged glances and started slowly towards the bush. I picked up a stick and held it tightly. As I prepared to slam it down on the bush, two voices pleaded for me to drop the stick. Cupcake and Sprinkles crawled out of the bush.

Ls: Oh, great, those two.

“What in the name of Hawkmoth were you two doing in there?!” Plagg whispered.

I cringed at hearing the name Hawkmoth.

Ls: …what.

Ls: Okay, so Hawkmoth is the main antagonist of the series, and the man who mistreats Nooroo for basically the entire series. I don’t understand how he fits into this weird AU where all the kwamis are human, nor do I see why Plagg would use his name as a curse like that.

“We were looking for bugs,” Sprinkles muttered.

Ls: Why?

“You were. You dragged me along with you. Bugs are gross,” Cupcake interrupted.

“Ok, I was looking for bugs. Then we heard you guys and were gonna follow you,”

Ls: Wait, I thought these two were on this trip the whole time. Unless they just mean that they were up in the middle of the night looking for bugs for some bizarre reason… ?

Plagg sighed and looked over at Tikki, who looked as though she just saw a ghost.

“Guys, please don’t go,” muttered the so! and tired voice of Wayzz, as he emerged from his tent.

Ls: The SO? Is this a PPC crossover where he’s been turned into a character blob with Wayzz?

I felt embarrassed in the moment,

Ls: But not later. Only here.

“Did we wake you?”

Wayzz shook his head gently and yawned, “We’ll look for Trixx in the morning- together,”

Ls: Because your friend possibly dying is far less important than you getting a good night’s sleep.

Ls: …why have none of them tried using their cell phones to call Trixx or the police? We’ve had no indication that this AU takes place in a time before cell phones.

My blood boiled at hearing him say that, “What if it’s too late by then?! What if… what if he’s dead?! What then?!”

Ls: I know, right? It’s almost as if the author is making all the characters OOC and dumb.

“I’m with Wayzz,” Plagg muttered. I could tell he felt sympathy for me, but he still had common sense.

Ls: He did? How is waiting until morning the only reasonable course of action? Your friend needs help! Call him! Call 9-1-1 (or the French equivalent)!

Ls: Don’t just sit there, not understanding how cups work!

Duusu and Pollen crawled out of their tents at my shouting.

“Nooroo, are you trying to wake up the whole forest?” Duusu mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

“Duusu, are you trying to make me kill you?” I retorted with a scoff.


0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (5)

“Nooroo,” Tikki gently took my trembling hand in her own, “calm down. Take deep breaths. Ok?”

Ls: You’re so helpful.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Good,” Tikki smiled softly.

“Ok. Now listen. We all are really worried about Trixx, but we can’t go after him without a gameplan. First of all, we need to be in pairs-

Ls: I guess that’s reasonable.

one group will have an extra person. Then we need a way of communication. How many of us have phones?” Wayzz asked.

Ls: Wait. You all have phones, and none of your morons even tried calling him?

Delta: I guess they’ve fallen into horror movie logic.

Plagg took out his phone, “I do.” “As do I,” Pollen smiled.

Cupcake and Sprinkles nodded.

Tikki smiled shyly and took her phone from her pocket.

“Ok, and so do I. Duusu and Nooroo?”

“I do, but the battery is dead,” Pollen sheepishly grinned.

“I… don’t,” I blushed embarrassed, “my father doesn’t trust me yet,”

Ls: How old are you? I thought you guys were all graduating seniors. What kind of dad allows you to go backpacking with your teenage friends and no adults, but also doesn’t want you to have a phone to contact him?

Wayzz was silent for a moment before replying with “ok, we can work around this,”

Ls: It’s really not that much of an issue, remember the whole “pairs” thing? Just put Nooroo with someone else.

As Wayzz was organizing how we would rescue Trixx,

Ls: Can you not call his parents to try to use Find My iPhone or some equivalent? There are so many obvious courses of action here that they’re all just ignoring.

I zoned out. I twirled a strand of my lavender hair around my finger and dazed o” at the stars.

Ls: Who’s talking now?

It was likely a good 45 minutes later before Plagg gently touched my shoulder, snapping me out of my trance.

“Are you ok..?” he asked me, concern dotting his tan face.

Ls: Ooh, you might want to get those checked out. Concern-acne is an issue.

I nodded, blinking slowly.

“You’re tired. Come on,” he led me into his tent.

“What about Tikki?”

“She’s with Pollen,” Plagg offered a tired half-smile.

I sighed and sat on a blanket he had spread over the bottom of the tent.

“What’s bothering you? You’ve seemed off all night. And I know it isn’t still Trixx; you’re passed that shock,”

Ls: That’s dumb, and we’ve already seen this in the summary.

Plagg sat next to me, cross-legged and looking at me as though I’m about to tell a deep and spiritual story.

“I’ll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone… ok?” I reluctantly whispered.

He nodded eagerly.

“Earlier… your statement ‘What in the name of Hawkmoth’…-“

Ls: I know, it made no sense in this context. Or any context, come to think of it.

“Crap! I offended you, didn’t I!?” he interrupted, struck with fear.

I gently placed my pale hand on top of his tan one, “No. I can assure you, you didn’t o”end me.”

Ls: What is with these typos?

He released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

“Hawkmoth is my father…” I whispered softly.

Ls: That’s… confusing, but okay.

Horror and shock spread across Plagg’s face. He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it again. I had a feeling he’d react this way.

Ls: I know, YouTube reaction content is the worst.

I awkwardly glanced down at our hands.

“Who else knows..?” Plagg was finally able to say. “…just you,” I murmured.

Ls: How do you know, Nooroo?

Another awkward silence filled the atmosphere.


0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (6)

“I don’t see you any different. Now that I know that, a lot of stuff makes sense.

Ls: No, no it doesn’t.

Why you’re so jumpy, why you don’t trust easily… and you’re evident lack of sleep.

Ls: And here I was, thinking he was a character.

Speaking of, when’s the last time you slept?”

“Who keeps track of that?”

“Um… a sane person.

Ls: Well, that’s gonna be hard to find around here.

Come here,”

I reluctantly crawled towards Plagg. He made me lay down and rest my head on his lap. He gently combed through my hair with his fingers. He hummed soothingly. I yawned.

“I should warn you,” I began.


“I suffer from sleep paralysis,” I said as I drifted off into sleep, “thought you should know…”


The last thing I heard before completely falling asleep was; “Don’t worry. I already promised Trixx that I would protect you… no matter what,”

Ls: But screw Trixx. He can rot at the bottom of a cliff for all we care.


Intense using the surnames of the actual human characters or VA’s intensifies….

Ls: Oh, so that’s what you’re doing.

Ls: Still dumb.

Anyway yeah so here’s this trainwreck.

Ls: Your word, not mine.

Chapters up to chapter 4 are already written but after that I’m writing everything from scratch.

Ls: Maybe you should just rewrite the whole thing?

Delta: Or just delete everything and forget it ever existed?

Again, I lost my acct on Wattpad but the story is on there if you wanna read it. Same title but the author name is GreenIceLove.

Ls: And thankfully there are no more than three chapters in the Wattpad version.

I won’t be posting on there (do I need to repeat my reason why?)

Ls: Um, yes. Is it just because you can’t log in to the account again, or do you hate Wattpad for some reason?

but yeah it’ll be here. Not sure how consistent updates will be after chapter 4

Ls: There are no more chapters, thankfully.

Delta: Well, nothing at all is a kind of consistency, I guess.

considering I work full time and I’m also a freshman college student :p

Ls: You did not need to tell us that.

anyway yeah please comment any suggestions you may have because I’m always willing to make adjustments to my already written chapters even tho you haven’t read them…

Ls: We did, they sucked.

Delta: On the bright side, that suckage added a fair bit of power to the vacuum cleaner.

also open to ships or maybe the addition of other kwami???

Ls: No.

Delta: Absolutely friggin’ not.

Ls: Anyway, that’s it for the fic. It wasn’t the worst thing ever, though the weird AU elements, insanely stupid plot points, and random typos were all grating. I give it a 7.5/10.

Ls: Anyway, thanks for riffing with me, Delta. It’s been a pleasure.

Delta: Great to be contributing to more than just group riffs.

Ls: Now remember, y’all, stay loony!

0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (7)

Author: Linstar

I like bad fanfiction.View all posts by Linstar

0360: Endless Summer (Oneshot) -Delta and Ls coriff (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.